Files @ 334157513064
Branch filter:

Location: ATITD-Tools/Desert-Paint-Lab/

Jason Maltzen
Change IsRed / IsGreen / IsBlue tests to be a little more tolerant of brighter pixels - was not detecting green clipped high correctly with the new brighter background texture.

if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then
	echo "Usage: $0 <version> <build name>"
	exit 1


mkdir -p publish
# Windows Release build
# NOTE: 32-bit because GTK# doesn't have 64-bit installers
( cd ./bin/x86/Release ; /usr/bin/zip -r ../../../publish/DesertPaintLab_${BUILD_NAME}.zip . -x .DS_Store )

( cd ./mac ; ./ "${VERSION}" "${BUILD_NAME}" )