Changeset - 3ac5ccfaadc1
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Jason Maltzen - 5 years ago 2019-11-02 02:39:05
Go back to old PP internal use of EarthLight as the name for FalconsBait
2 files changed with 5 insertions and 2 deletions:
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// Desert Paint Lab Ingredients
// Name | Practical Paint Name | RGB values
// These should be kept in the order they show up on the paint bench
// NOTE: EarthLight was replaced with Falcon's Bait in T9. Practical Paint was not updated

Cabbage Juice	| Cabbage	| 128, 64, 144
Carrot		| Carrot	| 224, 112, 32
Clay		| Clay		| 128, 96, 32
Dead Tongue	| DeadTongue	| 112, 64, 64
Toad Skin	| ToadSkin	| 48, 96, 48
Falcons Bait	| FalconsBait	| 128, 240, 224
Falcon's Bait	| EarthLight	| 128, 240, 224
Red Sand	| RedSand	| 144, 16, 24
Lead		| Lead		| 80, 80, 96
Silver Powder	| Silver	| 16, 16, 32
Iron		| Iron		| 96, 48, 32
Copper		| Copper	| 64, 192, 192
Sulfur		| Sulfur	| catalyst
Potash		| Potash	| catalyst
Lime		| Lime		| catalyst
Saltpeter	| Saltpeter	| catalyst
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// Ingredients are in the form:
// Name | RGB values | cost | enabled (Y/N) | bulk/normal | max items per paint (1-20)
// It is recommended to only change the cost value
// It is not recommended to set many of the ingredients above 10 per paint
// Note: EarthLight and FalconsBait are the same color - this uses EarthLight for the name

Cabbage		| 128, 64, 144   | 8      | Y | bulk    | 10
Carrot		| 224, 112, 32   | 8      | Y | bulk    | 10
Clay		| 128, 96, 32    | 10     | Y | bulk    | 20
DeadTongue	| 112, 64, 64    | 500    | Y | normal  | 4
ToadSkin	| 48, 96, 48     | 500    | Y | normal  | 4
FalconsBait	| 128, 240, 224  | 10000  | Y | normal  | 4
EarthLight	| 128, 240, 224  | 10000  | Y | normal  | 4
RedSand		| 144, 16, 24    | 4      | Y | bulk    | 20
Lead		| 80, 80, 96     | 50     | Y | normal  | 6
Silver		| 16, 16, 32     | 50     | Y | normal  | 6
Iron		| 96, 48, 32     | 30     | Y | normal  | 8
Copper		| 64, 192, 192   | 30     | Y | normal  | 8
Sulfur      | catalyst       | 15     | Y | normal  | 1
Potash      | catalyst       | 50     | Y | normal  | 1
Lime        | catalyst       | 20     | Y | normal  | 1
Saltpeter   | catalyst       | 10     | Y | normal  | 1
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