Changeset - f1323ba34306
[Not reviewed]
0 8 0
Jason Maltzen - 5 years ago 2019-11-07 16:31:54
Improved logging, sanity checking of settings (especially pixel multiplier), updated readme with some additional details on advanced settings.
8 files changed with 157 insertions and 95 deletions:
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)
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using System;

namespace DesertPaintLab
    public class AppSettings
        private AppSettings()

        private static Settings _settings = new Settings();

        public static void Get(string key, out int value)
        public static void Get(string key, out int value, int defaultValue)
            _settings.Get(key, out value);
            if (!_settings.TryGet(key, out value))
                value = defaultValue;
        public static void Get(string key, out bool value)
        public static void Get(string key, out bool value, bool defaultValue)
            _settings.Get(key, out value);
            if (!_settings.TryGet(key, out value))
                value = defaultValue;
        public static void Set(string key, int value)
            _settings.Set(key, value);
        public static void Set(string key, bool value)
            _settings.Set(key, value);

        public static void Save()
            string settingsPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(FileUtils.AppDataPath, "settings");

        public static bool Load()
            string settingsPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(FileUtils.AppDataPath, "settings");
            return _settings.Load(settingsPath);

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@@ -20,193 +20,193 @@

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using Gtk;
using DesertPaintLab;

public partial class MainWindow : Gtk.Window
    const string APP_VERSION = "1.7.15";

    bool unsavedData;
    bool shouldShutDown;
    List<string> profileList = new List<string>();
    PlayerProfile profile;

    Gdk.Window rootWindow;
    Gdk.Pixbuf screenBuffer;

    // views
    RecipeGeneratorView generatorView;
    SimulatorView simulatorView;
    CaptureView captureView;

    private ReactionStatusWindow _reactionStatusWindow;

    public bool ShouldShutDown
            return shouldShutDown;

    public MainWindow() : base(Gtk.WindowType.Toplevel)
        string appDataPath = FileUtils.AppDataPath;
        if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(appDataPath))

        DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(appDataPath);
        DirectoryInfo[] dirs = di.GetDirectories();
        foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in dirs)
            if (dir.Name != "template")

        string colorsPath = FileUtils.FindApplicationResourceFile("colors.txt");
        if (colorsPath == null)
            // failed to find colors.txt file
            MessageDialog md = new MessageDialog(this,
                MessageType.Error, ButtonsType.Close,
                "Failed to find colors.txt file. Please check your installation.");


        string ingredientsPath = FileUtils.FindApplicationResourceFile("ingredients.txt");
        if (ingredientsPath == null)
            // failed to find ingredients.txt file
            MessageDialog md = new MessageDialog(this,
                MessageType.Error, ButtonsType.Close,
                "Failed to find ingredients.txt file. Please check your installation.");



        // get the root window
        rootWindow = Gdk.Global.DefaultRootWindow;

        // get its width and height


        bool enableDebugMenu;
        AppSettings.Get("EnableDebugMenu", out enableDebugMenu);
        AppSettings.Get("EnableDebugMenu", out enableDebugMenu, false);
        this.DebugAction.Visible = enableDebugMenu;

        ReactionRecorder.Instance.OnReactionRecorded += OnReactionRecorded;

        if (!OpenProfile())
            shouldShutDown = true;

        if (!shouldShutDown)
            captureView = new CaptureView(profile, screenBuffer);
            generatorView = new RecipeGeneratorView(profile);
            generatorView.SetStatus += OnStatusUpdate;
            generatorView.Started += OnGeneratorRunning;
            generatorView.Stopped += OnGeneratorStopped;
            simulatorView = new SimulatorView(profile);


    bool ConfirmedExit()
        if (unsavedData)
            MessageDialog md = new MessageDialog(this,
                MessageType.Warning, ButtonsType.OkCancel,
                "Your last reaction was unsaved." +
                "Are you sure you want to quit?");

            ResponseType resp = (ResponseType)md.Run();
            return (resp == ResponseType.Ok);
        return true;

    protected void OnStatusUpdate(object sender, EventArgs args)
        StatusUpdateEventArgs statusArgs = (StatusUpdateEventArgs)args;
        statusBar.Push(0, statusArgs.Status);

    protected void OnGeneratorRunning(object sender, EventArgs args)
        NewProfileAction.Sensitive = false;
        OpenProfileAction.Sensitive = false;
        ImportProfileAction.Sensitive = false;
        if (captureView != null)

    protected void OnGeneratorStopped(object sender, EventArgs args)
        NewProfileAction.Sensitive = true;
        OpenProfileAction.Sensitive = true;
        ImportProfileAction.Sensitive = true;
        if (captureView != null)

    void SetProfileName(string name)
        profile = new PlayerProfile(name,
            System.IO.Path.Combine(FileUtils.AppDataPath, name));

    void ProfileChanged()
        statusBar.Push(0, "Profile: " + profile.Name);
        Title = "Desert Paint Lab - " + profile.Name;

        if (generatorView != null)
            generatorView.Profile = profile;
        if (simulatorView != null)
            simulatorView.Profile = profile;
        if (captureView != null)
            captureView.Profile = profile;

    bool NewProfile()
        bool newProfileCreated = false;
@@ -257,195 +257,196 @@ public partial class MainWindow : Gtk.Wi
    bool OpenProfile()
        bool profileSelected = false;

        if (profileList.Count > 0)
            SelectProfileDialog selectProfileDialog = new SelectProfileDialog {
                ProfileList = profileList
            ResponseType resp = (ResponseType)selectProfileDialog.Run();
            string selectedProfile = selectProfileDialog.SelectedProfile;
            if ((resp == ResponseType.Ok) && (selectedProfile.Length > 0))
            // Selected a profile.
                profileSelected = true;
            else if (resp == ResponseType.Accept) // New profile.
                profileSelected = NewProfile();
            FirstRunDialog firstRunDialog = new FirstRunDialog();
            ResponseType resp = (ResponseType)firstRunDialog.Run();
            if (resp == ResponseType.Ok) // New profile
                profileSelected = NewProfile();
            else if (resp == ResponseType.Accept) // Import
                FileChooserDialog fileDialog =
                    new FileChooserDialog("Select reactions.txt file.",
                    this, FileChooserAction.Open,
                    Gtk.Stock.Cancel, ResponseType.Cancel,
                    Gtk.Stock.Open, ResponseType.Accept);
                resp = (ResponseType)fileDialog.Run();
                if (resp == ResponseType.Accept)
                    string fileName = fileDialog.Filename;
                    string directory = fileDialog.CurrentFolder;
                    if (fileName == "reactions.txt")
                        profileSelected = NewProfile();
                        if (profileSelected)

        if (profileSelected)
            bool ok = profile.Load();

            if (ok)
                MessageDialog md = new MessageDialog(this,
                    MessageType.Error, ButtonsType.Ok,
                    "Error loading profile: " + profile.LastError);

                profileSelected = false;

        return profileSelected;

    protected void OnDeleteEvent(object sender, DeleteEventArgs a)
        if (ConfirmedExit())
            a.RetVal = true;
            a.RetVal = false;

    protected virtual void OnDebugScreenshot(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
        int screenWidth, screenHeight;
        rootWindow.GetSize(out screenWidth, out screenHeight);
        DesertPaintLab.AppSettings.Get("ScreenWidth", out screenWidth);
        DesertPaintLab.AppSettings.Get("ScreenHeight", out screenHeight);
        int windowScreenWidth, windowScreenHeight;
        rootWindow.GetSize(out windowScreenWidth, out windowScreenHeight);
        AppSettings.Get("ScreenWidth", out screenWidth, windowScreenWidth);
        AppSettings.Get("ScreenHeight", out screenHeight, windowScreenHeight);
        Gdk.Image rootImage = rootWindow.GetImage(0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight);
        screenBuffer.GetFromImage(rootImage, rootImage.Colormap, 0, 0, 0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight);
        string screenshotDir = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments);
        string filename;
        int i = 0;
            filename = System.IO.Path.Combine(screenshotDir, String.Format("DesertPaintLab_{0}.png", i));
        } while (System.IO.File.Exists(filename));
        screenBuffer.Save(filename, "png");

    protected virtual void OnNewProfile(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
        if (unsavedData)
            MessageDialog md = new MessageDialog(this,
                MessageType.Warning, ButtonsType.OkCancel,
                "Your last reaction was unsaved." +
                "Are you sure you want to lose your changes?");

            ResponseType resp = (ResponseType)md.Run();
            if (resp != ResponseType.Ok)

        if (NewProfile())
            bool ok = profile.Load();
            if (ok)
                MessageDialog md = new MessageDialog(this,
                    MessageType.Warning, ButtonsType.OkCancel,
                    "Failed to load profile: " + profile.LastError);

    protected virtual void OnOpenProfile(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
        bool profileSelected = false;
        SelectProfileDialog selectProfileDialog = new SelectProfileDialog {
            ProfileList = profileList
        ResponseType resp = (ResponseType)selectProfileDialog.Run();
        if (resp == ResponseType.Ok) // Selected a profile.
            profileSelected = true;
        else if (resp == ResponseType.Accept) // New profile.
            profileSelected = NewProfile();
        if (profileSelected)
            bool ok = profile.Load();
            if (ok)
                MessageDialog md = new MessageDialog(this,
                    MessageType.Warning, ButtonsType.OkCancel,
                    "Failed to load profile: " + profile.LastError);

    protected virtual void OnAbout(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
        AboutDialog aboutDialog = new AboutDialog {
            ProgramName = "Desert Paint Lab",
            Version = APP_VERSION,
            Comments = "Desert Paint Lab paint reaction recorder for A Tale in the Desert",
            Authors = new string [] { "Tess Snider", "Jason Maltzen" }
        //aboutDialog.Website = "";
@@ -632,148 +633,151 @@ public partial class MainWindow : Gtk.Wi
        if (captureView == null)
            captureView = new CaptureView(profile, screenBuffer);
        if (captureView.Visible == false)

        // TODO: enable/disable menu options based on view
        NewProfileAction.Sensitive = true;
        OpenProfileAction.Sensitive = true;
        ImportProfileAction.Sensitive = true;

    protected void OnSelectRecipeGeneratorView(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (captureView != null && captureView.Visible)
        if (simulatorView != null && simulatorView.Visible)
        if (generatorView == null)
            generatorView = new RecipeGeneratorView(profile);
            generatorView.SetStatus += OnStatusUpdate;
            generatorView.Started += OnGeneratorRunning;
            generatorView.Stopped += OnGeneratorStopped;
        if (generatorView.Visible == false)

        // TODO: only when generator is running
        NewProfileAction.Sensitive = false;
        OpenProfileAction.Sensitive = false;
        ImportProfileAction.Sensitive = false;
        // TODO: enable/disable menu options based on view

    protected void OnSelectSimulatorView(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (captureView != null && captureView.Visible)
        if (generatorView != null && generatorView.Visible)
        if (simulatorView == null)
            simulatorView = new SimulatorView(profile);
        if (simulatorView.Visible == false)
        // TODO: enable/disable menu options based on view
        NewProfileAction.Sensitive = true;
        OpenProfileAction.Sensitive = true;
        ImportProfileAction.Sensitive = true;

    protected void ShowPreferencesDialog()
        int detectedScreenWidth;
        int detectedScreenHeight;
        rootWindow.GetSize(out detectedScreenWidth, out detectedScreenHeight);
        int screenWidth = detectedScreenWidth;
        int screenHeight = detectedScreenHeight;
        int pixelMultiplier = 1;
        int interfaceSizeIndex = (int)(InterfaceSize.Small);

        AppSettings.Get("ScreenWidth", out screenWidth);
        AppSettings.Get("ScreenHeight", out screenHeight);
        AppSettings.Get("PixelMultiplier", out pixelMultiplier);
        AppSettings.Get("InterfaceSize", out interfaceSizeIndex);
        AppSettings.Get("ScreenWidth", out screenWidth, detectedScreenWidth);
        AppSettings.Get("ScreenHeight", out screenHeight, detectedScreenHeight);
        AppSettings.Get("PixelMultiplier", out pixelMultiplier, 1);
        AppSettings.Get("InterfaceSize", out interfaceSizeIndex, (int)InterfaceSize.Small);
        InterfaceSize interfaceSize = (InterfaceSize)interfaceSizeIndex;

        // Sanitize
        pixelMultiplier = Math.Max(1, Math.Min(pixelMultiplier, 4));

        ScreenCheckDialog screenCheckDialog = new ScreenCheckDialog {
            DetectedScreenWidth = detectedScreenWidth,
            DetectedScreenHeight = detectedScreenHeight,
            ScreenWidth = screenWidth,
            ScreenHeight = screenHeight,
            GamePixelWidth = pixelMultiplier,
            InterfaceSize = interfaceSize

        ResponseType resp = (ResponseType)screenCheckDialog.Run();

        screenWidth = Math.Max(640, screenCheckDialog.ScreenWidth); // don't support screen smaller than 640x480 no matter what the user says
        screenHeight = Math.Max(480, screenCheckDialog.ScreenHeight);
        pixelMultiplier = Math.Max(1, screenCheckDialog.GamePixelWidth); // Don't allow 0/negative pixel multiplier
        interfaceSize = screenCheckDialog.InterfaceSize;

        AppSettings.Set("ScreenWidth", screenWidth);
        AppSettings.Set("ScreenHeight", screenHeight);
        AppSettings.Set("PixelMultiplier", pixelMultiplier);
        AppSettings.Set("InterfaceSize", (int)interfaceSize);

        screenBuffer = new Gdk.Pixbuf(Gdk.Colorspace.Rgb, false, 8, screenWidth, screenHeight);


    protected void OnPreferences(object sender, EventArgs e)

        int screenWidth = 1920;
        int screenHeight = 1080;
        int pixelMultiplier = 1;
        int interfaceSizeIndex = (int)(InterfaceSize.Small);
        int screenWidth;
        int screenHeight;
        int pixelMultiplier;
        int interfaceSizeIndex;

        AppSettings.Get("ScreenWidth", out screenWidth);
        AppSettings.Get("ScreenHeight", out screenHeight);
        AppSettings.Get("PixelMultiplier", out pixelMultiplier);
        AppSettings.Get("InterfaceSize", out interfaceSizeIndex);
        AppSettings.Get("ScreenWidth", out screenWidth, 1920);
        AppSettings.Get("ScreenHeight", out screenHeight, 1080);
        AppSettings.Get("PixelMultiplier", out pixelMultiplier, 1);
        AppSettings.Get("InterfaceSize", out interfaceSizeIndex, (int)InterfaceSize.Small);

        captureView.ScreenBuffer = screenBuffer;
Show inline comments
@@ -11,115 +11,127 @@ ingredient reactions in [A Tale in the D
* Can export to [PracticalPaint]( data format.
* Includes simulator for experimenting with recipes without spending ingredients.
* Includes a recipe generator

## Tale 9

* New papyrus texture in interfaces
* Earth Light was replaced by Falcon's Bait mushrooms. Practical Paint still uses the name EarthLight internally, so the data files still use that name here as well.
* macOS is now a 64-bit app. Windows remains 32-bit due to incompatibilities with the UI library.
* macOS build does not support Catalina (is not notarized)

### Known issues

* Multiple screen setups requre setting the resolution to the combined resolution of all screens.
* UI does not lay out properly on high-density screens. Buttons and dropdowns are where they should be, but draw in the wrong place.

## Tale 8

This application has not yet been tested for Tale 8.  We will be testing it out as soon as we get our hands on a Pigment Lab.  If you find any problems with it, please [open an issue]( or /chat Afrah or Snoerr
in the game.


## Directions

### Download Desert Paint Lab

You can always find the available downloads, on [the download page](

The most recent version is [T9 Release 6]( For Mac, you can download a [dmg containing a Mac app bundle](

This application should run under Mono on Mac, Linux, and Windows.  If you are on Windows,
and do not have Mono installed, you can install [GTK# for .NET](,
without the need for installing Mono. On Mac or Linux, download and install the [Mono runtime](

### Set Up a Profile

The first time you run Desert Paint Lab, it will prompt you to make a profile.  You may either create a new profile, or import an existing PracticalPaint reactions.txt file.

### Start Testing!

Add two ingredients to your paint bench.  Select those same ingredients in Desert Paint Lab.  Then, with the Pigment Lab dialog unobstructred, select the **Capture** button.  Once you are satisfied with the result, click the **Record** button.  The data will automatically be added to your profile.

### Clipped?  Huh?

Occasionally, you will see a warning dialog that informs you that a "Reaction clipped."  That means that one or more of the color components moved outside of the testable range.  This makes it impossible to calculate the reaction from these two ingredients.

You can solve this by doing a three-way test.

1. In your clipped reaction, let's call your **1st** ingredient **A** and your **2nd** ingredient **B**.
1. Select a **non-catalyst** ingredient **C** for which you have already tested **C + A** and **C + B**.  It is OK if there was a reaction in those earlier tests.  Desert Paint Lab can work out the math.
1. In Desert Paint Lab, select ingredients as follows:
    1. **C**
    2. **A**
    3. **B**
1. Add the ingredients in your Pigment Lab _in exactly that order_.
1. Capture.
1. Record.

For clipped reactions, your **C** ingredient should be one that corrects for the clipped color.  Here are some suggested **C** ingredients for clipping correction:


Clip Color  | Clip Direction | Correction | Suggested "C" Ingredient
Red         | Low            | +Red       | Carrot (224) or Red Sand (144)
Red         | High           | -Red       | Silver Powder (16) or Toad Skin (48)
Green       | Low            | +Green     | Falcon's Bait (240) or Copper (192)
Green       | High           | -Green     | Red Sand (16) or Silver Powder (16)
Blue        | Low            | +Blue      | Falcon's Bait (224) or Copper (192)
Blue        | High           | -Blue      | Red Sand (24) or Clay (32) or Carrot (32) or Silver Powder (32)


In many cases, it may be easiest to go back and do these three-way tests after you have finished all of your other testing.

### Catalysts

For catalyst to catalyst reaction tests, follow the three-way instructions, as above.

### Finishing Up

When you're done testing your reactions, you can either use the built-in Pigment Lab simulator (`Window > Run Simulator`) to experiment with recipes, without dipping into your precious ingredient stocks.  Alternatively, you can export your reactions in PracticalPaint format.

## Generating Recipes

### What do all these settings do?

* _Minimum Ingredients_ is the minimum number of ingredients the generator will use in a recipe. It's best to leave this at 1 so the simple single-ingredient recipes are included (like 10 carrots for 'carrot')
* _Maximum Ingredients_ limits how many ingredients will be used in a recipe. Ingredients after the 5th will still affect the resulting color, but won't use their reactions.
* _Silk Ribbon Recipes_ sets the generator up to create recipes for silk ribbons. Ribbons use a base concentration of 50 instead of the 10 that is used for paint.
* _Maximum Concentration_ is the maximum recipe concentration. Recipes with a concentration above 10 will still produce a single db of paint, but can use larger quantities of ingredients to make smaller color adjustments. Increasing this will increase the time required to search all the possible combinations.
* _Full Quantity Depth_ is the number of ingredients in the recipe that will use up to the "full quantity" value as the limit for those ingredients over the ingredient's maximum.
* _Full Quantity_ is the maximum quantity of any ingredient to use up to the Full Quantity Depth. For example, with a Full Quantity of 15 and a Full Quantity Depth of 3, a recipe could use up to 15 of each of the first 3 ingredients. After that it will be limited by the setting for that specific ingredient.

## Known Issues

### Slowness

If you are running on a multi-screen system, or a very high-resolution screen, you may find that Desert Paint Lab is rather slow in determining paint reactions.  That's because you have a lot of screen real-estate to scan, to look for the Pigment Lab dialog.  You can speed up the scanning process by ensuring that your Pigment Lab Dialog is as far to the upper-left of the screen as possible.
If you are running on a multi-screen system, or a very high-resolution screen, you may find that Desert Paint Lab is rather slow in determining paint reactions.  That's because you have a lot of screen real-estate to scan, to look for the Pigment Lab dialog.  You can speed up the scanning process by ensuring that your Pigment Lab Dialog is as far to the upper-left of the screen as possible. Also see the advanced settings (below) for some additional options that may help.

### Multiple Displays

When Desert Paint Lab asks for the resolution for a multiple-display setup, enter the combined resolution of all displays. Generally the detected default for this will be correct. For example, two 1920x1080 displays in a side-by-side configuration would be a combined resolution of 3840x1080. In a stacked configuration, they would be 1920x2160.

### Retina / High-Density Screens

High DPI screens may be displaying the game at something other than a 1:1 game-pixel to screen-pixel ratio.  These screens didn't exist, back when Desert Paint Lab was created. The current version now prompts you for your screen resolution when it starts to work around this. If you see a crash when trying to capture a reaction, it's likely because the resolution is incorrect. For example, Snoerr's MacBook Pro has a retina screen with a resolution of 2880x1800. Mono (and therefore DesertPaintLab) detects it as having a resolution of 1440x900. He enters his resolution as 2880x1800 and sets the Game pixel width in screen pixels to 2.

## Mac user FAQ

Q: How do I find my native screen resolution?

A: You can find it by opening up "About this Mac" from the Apple menu and clicking on the "Displays" tab. That should show the screen size and resolution to enter.

## Advanced Settings

The settings file has several advanced options that are not available in the interface. Some of these are for debugging, while others are useful for improving the speed of finding the pigment lab interface. The settings file is found in AppData\Local\DesertPaintLab\settings on Windows, and in ~/.local/share/DesertPaintLab/settings on macOS.

* _scanarea.min.x_ sets the starting horizontal offset when searching for the pigment lab. This is useful in multi-screen setups to skip any leftmost displays. For example, a dual-screen setup with two side-by-side 3840x2160 displays where the game runs on the right screen would set this to 3840 to bypass scanning the left display.
* _scanarea.min.y_ Like scanarea.min.x, but skips the upper section of display
* _scanarea.max.x_ defines the rightmost edge of the area to scan
* _scanarea.max.y_ defines the bottom edge of the area to scan
* _enabledebugmenu_ enables debug tool menu to help track down problems. This also causes DPL to write debug log files during scanning and recipe generation. This can slow down scanning and recipe searching.
* _debugscreenshot_ automatically saves out a screenshot when searching for the pigment lab to help in debugging
* _logging.verbosity_ sets the verbosity of the logging between 0 and 3. The higher the value, the more detail is included in the log file.

## For Developers

This application was developed using [MonoDevelop](, and originally used the [Stetic GTK UI designer](
Show inline comments
 * Copyright (c) 2015, Jason Maltzen

 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
 of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
 in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
 to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
 copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
 furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

 The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
 all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


using System;
using System.IO;

namespace DesertPaintLab
    // ReactionRecorder - business logic for recording paint reactions
    public class ReactionRecorder
        public delegate void CaptureProgressHandler(int x, int y);
        public CaptureProgressHandler OnCaptureProgress;

        public enum LogVerbosity

        const int COLOR_TOLERANCE = 3;

        const InterfaceSize DEFAULT_INTERFACE_SIZE = InterfaceSize.Small;

        // Swatch is 301x20 solid color, 1px darker left/top, 1px black outer left/top, 1px light right/bottom, 1px bright right/bottom
        // top-right and bottom-left are bright instead of black

        // Color bars are 4x302 solid color, 2px border on all sides (darker left/top, lighter bottom/right

        public static readonly int[] SWATCH_HEIGHT = 
            24, // tiny
            24, // small
            24, // medium
            24, // large
            24 // huge
        public static readonly int[] SWATCH_WIDTH =
            306, // tiny
            306, // small
            306, // medium
            320, // large
            350 // huge
        public static readonly int[] COLOR_BAR_WIDTH =
            306, // tiny
            306, // small -- includes left and right borders
            306, // medium
            320, // large
            350 // huge
        public static readonly int[] RED_BAR_SPACING =
            32, // tiny
            32, // small
            32, // medium
            32, // large
            32 // huge
        public static readonly int[] GREEN_BAR_SPACING =
            42, // tiny
            42, // small
            42, // medium
            42, // large
            42 // huge
        public static readonly int[] BLUE_BAR_SPACING =
            52, // tiny
            52, // small
            52, // medium
            52, // large
            52 // huge
        // width to test on ends of swatch (10% on either end)
        public static readonly int[] SWATCH_TEST_WIDTH =
            26, // tiny
            26, // small
            26, // medium
            28, // large
            31  // huge

        int swatchHeight = SWATCH_HEIGHT[(int)DEFAULT_INTERFACE_SIZE];
        int swatchWidth = SWATCH_WIDTH[(int)DEFAULT_INTERFACE_SIZE];
        int swatchTestWidth = SWATCH_TEST_WIDTH[(int)DEFAULT_INTERFACE_SIZE];
        int colorBarWidth = COLOR_BAR_WIDTH[(int)DEFAULT_INTERFACE_SIZE];
        int redBarSpacing = RED_BAR_SPACING[(int)DEFAULT_INTERFACE_SIZE];
        int greenBarSpacing = GREEN_BAR_SPACING[(int)DEFAULT_INTERFACE_SIZE];
        int blueBarSpacing = BLUE_BAR_SPACING[(int)DEFAULT_INTERFACE_SIZE];

        public int SwatchHeight {  get { return swatchHeight; } }
        public int SwatchWidth {  get { return swatchWidth; } }
        public int ColorBarWidth { get { return colorBarWidth;  } }
        public int RedBarSpacing {  get { return redBarSpacing; } }
        public int GreenBarSpacing { get { return greenBarSpacing; } }
        public int BlueBarSpacing {  get { return blueBarSpacing; } }

        // Current Status
        public bool IsCaptured { get; private set; }
        public int X { get; private set; }
        public int Y { get; private set; }
        public int ScreenWidth { get; private set; }
        public int ScreenHeight { get; private set; }
        private PaintColor _recordedColor = new PaintColor();
        public PaintColor RecordedColor { get { return _recordedColor; } private set { _recordedColor.Set(value); } }
        public int RedBarX { get; private set; }
        public int RedBarY { get; private set; }

        int pixelMultiplier = 1;
        public int PixelMultiplier
                return pixelMultiplier;
                pixelMultiplier = value;
        private InterfaceSize interfaceSize;
        public InterfaceSize InterfaceSize
                return interfaceSize;
                interfaceSize = value;

        bool firstRun = true;
        int lastSwatchX = -1;
        int lastSwatchY = -1;
        public int SwatchX { get { return lastSwatchX; } }
        public int SwatchY { get { return lastSwatchY; } }

        private LogVerbosity logVerbosity = LogVerbosity.Normal;

        private class PixelColor
            public byte r;
            public byte g;
            public byte b;

            public bool IsMatch(PixelColor other)
                return ((Math.Abs(r - other.r) <= COLOR_TOLERANCE) &&
                    (Math.Abs(g - other.g) <= COLOR_TOLERANCE) &&
                    (Math.Abs(b - other.b) <= COLOR_TOLERANCE));

            public static bool IsDark(PixelColor color)
                return (color.r < 0x47) && (color.g < 0x47) && (color.b < 0x47);

            public static bool IsPapyrus(PixelColor color)
                // red between 208 and 244
                // 240 and 255
                // green between 192 and 237
                // 223 and 250
                // blue between 145 and 205
                // 178 and 232
                //return ((r > 0xD0) && (g >= 0xC0) && (b >= 0x91)) &&
                //       ((r < 0xF4) && (g <= 0xED) && (b <= 0xCD));
                return ((color.r >= 0xF0) && (color.r <= 0xFF) && (color.g >= 0xDF) && (color.g <= 0xFA) && (color.b >= 0xB2) && (color.b <= 0xE8));

            public static bool IsRed(PixelColor color)
                return (color.r > 0x9F) && (color.g < 0x62) && (color.b < 0x62);
            public static bool IsGreen(PixelColor color)
                return (color.r < 0x62) && (color.g > 0x9F) && (color.b < 0x62);
            public static bool IsBlue(PixelColor color)
                return (color.r < 0x62) && (color.g < 0x62) && (color.b > 0x9F);

        unsafe private class Pixels
            public byte* pixBytes;
            public int width;
            public int height;
            public int stride;
            public int pixelMultiplier;
            public int numChannels;

            private PixelColor _tempColor = new PixelColor();
            private PixelColor _tempColor2 = new PixelColor();

            public int ComputeOffset(int x, int y)
                return (y * pixelMultiplier * stride) + (x * pixelMultiplier * numChannels);

            public int UpdateOffset(int offset, int xChange, int yChange)
                return offset + (yChange * pixelMultiplier * stride) + (xChange * pixelMultiplier * numChannels);

            unsafe public void ColorAt(int offset, ref PixelColor pixel)
                pixel.r = pixBytes[offset];
                pixel.g = pixBytes[offset + 1];
                pixel.b = pixBytes[offset + 2];

            unsafe public void ColorAt(int x, int y, ref PixelColor pixel)
                int offset = ComputeOffset(x, y);
                ColorAt(offset, ref pixel);

            unsafe public bool DoesPixelMatch(int x, int y, Func<PixelColor, bool> matchFunc)
                int offset = ComputeOffset(x, y);
                ColorAt(offset, ref _tempColor);
                return matchFunc(_tempColor);

            unsafe public bool DoesPixelMatch(int offset, Func<PixelColor, bool> matchFunc)
                ColorAt(offset, ref _tempColor);
                return matchFunc(_tempColor);

            // Compute length of horizontal bar starting at x,y using matching function
            unsafe public int LengthOfColorAt(int x, int y, Func<PixelColor, bool> matchesColor)
                int count = 0;
                for (int xVal = x; xVal < width; ++xVal)
                    int offset = ComputeOffset(xVal, y);
                    if (!DoesPixelMatch(xVal, y, matchesColor)) break;
                return count;

            unsafe public bool IsSolidPatchAt(int x, int y, int patchWidth, int patchHeight)
                if ((x + patchWidth >= width) || (y + patchHeight >= height)) return false;
                ColorAt(x, y, ref _tempColor2);
                Console.WriteLine("color at {0},{1} = {2},{3},{4}", x, y, _tempColor2.r, _tempColor2.g, _tempColor2.b);
                bool ok = true;
                ok &= DoesPixelMatch(x + patchWidth - 1, y, _tempColor2.IsMatch);
                ok &= DoesPixelMatch(x, y + patchHeight - 1, _tempColor2.IsMatch);
                ok &= DoesPixelMatch(x + patchWidth - 1, y + patchHeight - 1, _tempColor2.IsMatch);
                for (int xOff = 1; ok && (xOff < patchWidth - 1); ++xOff)
                    ok &= DoesPixelMatch(x + xOff, y, _tempColor2.IsMatch);
                    ok &= DoesPixelMatch(x + xOff, y + patchHeight - 1, _tempColor2.IsMatch);
                for (int yOff = 1; ok && (yOff < patchHeight - 1); ++yOff)
                    ok &= DoesPixelMatch(x, y + yOff, _tempColor2.IsMatch);
                    ok &= DoesPixelMatch(x + patchWidth - 1, y + yOff, _tempColor2.IsMatch);
                for (int yOff = 1; ok && (yOff < patchHeight - 1); ++yOff)
                    for (int xOff = 1; ok && (xOff < patchWidth - 1); ++xOff)
                        ok &= DoesPixelMatch(x + xOff, y + yOff, _tempColor2.IsMatch);
                return ok;

        private static ReactionRecorder _instance;
        public static ReactionRecorder Instance
            get {
                if (_instance == null)
                    _instance = new ReactionRecorder();
                return _instance;

        public StreamWriter Log { get; set; }
        private void WriteLog(string format, params object[] args)
        private void WriteLog(LogVerbosity verbosity, string format, params object[] args)
            if (Log != null)
            if ((Log != null) && (verbosity <= logVerbosity))
                Log.WriteLine(format, args);

        public delegate void ReactionRecordedHandler(Reagent reagent1, Reagent reagent2, Reaction reaction);
        public ReactionRecordedHandler OnReactionRecorded;

        public ReactionRecorder()
            pixelMultiplier = 1;
            interfaceSize = DEFAULT_INTERFACE_SIZE;


        public ReactionRecorder(int pixelMultiplier)
            this.pixelMultiplier = pixelMultiplier;
            this.interfaceSize = DEFAULT_INTERFACE_SIZE;


        public ReactionRecorder(int pixelMultiplier, InterfaceSize interfaceSize)
            this.pixelMultiplier = pixelMultiplier;
            this.interfaceSize = interfaceSize;


        public void SetPixelMultiplier(int pixelMultiplier)
            this.pixelMultiplier = pixelMultiplier;


        public void SetInterfaceSize(InterfaceSize interfaceSize)
            this.interfaceSize = interfaceSize;


        private void UpdateSwatchSizes()
            swatchHeight = SWATCH_HEIGHT[(int)interfaceSize] * pixelMultiplier;
            swatchWidth = SWATCH_WIDTH[(int)interfaceSize] * pixelMultiplier;
            colorBarWidth = COLOR_BAR_WIDTH[(int)interfaceSize] * pixelMultiplier;
            redBarSpacing = RED_BAR_SPACING[(int)interfaceSize] * pixelMultiplier;
            greenBarSpacing = GREEN_BAR_SPACING[(int)interfaceSize] * pixelMultiplier;
            blueBarSpacing = BLUE_BAR_SPACING[(int)interfaceSize] * pixelMultiplier;
            swatchTestWidth = SWATCH_TEST_WIDTH[(int)interfaceSize] * pixelMultiplier;

        unsafe private bool IsPossibleSwatchSlice(Pixels pixels, int x, int y)
            int testPixelStart = pixels.ComputeOffset(x, y);
            PixelColor color = new PixelColor();
            pixels.ColorAt(x, y, ref color);

            bool isDarkPixel = false;
            //bool isPapyAbove = false;
            //bool isPapyBelow = false;

            // 1.) Check if the top pixel is a dark pixel.
            isDarkPixel = PixelColor.IsDark(color);
            //// 2.) Check the pixel above it to see if it's from the papy texture.
            //int otherPixelStart = testPixelStart - stride;
            //isPapyAbove = ((otherPixelStart >= 0) &&
            //    IsPapyTexture(pixBytes[otherPixelStart++], pixBytes[otherPixelStart++], pixBytes[otherPixelStart]));

            //// 3.) Check the pixel below where the swatch should be to see if it's also from the papy texture.
            //otherPixelStart = testPixelStart + (stride * swatchHeight);
            //isPapyBelow = (IsPapyTexture(pixBytes[otherPixelStart++], pixBytes[otherPixelStart++], pixBytes[otherPixelStart]));

            //bool result = isDarkPixel && isPapyAbove && isPapyBelow;
            bool result = isDarkPixel;

            // grab the swatch color
            // 2 down from top border
            pixels.ColorAt(x, y + 2, ref color);

            // scan the column from 2 below the top to 3 above the bottom to ensure the color matches
            for (int i = 2; result && (i < (swatchHeight-3)); ++i)
                result &= pixels.DoesPixelMatch(x, y + i, color.IsMatch);

            if (!result)
                WriteLog("Swatch slice at {0}, {1} failed to match", x, y);
                WriteLog(LogVerbosity.Normal, "Swatch slice at {0}, {1} failed to match", x, y);

            return result;

        unsafe private bool IsPossibleSwatchUpperLeft(Pixels pixels, int x, int y)
            int testPixelStart = pixels.ComputeOffset(x, y);

            if (testPixelStart < pixels.stride)
                WriteLog("Can't test {0},{1} - is not at least 1 row in", x, y);
                WriteLog(LogVerbosity.Normal, "Can't test {0},{1} - is not at least 1 row in", x, y);
                return false;

            bool result = true;

            int swatchSolidWidth = swatchWidth - 4;
            int swatchSolidHeight = swatchHeight - 5; // 2 top and 3 bottom pixels are slightly different colors
            int swatchSolidLeftX = x + 2;
            int swatchSolidTopY = y + 2;
            int swatchSolidRightX = swatchSolidLeftX + swatchSolidWidth - 1;
            int swatchSolidBottomY = swatchSolidTopY + swatchSolidHeight - 1;

            PixelColor swatchColor = new PixelColor();
            pixels.ColorAt(swatchSolidLeftX, swatchSolidTopY, ref swatchColor);

            // Check the other 3 corners of the swatch size for color match
            PixelColor testColor = new PixelColor();
            bool upperRightResult = pixels.DoesPixelMatch(swatchSolidRightX, swatchSolidTopY, swatchColor.IsMatch);
            //if (!upperRightResult)
            //    pixels.ColorAt(swatchSolidRightX, swatchSolidTopY, ref testColor);
            //    WriteLog("Upper-right mismatch for {8}, {9} - found {0},{1},{2} at {3}, {4} expected {5},{6},{7}", testColor.r, testColor.g, testColor.b, swatchSolidRightX, swatchSolidTopY, swatchColor.r, swatchColor.g, swatchColor.b, x, y);
            if (!upperRightResult)
                pixels.ColorAt(swatchSolidRightX, swatchSolidTopY, ref testColor);
                WriteLog(LogVerbosity.Excessive, "Upper-right mismatch for {8}, {9} - found {0},{1},{2} at {3}, {4} expected {5},{6},{7}", testColor.r, testColor.g, testColor.b, swatchSolidRightX, swatchSolidTopY, swatchColor.r, swatchColor.g, swatchColor.b, x, y);
            bool lowerLeftResult = pixels.DoesPixelMatch(swatchSolidLeftX, swatchSolidBottomY, swatchColor.IsMatch);
            //if (!lowerLeftResult)
            //    pixels.ColorAt(swatchSolidLeftX, swatchSolidBottomY, ref testColor);
            //    WriteLog("Lower-left mismatch for {8}, {9} - found {0},{1},{2} at {3}, {4} expected {5},{6},{7}", testColor.r, testColor.g, testColor.b, swatchSolidLeftX, swatchSolidBottomY, swatchColor.r, swatchColor.g, swatchColor.b, x, y);
            if (!lowerLeftResult)
                pixels.ColorAt(swatchSolidLeftX, swatchSolidBottomY, ref testColor);
                WriteLog(LogVerbosity.Excessive, "Lower-left mismatch for {8}, {9} - found {0},{1},{2} at {3}, {4} expected {5},{6},{7}", testColor.r, testColor.g, testColor.b, swatchSolidLeftX, swatchSolidBottomY, swatchColor.r, swatchColor.g, swatchColor.b, x, y);
            bool lowerRightResult = pixels.DoesPixelMatch(swatchSolidRightX, swatchSolidBottomY, swatchColor.IsMatch);
            //if (!lowerRightResult)
            //    pixels.ColorAt(swatchSolidRightX, swatchSolidBottomY, ref testColor);
            //    WriteLog("Lower-right mismatch for {8}, {9} - found {0},{1},{2} at {3}, {4} expected {5},{6},{7}", testColor.r, testColor.g, testColor.b, swatchSolidRightX, swatchSolidBottomY, swatchColor.r, swatchColor.g, swatchColor.b, x, y);
            if (!lowerRightResult)
                pixels.ColorAt(swatchSolidRightX, swatchSolidBottomY, ref testColor);
                WriteLog(LogVerbosity.Excessive, "Lower-right mismatch for {8}, {9} - found {0},{1},{2} at {3}, {4} expected {5},{6},{7}", testColor.r, testColor.g, testColor.b, swatchSolidRightX, swatchSolidBottomY, swatchColor.r, swatchColor.g, swatchColor.b, x, y);

            result &= upperRightResult;
            result &= lowerLeftResult;
            result &= lowerRightResult;
            if (!result)
                // Box corners test failed
                // WriteLog("Failed to find left edge for potential swatch of color {2}, {3}, {4} at {0}, {1}", x, y, swatch_r, swatch_g, swatch_b);
                WriteLog(LogVerbosity.High, "Failed to find left edge for potential swatch of color {2}, {3}, {4} at {0}, {1}", x, y, swatchColor.r, swatchColor.g, swatchColor.b);
                return false;

            // scan down the right and left sides
            for (int yOff = 1; yOff < (swatchSolidHeight - 1); ++yOff)
                result &= pixels.DoesPixelMatch(swatchSolidLeftX, swatchSolidTopY + yOff, swatchColor.IsMatch);
                if (!result)
                    pixels.ColorAt(swatchSolidLeftX, swatchSolidTopY + yOff, ref testColor);
                result &= pixels.DoesPixelMatch(swatchSolidRightX, swatchSolidTopY + yOff, swatchColor.IsMatch);
                if (!result)
                    pixels.ColorAt(swatchSolidRightX, swatchSolidTopY + yOff, ref testColor);
            if (!result)
                WriteLog("Failed to find left/right edges for potential swatch of color {2}, {3}, {4} at {0}, {1} [failed color = {5},{6},{7}]", x, y, swatchColor.r, swatchColor.g, swatchColor.b, testColor.r, testColor.g, testColor.b);
                WriteLog(LogVerbosity.Normal, "Failed to find left/right edges for potential swatch of color {2}, {3}, {4} at {0}, {1} [failed color = {5},{6},{7}]", x, y, swatchColor.r, swatchColor.g, swatchColor.b, testColor.r, testColor.g, testColor.b);
                return false;
            for (int xOff = 1; xOff < (swatchSolidWidth - 1); ++xOff)
                result &= pixels.DoesPixelMatch(swatchSolidLeftX + xOff, swatchSolidTopY, swatchColor.IsMatch);
                if (!result)
                    pixels.ColorAt(swatchSolidLeftX + xOff, swatchSolidTopY, ref testColor);
                result &= pixels.DoesPixelMatch(swatchSolidLeftX + xOff, swatchSolidBottomY, swatchColor.IsMatch);
                if (!result)
                    pixels.ColorAt(swatchSolidLeftX + xOff, swatchSolidBottomY, ref testColor);
            if (!result)
                WriteLog("Failed to match upper/lower edges for potential swatch of color {2}, {3}, {4} at {0}, {1} [failed color = {5},{6},{7}]", x, y, swatchColor.r, swatchColor.g, swatchColor.b, testColor.r, testColor.g, testColor.b);
                WriteLog(LogVerbosity.Normal, "Failed to match upper/lower edges for potential swatch of color {2}, {3}, {4} at {0}, {1} [failed color = {5},{6},{7}]", x, y, swatchColor.r, swatchColor.g, swatchColor.b, testColor.r, testColor.g, testColor.b);
                return false;


            // test the left edge for dark pixels -- the bottom-most pixel is bright now
            int i = 0;
            for (i = 1; result && i < swatchHeight - 1; ++i)
                result &= pixels.DoesPixelMatch(x, y + i, PixelColor.IsDark);
            if (!result)
                // No dark border on the left side
                WriteLog("Failed to find left border for potential swatch of color {2}, {3}, {4} at {0}, {1}", x, y, swatchColor.r, swatchColor.g, swatchColor.b);
                WriteLog(LogVerbosity.Normal, "Failed to find left border for potential swatch of color {2}, {3}, {4} at {0}, {1}", x, y, swatchColor.r, swatchColor.g, swatchColor.b);
                return false;

            // test the dark top border and for papyrus above and below the swatch
            bool borderError = false;
            int papyErrorCount = 0;
            for (i = 0; result && (i < swatchWidth - 1); ++i)
                bool isBorder = pixels.DoesPixelMatch(x + i, y, PixelColor.IsDark);
                result &= isBorder;
                if (!isBorder)
                    WriteLog("Probably swatch at {0},{1} failed upper border test at {2},{3}", x, y, x + i, y);
                    WriteLog(LogVerbosity.Normal, "Probable swatch at {0},{1} failed upper border test at {2},{3}", x, y, x + i, y);
                    borderError = true;

                // Checking along the top of the swatch for papyrus
                // The row just above is shaded, so check 2 above
                if (y > 1)
                    bool isPapyrus = pixels.DoesPixelMatch(x + i, y - 2, PixelColor.IsPapyrus);
                    papyErrorCount += isPapyrus ? 0 : 1;


                // Checking along the bottom of the swatch for papyrus
                if (y < pixels.height)
                    bool isPapyrus = pixels.DoesPixelMatch(x + i, y + swatchHeight, PixelColor.IsPapyrus);
                    papyErrorCount += isPapyrus ? 0 : 1;

            result &= (papyErrorCount < (swatchWidth / 20)); // allow up to 5% error rate checking for papy texture, because this seems to be inconsistent
            if (!result && ((i > (swatchWidth*0.8)) || (papyErrorCount >= (swatchWidth/20))))
                if (!borderError && (papyErrorCount < swatchWidth))
                    WriteLog("Found a potential swatch candidate of width {0} at {1},{2} that had {3} failures matching papyrus texture", i, x, y, papyErrorCount);
                    WriteLog(LogVerbosity.Normal, "Found a potential swatch candidate of width {0} at {1},{2} that had {3} failures matching papyrus texture", i, x, y, papyErrorCount);

            return result;

        unsafe private bool TestPosition(int x, int y, Pixels pixels, ref PaintColor reactedColor, ref int redPixelStart)
            PixelColor pixelColor = new PixelColor();

            // Check 4 corners of solid area and left/right solid bar areas
            bool foundSwatch = IsPossibleSwatchUpperLeft(pixels, x, y); // ((pixel_r < 0x46) && (pixel_g < 0x46) && (pixel_b < 0x46));
            if (foundSwatch)
                WriteLog("Found probable swatch at {0},{1} - checking border slices", x, y);
                WriteLog(LogVerbosity.Normal, "Found probable swatch at {0},{1} - checking border slices", x, y);
                int borderXOffset = 0;
                for (borderXOffset = 2; foundSwatch && (borderXOffset < swatchTestWidth); ++borderXOffset)
                    foundSwatch &= IsPossibleSwatchSlice(pixels, x + borderXOffset, y);
                    if (!foundSwatch)
                        WriteLog("Failed slice test at {0},{1}", x + borderXOffset, y);
                        WriteLog(LogVerbosity.Normal, "Failed slice test at {0},{1}", x + borderXOffset, y);
                    foundSwatch &= IsPossibleSwatchSlice(pixels, x + swatchWidth - borderXOffset, y);
                    if (!foundSwatch)
                        WriteLog("Failed slice test at {0},{1}", x + swatchWidth - borderXOffset, y);
                        WriteLog(LogVerbosity.Normal, "Failed slice test at {0},{1}", x + swatchWidth - borderXOffset, y);

            if (foundSwatch)
                // WE FOUND THE SWATCH!
                // Now we know where the color bars are.
                int redPixelCount = pixels.LengthOfColorAt(x, y + redBarSpacing, PixelColor.IsRed);
                reactedColor.Red = (byte)Math.Round((float)redPixelCount * 255f / (float)colorBarWidth);

                int greenPixelCount = pixels.LengthOfColorAt(x, y + greenBarSpacing, PixelColor.IsGreen);
                reactedColor.Green = (byte)Math.Round((float)greenPixelCount * 255f / (float)colorBarWidth);

                int bluePixelCount = pixels.LengthOfColorAt(x, y + blueBarSpacing, PixelColor.IsBlue);
                reactedColor.Blue = (byte)Math.Round((float)bluePixelCount * 255f / (float)colorBarWidth);
                WriteLog("Found the color swatch at {0}, {1}. Color={2} Red={3}px Green={4}px Blue={5}px", x, y, reactedColor, redPixelCount, greenPixelCount, bluePixelCount);
                WriteLog(LogVerbosity.Low, "Found the color swatch at {0}, {1}. Color={2} Red={3}px Green={4}px Blue={5}px", x, y, reactedColor, redPixelCount, greenPixelCount, bluePixelCount);
                return true;
            return false;

        unsafe public bool CaptureReaction(byte* pixBytes, int screenshotWidth, int screenshotHeight, int stride, int numChannels, int bitsPerSample)
            PaintColor reactedColor = new PaintColor();
            int redPixelStart = 0;
            ScreenWidth = screenshotWidth;
            ScreenHeight = screenshotHeight;
            IsCaptured = false;

            Pixels pixels = new Pixels
                pixBytes = pixBytes,
                width = screenshotWidth,
                height = screenshotHeight,
                stride = stride,
                numChannels = numChannels,
                pixelMultiplier = pixelMultiplier
            IsCaptured = false;
            if (!firstRun)
                // If this is not the first run, let's check the last location, to see if the UI is still there.
                if (TestPosition(lastSwatchX, lastSwatchY, pixels, ref reactedColor, ref redPixelStart))
                    IsCaptured = true;
                    RedBarX = (redPixelStart % stride) / numChannels;
                    RedBarY = redPixelStart / stride;
                    RecordedColor = reactedColor;
                    return true;
                    firstRun = true;

            int verbosityIdx;
            AppSettings.Get("Log.Verbosity", out verbosityIdx, 1);
            logVerbosity = (LogVerbosity)verbosityIdx;

            int startX;
            int endX;
            int startY;
            int endY;
            DesertPaintLab.AppSettings.Get("ScanOffsetX", out startX);
            DesertPaintLab.AppSettings.Get("ScanOffsetY", out startY);
            DesertPaintLab.AppSettings.Get("ScanLimitX", out endX);
            DesertPaintLab.AppSettings.Get("ScanLimitY", out endY);
            if (endX == 0) endX = screenshotWidth;
            if (endY == 0) endY = screenshotHeight;
            if (endX > screenshotWidth) endX = screenshotWidth;
            if (endY > screenshotHeight) endY = screenshotHeight;
            if (startX < 2) startX = 2;
            if (startY < 2) startY = 2;
            if (startX > screenshotWidth) startX = 2;
            if (startY > screenshotHeight) startY = 2;
            AppSettings.Get("ScanArea.Min.X", out startX, 0);
            AppSettings.Get("ScanArea.Min.Y", out startY, 0);
            AppSettings.Get("ScanArea.Max.X", out endX, screenshotWidth);
            AppSettings.Get("ScanArea.Max.Y", out endY, screenshotHeight);
            startX = Math.Max(2, Math.Min(startX, screenshotWidth-2));
            startY = Math.Max(2, Math.Min(startY, screenshotHeight-2));
            endX = Math.Min(screenshotWidth-2, Math.Max(2, endX));
            endY = Math.Min(screenshotHeight-2, Math.Max(2, endY));

            int patchTestSize = ((swatchHeight - 5) / 2) - 1;
            PixelColor patchColor = new PixelColor();
            for (int roughX = startX; roughX < endX - colorBarWidth + patchTestSize; roughX += patchTestSize)
                for (int roughY = startY; roughY < (endY - (blueBarSpacing + 10) + patchTestSize  /*53*/); roughY += patchTestSize)
                    OnCaptureProgress?.Invoke(roughX, roughY);
                    if (!pixels.IsSolidPatchAt(roughX, roughY, patchTestSize, patchTestSize)) continue;
                    pixels.ColorAt(roughX, roughY, ref patchColor);
                    //Console.WriteLine("Found a solid patch of {2},{3},{4} at {0}, {1}", roughX, roughY, patchColor.r, patchColor.g, patchColor.b);
                    WriteLog(LogVerbosity.Excessive, "Found a solid patch of {2},{3},{4} at {0}, {1}", roughX, roughY, patchColor.r, patchColor.g, patchColor.b);
                    for (X = Math.Max(0, roughX - patchTestSize); X < roughX; ++X)
                        for (Y = Math.Max(0, roughY - patchTestSize); Y < roughY; ++Y)
                            //WriteLog("Checking for potential swatch at {0},{1} after found square at {2},{3}", X, Y, roughX, roughY);
                            WriteLog(LogVerbosity.Excessive, "Searching for potential swatch at {0},{1} after found square at {2},{3}", X, Y, roughX, roughY);
                            if (TestPosition(X, Y, pixels, ref reactedColor, ref redPixelStart))
                                RedBarX = (redPixelStart % stride) / numChannels;
                                RedBarY = redPixelStart / stride;
                                RecordedColor = reactedColor;
                                lastSwatchX = X;
                                lastSwatchY = Y;
                                firstRun = false;
                                IsCaptured = true;
                                return true;
                    //System.Console.WriteLine("False-positive patch of color {0},{1},{2} at {3},{4}", patchColor.r, patchColor.g, patchColor.b, roughX, roughY);
                    WriteLog(LogVerbosity.Excessive, "False-positive patch of color {0},{1},{2} at {3},{4}", patchColor.r, patchColor.g, patchColor.b, roughX, roughY);
            return false;

        public bool RecordReaction(PlayerProfile profile, PaintColor expectedColor, PaintColor reactedColor, Reagent[] reagents)
            bool saved = false;
            int r, g, b;
            if (reagents[2] != null)
                // A 3-reagent reaction.
                Reaction reaction1 = profile.FindReaction(reagents[0], reagents[1]);
                Reaction reaction2 = profile.FindReaction(reagents[0], reagents[2]);
                Reaction reaction3 = profile.FindReaction(reagents[1], reagents[2]);
                r = reactedColor.Red - expectedColor.Red;
                g = reactedColor.Green - expectedColor.Green;
                b = reactedColor.Blue - expectedColor.Blue;
                if (reaction2 == null)
                    r = r - reaction1.Red - reaction3.Red;
                    g = g - reaction1.Green - reaction3.Green;
                    b = b - reaction1.Blue - reaction3.Blue;
                    Reaction reaction = new Reaction(r, g, b);
                    profile.SetReaction(reagents[0], reagents[2], reaction);
                    saved = true;
                    OnReactionRecorded?.Invoke(reagents[0], reagents[2], reaction);
                else if (reaction3 == null)
                    r = r - reaction1.Red - reaction2.Red;
                    g = g - reaction1.Green - reaction2.Green;
                    b = b - reaction1.Blue - reaction2.Blue;
                    Reaction reaction = new Reaction(r, g, b);
                    profile.SetReaction(reagents[1], reagents[2], reaction);
                    saved = true;
                    OnReactionRecorded?.Invoke(reagents[1], reagents[2], reaction);
            else if ((reagents[0] != null) && (reagents[1] != null))
                // A 2-reagent reaction.
                r = reactedColor.Red - expectedColor.Red;
                g = reactedColor.Green - expectedColor.Green;
                b = reactedColor.Blue - expectedColor.Blue;
                Reaction reaction = new Reaction(r, g, b);
                profile.SetReaction(reagents[0], reagents[1], reaction);
                saved = true;
                OnReactionRecorded?.Invoke(reagents[0], reagents[1], reaction);
            return saved;

Show inline comments
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

namespace DesertPaintLab
    public class Settings
        public Settings()

        private Dictionary<string, string> _settings = new Dictionary<string, string>();

        public void Get(string key, out int value)
        public bool TryGet(string key, out int value)
            value = 0;
            string valStr;
            if ( _settings.TryGetValue(key.ToLower(), out valStr) )
            bool found = _settings.TryGetValue(key.ToLower(), out valStr);
            if (found)
                Int32.TryParse(valStr, out value);
            return found;
        public void Get(string key, out bool value)
        public bool TryGet(string key, out bool value)
            value = false;
            string valStr;
            if ( _settings.TryGetValue(key.ToLower(), out valStr) )
            bool found = _settings.TryGetValue(key.ToLower(), out valStr);
            if (found)
                Boolean.TryParse(valStr, out value);
            return found;
        public void Set(string key, int value)
            _settings[key.ToLower()] = value.ToString();
        public void Set(string key, bool value)
            _settings[key.ToLower()] = value.ToString();

        public void Reset()

        public void Save(string settingsPath)
            using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(settingsPath))
                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> pair in _settings)
                    writer.WriteLine("{0}={1}", pair.Key, pair.Value);
        static Regex optionEntry = new Regex(@"(?<opt>[^#=][^=]*)=(?<optval>.*)$");
        public bool Load(string settingsPath)
            if (System.IO.File.Exists(settingsPath))
                string line;
                Match match;
                using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(settingsPath))
                    while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) 
                        match = optionEntry.Match(line);
                        if (match.Success)
                            String optName = match.Groups["opt"].Value.ToLower();
                            String optVal = match.Groups["optval"].Value.Trim();
                            if (optName.Equals("debug"))
                                // convert
                                optName = "enabledebugmenu";
                            _settings[optName.ToLower()] = optVal;
                return true;
            return false;

Show inline comments
@@ -183,402 +183,402 @@ namespace DesertPaintLab

            reagents[1] = ReagentManager.GetReagent(reagentName);
            ingredient3ComboBox.Sensitive = true;
            captureButton.Sensitive = true;
            reaction1 = profile.FindReaction(reagents[0], reagents[1]);
            // TODO: really should handle reagent0==reagent1 better
            if ((reaction1 != null) || (reagents[0] == reagents[1]))
                clearReactionButton.Sensitive = recordEnabled;
                clearReactionButton.Visible = true;
                ingredient3ComboBox.Sensitive = true;
                if ((reagentName = GetSelectedReagentName(3)) != null)
                    clearReactionButton.Sensitive = false;
                    clearReactionButton.Visible = false;
                    reagents[2] = ReagentManager.GetReagent(reagentName);
                    if (!reactionKnown)
                        Gtk.MessageDialog md = new Gtk.MessageDialog((Gtk.Window)Toplevel, 
                            Gtk.MessageType.Error, Gtk.ButtonsType.Ok, 
                            "To do a three-ingredient reaction test, " +
                            "you must first recored the reaction of " +
                            "the first two ingredients.");

                        captureButton.Sensitive = false;
                    reaction1 = profile.FindReaction(reagents[0], reagents[2]);
                    reaction2 = profile.FindReaction(reagents[1], reagents[2]);
                    if (reactionKnown && (reaction1 == null) && (reaction2 == null))
                        Gtk.MessageDialog md = new Gtk.MessageDialog((Gtk.Window)Toplevel, 
                            Gtk.MessageType.Error, Gtk.ButtonsType.Ok, 
                            "To do a three-ingredient reaction test, " +
                            "you must first record the reaction of " +
                            "either the first or second ingredient " +
                            "with the third ingredient.");

                        captureButton.Sensitive = false;
                    if ((reaction1 == null) && (reagents[0] != reagents[2]))
                        reactionKnown = false;  

                    if ((reaction2 == null) && (reagents[1] != reagents[2]))
                        reactionKnown = false;  
                reactionKnown = false;
                ingredient3ComboBox.Sensitive = false;
            unmodifiedSwatch.Color = expectedColor;
            //SetExpectedColor(recipeColor.Red, recipeColor.Green, recipeColor.Blue);
            if (reactionKnown)
                reactionSwatch.Color = reactedColor;

        unsafe void BeginCapture()
            captureButton.Sensitive = false;
            ingredient1ComboBox.Sensitive = false;
            ingredient2ComboBox.Sensitive = false;
            ingredient3ComboBox.Sensitive = false;
            clearReactionButton.Sensitive = false;


            bool enableDebugMenu = false;
            DesertPaintLab.AppSettings.Get("EnableDebugMenu", out enableDebugMenu);
            bool enableDebugMenu;
            AppSettings.Get("EnableDebugMenu", out enableDebugMenu, false);

            StreamWriter log = null;
            if (enableDebugMenu)
                string logfile = FileUtils.FindNumberedFile("DesertPaintLab_Capture", "log", Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments));
                log = new StreamWriter(logfile);
                ReactionRecorder.Instance.Log = log;

            if (notifyCaptureProgress == null)
                notifyCaptureProgress = new Gtk.ThreadNotify(new Gtk.ReadyEvent(NotifyCaptureProgress));
                notifyCaptureComplete = new Gtk.ThreadNotify(new Gtk.ReadyEvent(NotifyCaptureComplete));


            Thread thr = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.CaptureReactionThread));
            thr.Priority = ThreadPriority.AboveNormal;
            //OnCaptureComplete(isCaptured, reactedColor, screenWidth, screenHeight, stride, redPixelStart);

        unsafe private void CaptureReactionThread()
            byte* pixBytes = (byte*)RecordBuffer.Pixels;

            ReactionRecorder.Instance.OnCaptureProgress += OnCaptureProgress;
            ReactionRecorder.Instance.CaptureReaction(pixBytes, RecordBuffer.Width, RecordBuffer.Height, RecordBuffer.Rowstride, RecordBuffer.NChannels, RecordBuffer.BitsPerSample);
            ReactionRecorder.Instance.OnCaptureProgress -= OnCaptureProgress;


        private void OnCaptureProgress(int x, int y)

        private void NotifyCaptureProgress()
            // TODO: progress bar
            double denom = (double)(ReactionRecorder.Instance.ScreenWidth - ReactionRecorder.Instance.ColorBarWidth);
            double numer = (double)(ReactionRecorder.Instance.X);
            double fraction = (denom > 0 && numer > 0) ? (numer / denom) : 0;
            if (numer > denom)
                fraction = 1;
            progressBar.Fraction = fraction;

        void OnCaptureComplete(bool isCaptured, PaintColor reactedColor, int swatchX, int swatchY)
            int screenWidth = screenBuffer.Width;
            int screenHeight = RecordBuffer.Height;
            int stride = RecordBuffer.Rowstride;

            StreamWriter log = ReactionRecorder.Instance.Log;
            if (log != null)
                log = null;
                ReactionRecorder.Instance.Log = null;

            bool enableDebugMenu = false;
            DesertPaintLab.AppSettings.Get("EnableDebugMenu", out enableDebugMenu);
            bool debugScreenshot = false;
            DesertPaintLab.AppSettings.Get("DebugScreenshot", out debugScreenshot);
            bool enableDebugMenu;
            DesertPaintLab.AppSettings.Get("EnableDebugMenu", out enableDebugMenu, false);
            bool debugScreenshot;
            DesertPaintLab.AppSettings.Get("DebugScreenshot", out debugScreenshot, false);
            if (enableDebugMenu && debugScreenshot)
                if (!isCaptured)
                    // write out the whole screenshot on a failure to capture
                    string screenshotDir = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments);
                    string filename = FileUtils.FindNumberedFile("DesertPaintLab_Colormatch", "png", screenshotDir);
                    RecordBuffer.Save(filename, "png");
                    // record the swatch that was captured
                    // write out the screenshot
                    string screenshotDir = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments);
                    string filename = FileUtils.FindNumberedFile("DesertPaintLab_Colormatch", "png", screenshotDir);
                    int x = swatchX - 16;
                    int captureAreaWidth = ReactionRecorder.Instance.ColorBarWidth + 32;
                    captureAreaWidth = Math.Min(screenWidth - x, captureAreaWidth);
                    int y = swatchY - 16;
                    int captureAreaHeight = ReactionRecorder.Instance.BlueBarSpacing + 42;
                    captureAreaHeight = Math.Min(screenHeight - y, captureAreaHeight);

                    Gdk.Pixbuf outPixBuf = new Gdk.Pixbuf(RecordBuffer, Math.Max(0, x), Math.Max(0, y), 
                        captureAreaWidth, captureAreaHeight);
                    //Gdk.Pixbuf outPixBuf = new Gdk.Pixbuf(RecordBuffer, Math.Max(0, redPixelStartX), Math.Max(0, redPixelStartY),
                    //    ReactionRecorder.Instance.ColorBarWidth, ReactionRecorder.Instance.GreenBarSpacing - ReactionRecorder.Instance.RedBarSpacing);
                    //RecordBuffer.Save(filename, "png");
                    outPixBuf.Save(filename, "png");
            //RecordBuffer.Save("screenshot.png", "png");

            if (isCaptured)
                string warning = "";
                if (reactedColor.Red == 0)
                    warning = warning + "\nRed is too low.";
                if (reactedColor.Green == 0)
                    warning = warning + "\nGreen is too low.";
                if (reactedColor.Blue == 0)
                    warning = warning + "\nBlue is too low.";
                if (reactedColor.Red == 255)
                    warning = warning + "\nRed is too high.";
                if (reactedColor.Green == 255)
                    warning = warning + "\nGreen is too high.";
                if (reactedColor.Blue == 255)
                    warning = warning + "\nBlue is too high.";

                // Always update the reacted swatch
                this.reactionSwatch.Color = reactedColor;
                if (warning.Length != 0)
                    isCaptured = true;
                    Gtk.MessageDialog md = new Gtk.MessageDialog((Gtk.Window)Toplevel,
                    Gtk.MessageType.Error, Gtk.ButtonsType.Ok,
                    "Reaction clipped.  You will need to do a " +
                    "3-way reaction to test this pair.  Details: " +

                    // reaction clipped - don't let them record
                    recordButton.Sensitive = false;
                    recordButton.Sensitive = recordEnabled;
                Gtk.MessageDialog md = new Gtk.MessageDialog((Gtk.Window)Toplevel,
                    Gtk.MessageType.Error, Gtk.ButtonsType.Ok,
                    "Pigment Lab dialog box NOT FOUND.  Please ensure " +
                    "that there is an unobstructed view of the dialog " +
                    "and that your interface size is set to 'small' " +
                    "when you press the Capture button.");



            // release
            RecordBuffer = null;

            ingredient1ComboBox.Sensitive = true;
            ingredient2ComboBox.Sensitive = true;
            ingredient3ComboBox.Sensitive = (GetSelectedReagentName(1) != null) && (GetSelectedReagentName(2) != null);

        private void NotifyCaptureComplete()

        unsafe void CaptureReactionColor()
            // Take a screenshot.
            int screenWidth, screenHeight;
            Gdk.Window rootWindow = Gdk.Global.DefaultRootWindow;
            DesertPaintLab.AppSettings.Get("ScreenWidth", out screenWidth);
            DesertPaintLab.AppSettings.Get("ScreenHeight", out screenHeight);
            AppSettings.Get("ScreenWidth", out screenWidth, 1920);
            AppSettings.Get("ScreenHeight", out screenHeight, 1080);
            Gdk.Image rootImage = rootWindow.GetImage(0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight);
            RecordBuffer = screenBuffer;
            RecordBuffer.GetFromImage(rootImage, rootImage.Colormap, 0, 0, 0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight);
            System.GC.Collect(); // really, clean up now

            int pixelMultiplier;
            AppSettings.Get("PixelMultiplier", out pixelMultiplier);
            AppSettings.Get("PixelMultiplier", out pixelMultiplier, 1);
            if (pixelMultiplier == 0) pixelMultiplier = 1;
            int interfaceSizeIndex = 1;
            AppSettings.Get("InterfaceSize", out interfaceSizeIndex);
            int interfaceSizeIndex;
            AppSettings.Get("InterfaceSize", out interfaceSizeIndex, (int)InterfaceSize.Small);
            InterfaceSize interfaceSize = (InterfaceSize)interfaceSizeIndex;
            ReactionRecorder.Instance.PixelMultiplier = pixelMultiplier;
            ReactionRecorder.Instance.InterfaceSize = interfaceSize;


        unsafe void CaptureReactionColorFromLoadedImage(string filePath)
            // read the screenshot from a file
            string screenshotDir = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments);
            FileStream pixStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open);
            RecordBuffer = new Gdk.Pixbuf(pixStream);
            // TODO: allow for other size
            InterfaceSize interfaceSize = InterfaceSize.Small;
            if (filePath.Contains("Large"))
                interfaceSize = InterfaceSize.Large;
            else if (filePath.Contains("Huge"))
                interfaceSize = InterfaceSize.Huge;
            ReactionRecorder.Instance.InterfaceSize = interfaceSize;

            System.Console.WriteLine("Loaded {0} size {1} x {2} stride {3} bits {4} colorspace {5} channels {6} hasAlpha {7}", filePath, RecordBuffer.Width, RecordBuffer.Height, RecordBuffer.Rowstride, RecordBuffer.BitsPerSample, RecordBuffer.Colorspace, RecordBuffer.NChannels, RecordBuffer.HasAlpha);

            System.GC.Collect(); // really, clean up now


        protected virtual void OnCapture(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

        protected void OnCaptureFromFile(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Gtk.FileChooserDialog fileDialog =
                new Gtk.FileChooserDialog("Select screenshot file.",
                        (Gtk.Window)Toplevel, Gtk.FileChooserAction.Open,
                        Gtk.Stock.Cancel, Gtk.ResponseType.Cancel,
                        Gtk.Stock.Open, Gtk.ResponseType.Accept);
            Gtk.FileFilter filter = new Gtk.FileFilter();
            Gtk.ResponseType resp = (Gtk.ResponseType)fileDialog.Run();
            if (resp == Gtk.ResponseType.Accept)
                string fileName = fileDialog.Filename;
                string directory = fileDialog.CurrentFolder;
                if (directory != null)
                    CaptureReactionColorFromLoadedImage(System.IO.Path.Combine(directory, fileName));

        protected virtual void OnRecord(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            if (ReactionRecorder.Instance.RecordReaction(profile, expectedColor, reactedColor, reagents))
                recordButton.Sensitive = false;
        protected virtual void OnChangedIngredient1(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
        protected virtual void OnChangedIngredient2(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
        protected virtual void OnChangedIngredient3(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
        protected void OnClearReaction(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string reagentName1 = GetSelectedReagentName(1);
            string reagentName2 = GetSelectedReagentName(2);
            string reagentName3 = GetSelectedReagentName(3);

            if ((reagentName1 != null) && (reagentName2 != null) && (reagentName3 == null))
Show inline comments
@@ -20,446 +20,446 @@

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;

namespace DesertPaintLab
    public partial class RecipeGeneratorView : Gtk.Bin
        RecipeGenerator generator;
        PlayerProfile profile;
        bool canceling = false;
        bool running = false;
        bool pauseForCheckpoint = false;

        const long RECIPE_SAVE_INTERVAL = 30000; // msec between saving recipes
        const long CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL = 17000; // msec between saving out generator state
        const string PAINT_STATE_FILE = "dp_generator_state";
        const string RIBBON_STATE_FILE = "dp_generator_ribbon_state";

        static Gtk.ListStore colorStore = new Gtk.ListStore(typeof(string));

        List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> missingReactions = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>();

        long lastProgressUpdate;
        long lastStatusUpdate;
        long lastProfileSave;
        long lastCheckpoint;

        public EventHandler SetStatus;
        public EventHandler Started;
        public EventHandler Stopped;

        static public Gtk.ListStore RecipeModel
                return colorStore;   

        Gtk.ThreadNotify notifyFinished;
        Gtk.ThreadNotify notifyProgress;
        Gtk.ThreadNotify notifyNewRecipe;

        ConcurrentQueue<PaintRecipe> pendingNewRecipes = new ConcurrentQueue<PaintRecipe>();

        Gtk.ListStore reagentListStore;
        // end reagent view

        public RecipeGeneratorView(PlayerProfile profile) : base()
            this.profile = profile;
            minIngredientsSpinButton.Value = 1; // TODO: read/save profile info
            maxIngredientsSpinButton.Value = 5; // TODO: read/save profile info
            maxRecipeSpinButton.Value = 20; // TODO: read/save profile info
            fullQuantitySpinButton.Value = 20; // TODO: read/save profile info
            fullQuantityDepthSpinButton.Value = 4; // TODO: read/save profile info

            fullQuantityDepthSpinButton.SetRange(0, ReagentManager.Names.Count);
            maxIngredientsSpinButton.SetRange(1, ReagentManager.Names.Count);
            minIngredientsSpinButton.SetRange(1, ReagentManager.Names.Count);


            Gtk.TreeViewColumn recipeColorColumn = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn();
            Gtk.CellRendererText recipeColumnCell = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
            recipeColorColumn.PackStart(recipeColumnCell, true);       
            recipeColorColumn.Title = "Color";

            recipeColorColumn.AddAttribute(recipeColumnCell, "text", 0);


            colorStore.SetSortColumnId(0, Gtk.SortType.Ascending);
            recipeList.Model = RecipeModel;

            recipeList.Selection.Changed += OnColorSelected;

            recipeIngredientsView.AppendColumn("Quantity", new Gtk.CellRendererText(), "text", 0);
            recipeIngredientsView.AppendColumn("Ingredient", new Gtk.CellRendererText(), "text", 1);
            recipeIngredientsView.Model = new Gtk.ListStore(typeof(string), typeof(string));


            canceling = false;
            running = false;
            pauseForCheckpoint = false;

            generator = new RecipeGenerator(profile.Reactions);
            int threads;
            DesertPaintLab.AppSettings.Get("GeneratorThreads", out threads);
            DesertPaintLab.AppSettings.Get("GeneratorThreads", out threads, 15);
            if (threads <= 0) { threads = 15; }
            generator.MaxThreads = (uint)threads;

            generator.Progress += OnProgress;
            generator.Finished += OnFinished;
            generator.NewRecipe += OnNewRecipe;

            string stateFile = System.IO.Path.Combine(profile.Directory, PAINT_STATE_FILE);
            if (System.IO.File.Exists(stateFile))
                if (generator.CanResume)
                    beginButton.Label = "Restart";
                    stopResumeButton.Label = "Resume";
                    stopResumeButton.Sensitive = true;

                    maxRecipeSpinButton.Value = Math.Max(generator.MaxConcentration, 14); //
                    fullQuantitySpinButton.Value = generator.FullQuantity; // TODO: read/save profile info
                    fullQuantityDepthSpinButton.Value = generator.FullQuantityDepth; // TODO: read/save profile info
                    maxIngredientsSpinButton.Value = generator.MaxReagents;
                    checkButtonRibbon.Active = false;
            //generator.Log = System.IO.Path.Combine(profile.Directory, "dp_log.txt");
            countLabel.Text = String.Format("{0} / {1}", profile.RecipeCount, Palette.Count);

            Destroyed += OnDestroyed;

            notifyFinished = new Gtk.ThreadNotify(new Gtk.ReadyEvent(HandleFinished));
            notifyProgress = new Gtk.ThreadNotify(new Gtk.ReadyEvent(HandleProgress));
            notifyNewRecipe = new Gtk.ThreadNotify(new Gtk.ReadyEvent(HandleNewRecipe));

            // initialize reagent list
            // Add the columns to the TreeView
            Gtk.TreeViewColumn reagentEnabledColumn = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn ();
            reagentEnabledColumn.Title = "Enabled";
            Gtk.CellRendererToggle reagentEnabledCell = new Gtk.CellRendererToggle ();
            reagentEnabledCell.Activatable = true;
            reagentEnabledCell.Sensitive = true;
            reagentEnabledCell.Mode = Gtk.CellRendererMode.Activatable;
            reagentEnabledCell.Visible = true;
            reagentEnabledCell.Toggled += new Gtk.ToggledHandler(OnReagentEnableToggled);
            reagentEnabledColumn.PackStart (reagentEnabledCell, true);
            //reagentEnabledColumn.AddAttribute(reagentEnabledCell, "active", 0);

            Gtk.TreeViewColumn reagentNameColumn = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn ();
            reagentNameColumn.Title = "Ingredient";
            Gtk.CellRendererText reagentNameCell = new Gtk.CellRendererText ();
            reagentNameCell.Mode = Gtk.CellRendererMode.Inert;
            reagentNameColumn.PackStart (reagentNameCell, true);
            reagentNameColumn.AddAttribute(reagentNameCell, "text", 1);
            reagentNameColumn.Expand = true;

            Gtk.TreeViewColumn reagentCostColumn = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn ();
            reagentCostColumn.Title = "Cost";
            Gtk.CellRendererText reagentCostCell = new Gtk.CellRendererText ();
            reagentCostCell.Edited += OnReagentCostChanged;
            reagentCostCell.Editable = true;
            reagentCostCell.Sensitive = true;
            reagentCostCell.Mode = Gtk.CellRendererMode.Editable;
            reagentCostColumn.PackStart (reagentCostCell, true);
            //reagentCostColumn.AddAttribute(reagentCostCell, "text", 0);

            Gtk.TreeViewColumn reagentMaxColumn = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn ();
            reagentMaxColumn.Title = "Max";
            Gtk.CellRendererText reagentMaxCell = new Gtk.CellRendererText ();
            reagentMaxCell.Edited += OnReagentQuantityChanged;
            reagentMaxCell.Editable = true;
            reagentMaxCell.Sensitive = true;
            reagentCostCell.Mode = Gtk.CellRendererMode.Editable;
            reagentMaxColumn.PackStart (reagentMaxCell, true);
            //reagentMaxColumn.AddAttribute(reagentMaxCell, "text", 0);

            reagentListStore = new Gtk.ListStore(typeof(Reagent), typeof(string), typeof(Reagent), typeof(Reagent));
            foreach (string reagentName in ReagentManager.Names)
                Reagent reagent = ReagentManager.GetReagent(reagentName);
                reagentListStore.AppendValues(reagent, reagentName); // , reagent, reagent);

            reagentEnabledColumn.SetCellDataFunc (reagentEnabledCell, new Gtk.TreeCellDataFunc (RenderReagentToggle));
            reagentCostColumn.SetCellDataFunc (reagentCostCell, new Gtk.TreeCellDataFunc (RenderReagentCost));
            reagentMaxColumn.SetCellDataFunc (reagentMaxCell, new Gtk.TreeCellDataFunc (RenderReagentQuantity));

            // Assign the model to the TreeView
            reagentListView.Model = reagentListStore;
            reagentListView.Sensitive = true;


            bool ribbons = false;
            profile.ProfileSettings.Get("Generator.Ribbons", out ribbons);
            bool foundSetting = profile.ProfileSettings.TryGet("Generator.Ribbons", out ribbons);
            if (ribbons)
                checkButtonRibbon.Active = true;
                checkButtonRibbon.Active = false;

        private void InitStateForPaint()
            maxRecipeSpinButton.Adjustment.Lower = PaintRecipe.PAINT_RECIPE_MIN_CONCENTRATION;
            fullQuantitySpinButton.Adjustment.Upper = 30;
            if (generator == null)
                generator = new RecipeGenerator(profile.Reactions);
                int threads;
                DesertPaintLab.AppSettings.Get("GeneratorThreads", out threads);
                AppSettings.Get("GeneratorThreads", out threads, 15);
                if (threads <= 0) { threads = 15; }
                generator.MaxThreads = (uint)threads;

                generator.Progress += OnProgress;
                generator.Finished += OnFinished;
                generator.NewRecipe += OnNewRecipe;

                bool enableDebugMenu = false;
                DesertPaintLab.AppSettings.Get("EnableDebugMenu", out enableDebugMenu);
                bool logGenerator = false;
                DesertPaintLab.AppSettings.Get("GeneratorLog", out logGenerator);
                bool enableDebugMenu;
                AppSettings.Get("EnableDebugMenu", out enableDebugMenu, false);
                bool logGenerator;
                AppSettings.Get("GeneratorLog", out logGenerator, false);
                if (enableDebugMenu && logGenerator)
                    string logDir = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments);
                    generator.Log = System.IO.Path.Combine(logDir, "dpl_generator.txt");

            string stateFile = System.IO.Path.Combine(profile.Directory, PAINT_STATE_FILE);
            if (System.IO.File.Exists(stateFile))
                if (generator.CanResume)
                    beginButton.Label = "Restart";
                    stopResumeButton.Label = "Resume";
                    stopResumeButton.Sensitive = true;

                    maxRecipeSpinButton.Value = Math.Max(generator.MaxConcentration, 14); //
                    fullQuantitySpinButton.Value = generator.FullQuantity; // TODO: read/save profile info
                    fullQuantityDepthSpinButton.Value = generator.FullQuantityDepth; // TODO: read/save profile info
                    maxIngredientsSpinButton.Value = generator.MaxReagents;
                beginButton.Label = "Start";
                stopResumeButton.Label = "Stop";
                stopResumeButton.Sensitive = false;

                maxRecipeSpinButton.Value = 14;
                //fullQuantitySpinButton.Value = generator.FullQuantity; // TODO: read/save profile info
                //fullQuantityDepthSpinButton.Value = generator.FullQuantityDepth; // TODO: read/save profile info
                //maxIngredientsSpinButton.Value = generator.MaxReagents;
            //generator.Log = System.IO.Path.Combine(profile.Directory, "dp_log.txt");
            countLabel.Text = String.Format("{0} / {1}", profile.RecipeCount, Palette.Count);

            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, PaintRecipe> pair in profile.Recipes)
                if (pair.Value.IsValidForConcentration(PaintRecipe.PAINT_RECIPE_MIN_CONCENTRATION))
                    string colorName = pair.Key;

        private void InitStateForRibbons()
            maxRecipeSpinButton.Adjustment.Lower = PaintRecipe.RIBBON_RECIPE_MIN_CONCENTRATION;
            fullQuantitySpinButton.Adjustment.Upper = 100;
            if (generator == null)
                generator = new RecipeGenerator(profile.Reactions);
                int threads;
                DesertPaintLab.AppSettings.Get("GeneratorThreads", out threads);
                AppSettings.Get("GeneratorThreads", out threads, 15);
                if (threads <= 0) { threads = 15; }
                generator.MaxThreads = (uint)threads;

                generator.Progress += OnProgress;
                generator.Finished += OnFinished;
                generator.NewRecipe += OnNewRecipe;

            string stateFile = System.IO.Path.Combine(profile.Directory, RIBBON_STATE_FILE);
            if (System.IO.File.Exists(stateFile))
                if (generator.CanResume)
                    beginButton.Label = "Restart";
                    stopResumeButton.Label = "Resume";
                    stopResumeButton.Sensitive = true;

                    maxRecipeSpinButton.Value = Math.Max(generator.MaxConcentration, PaintRecipe.RIBBON_RECIPE_MIN_CONCENTRATION); //
                    fullQuantitySpinButton.Value = generator.FullQuantity; // TODO: read/save profile info
                    fullQuantityDepthSpinButton.Value = generator.FullQuantityDepth; // TODO: read/save profile info
                    maxIngredientsSpinButton.Value = generator.MaxReagents;
                beginButton.Label = "Start";
                stopResumeButton.Label = "Stop";
                stopResumeButton.Sensitive = false;

                maxRecipeSpinButton.Value = PaintRecipe.RIBBON_RECIPE_MIN_CONCENTRATION
                //fullQuantitySpinButton.Value = generator.FullQuantity; // TODO: read/save profile info
                //fullQuantityDepthSpinButton.Value = generator.FullQuantityDepth; // TODO: read/save profile info
                //maxIngredientsSpinButton.Value = generator.MaxReagents;

            countLabel.Text = String.Format("{0} / {1}", profile.RibbonCount, Palette.Count);

            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, PaintRecipe> pair in profile.RibbonRecipes)
                if (pair.Value.IsValidForConcentration(PaintRecipe.RIBBON_RECIPE_MIN_CONCENTRATION))
                    string colorName = pair.Key;

        public PlayerProfile Profile {
            set {
                if (profile != value) {
                    // TODO: ensure not running
                    profile = value;

                    generator = new RecipeGenerator(profile.Reactions);
                    int threads;
                    DesertPaintLab.AppSettings.Get("GeneratorThreads", out threads);
                    AppSettings.Get("GeneratorThreads", out threads, 15);
                    if (threads <= 0) { threads = 15; }
                    generator.MaxThreads = (uint)threads;
                    generator.Progress += OnProgress;
                    generator.Finished += OnFinished;
                    generator.NewRecipe += OnNewRecipe;

                    if (checkButtonRibbon.Active)

        protected void OnMinIngredientsChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Gtk.SpinButton button = (Gtk.SpinButton) sender;
            if (button.ValueAsInt > maxIngredientsSpinButton.ValueAsInt)
                maxIngredientsSpinButton.Value = button.ValueAsInt;
            maxIngredientsSpinButton.SetRange(button.ValueAsInt, maxIngredientsSpinButton.Adjustment.Upper);

        protected void OnMaxIngredientsChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Gtk.SpinButton button = (Gtk.SpinButton) sender;
            if (button.ValueAsInt < minIngredientsSpinButton.ValueAsInt)
                minIngredientsSpinButton.Value = button.ValueAsInt;
            minIngredientsSpinButton.SetRange(1, button.ValueAsInt);
            // TODO: save profile setting
            // TODO: no longer permit resume

        protected void OnMaxRecipeChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // TODO: save profile setting
            // TODO: no longer permit resume

        protected void OnFullQuantityDepthChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // TODO: save profile setting
            // TODO: no longer permit resume

        protected void OnFullQuantityChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // TODO: save profile setting
            // TODO: no longer permit resume

        protected void OnBegin(object sender, EventArgs e)
            minIngredientsSpinButton.Sensitive = false;
            maxIngredientsSpinButton.Sensitive = false;
            //TODO ExportToWikiAction.Sensitive = false;
            maxRecipeSpinButton.Sensitive = false;
            beginButton.Sensitive = false; // TODO: change to "pause"?
            stopResumeButton.Sensitive = true;
            fullQuantitySpinButton.Sensitive = false;
            fullQuantityDepthSpinButton.Sensitive = false;
            reagentListView.Sensitive = false;
            checkButtonRibbon.Sensitive = false;

            countLabel.Text = String.Format("{0} / {1}", checkButtonRibbon.Active ? profile.RibbonCount : profile.RecipeCount, Palette.Count);

            // TODO: hook up event notifications
            // - progress
            // - complete
            // - new recipe / recipe update

            // Total recipe search count
            //int current = ReagentManager.Names.Count;
            //long recipePermutations = 1;
            //for (int i = 0; i < maxIngredientsSpinButton.ValueAsInt; ++i)
            //    recipePermutations *= current;
            //    --current;
            //System.Console.WriteLine("Will search {0} reagent permutations.", recipePermutations);

            lastProgressUpdate = DateTime.Now.Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond;
            lastStatusUpdate = lastProgressUpdate;

            lastProfileSave = lastProgressUpdate;
            lastCheckpoint = lastProgressUpdate;

            running = true;
Show inline comments

// This file has been generated by the GUI designer. Do not modify.
namespace DesertPaintLab
	public partial class ScreenCheckDialog
		private global::Gtk.VBox vbox2;
		private global::Gtk.HBox hbox1;
		private global::Gtk.Label label1;

        private global::Gtk.Label detectedResolutionLabel;

        private global::Gtk.Entry screenWidthEntry;
		private global::Gtk.Entry screenHeightEntry;
		private global::Gtk.HBox hbox2;

        private global::Gtk.VBox vbox3;
		private global::Gtk.Label label2;
		private global::Gtk.Entry gamePixelWidthEntry;

        private global::Gtk.Entry gamePixelWidthEntry;

        private global::Gtk.Label label3;

        private global::Gtk.HBox hbox3;

        private global::Gtk.Label interfaceSizeLlabel;

        private global::Gtk.ComboBox interfaceSizeComboBox;

        private global::Gtk.Button buttonOk;

		protected virtual void Build ()
			global::Stetic.Gui.Initialize (this);
			// Widget DesertPaintLab.ScreenCheckDialog
			this.Name = "DesertPaintLab.ScreenCheckDialog";
			this.Title = "Screen Check";
			this.WindowPosition = ((global::Gtk.WindowPosition)(4));
			this.Modal = true;
			this.BorderWidth = ((uint)(9));
			// Internal child DesertPaintLab.ScreenCheckDialog.VBox
			global::Gtk.VBox w1 = this.VBox;
			w1.Name = "dialog1_VBox";
			// Container child dialog1_VBox.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
			this.vbox2 = new global::Gtk.VBox ();
			this.vbox2.Name = "vbox2";
			this.vbox2.Spacing = 20;
			this.vbox2.BorderWidth = ((uint)(20));

            // Container child vbox2.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
            this.hbox1 = new global::Gtk.HBox ();
			this.hbox1.Name = "hbox1";
			this.hbox1.Spacing = 20;
			this.hbox1.BorderWidth = ((uint)(10));
			// Container child hbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
			this.label1 = new global::Gtk.Label ();
			this.label1.Name = "label1";
			this.label1.LabelProp = "Screen Resolution";
			this.hbox1.Add (this.label1);
            global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild w2 = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox1[this.label1]));
            w2.Position = 0;
            w2.Expand = false;
            w2.Fill = false;
			// Container child hbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
			this.screenWidthEntry = new global::Gtk.Entry ();
			this.screenWidthEntry.WidthRequest = 50;
			this.screenWidthEntry.CanFocus = true;
			this.screenWidthEntry.Name = "screenWidthEntry";
			this.screenWidthEntry.IsEditable = true;
			this.screenWidthEntry.InvisibleChar = '●';
			this.hbox1.Add (this.screenWidthEntry);
			global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild w3 = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox1 [this.screenWidthEntry]));
			w3.Position = 1;
			// Container child hbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
			this.screenHeightEntry = new global::Gtk.Entry ();
			this.screenHeightEntry.WidthRequest = 50;
			this.screenHeightEntry.CanFocus = true;
			this.screenHeightEntry.Name = "screenHeightEntry";
			this.screenHeightEntry.IsEditable = true;
			this.screenHeightEntry.InvisibleChar = '●';
			this.hbox1.Add (this.screenHeightEntry);
			global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild w4 = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox1 [this.screenHeightEntry]));
			w4.Position = 2;
			this.vbox2.Add (this.hbox1);
			global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild w5 = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.vbox2 [this.hbox1]));
			w5.Position = 0;
			w5.Expand = false;
			w5.Fill = false;

            // Container child vbox2.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
            this.detectedResolutionLabel = new global::Gtk.Label();
            this.detectedResolutionLabel.Name = "detectedResolutionLabel";
            this.detectedResolutionLabel.LabelProp = "Detected Screen Resolution: ??";
            global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild wDR = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.vbox2[this.detectedResolutionLabel]));
            wDR.Position =  1;
            wDR.Expand = false;
            wDR.Fill = false;

            // Container child dialog1_VBox.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
            this.vbox3 = new global::Gtk.VBox();
            this.vbox3.Name = "vbox3";
            this.vbox3.Spacing = 2;
            this.vbox3.BorderWidth = ((uint)(20));

            // Container child vbox2.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
            this.hbox2 = new global::Gtk.HBox ();
			this.hbox2.Name = "hbox2";
			this.hbox2.Spacing = 20;
			this.hbox2.BorderWidth = ((uint)(10));
			// Container child hbox2.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
			this.label2 = new global::Gtk.Label ();
			this.label2.Name = "label2";
			this.label2.LabelProp = "Game Pixel Width in Screen Pixels";
			this.hbox2.Add (this.label2);
			global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild w6 = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox2 [this.label2]));
			w6.Position = 0;
			w6.Expand = false;
			w6.Fill = false;
			// Container child hbox2.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
			this.gamePixelWidthEntry = new global::Gtk.Entry ();
			this.gamePixelWidthEntry.WidthRequest = 50;
			this.gamePixelWidthEntry.CanFocus = true;
			this.gamePixelWidthEntry.Name = "gamePixelWidthEntry";
			this.gamePixelWidthEntry.IsEditable = true;
			this.gamePixelWidthEntry.InvisibleChar = '●';
			this.hbox2.Add (this.gamePixelWidthEntry);
			global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild w7 = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox2 [this.gamePixelWidthEntry]));
			w7.Position = 1;
			w7.Expand = false;
			w7.Fill = false;
			this.vbox2.Add (this.hbox2);
			global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild w8 = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.vbox2 [this.hbox2]));
			w8.Position = 2;
			this.vbox3.Add (this.hbox2);
			global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild w8 = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.vbox3 [this.hbox2]));
			w8.Position = 0;
			w8.Expand = false;
			w8.Fill = false;

            // Container child hbox2.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
            this.label3 = new global::Gtk.Label();
            this.label3.Name = "label2";
            this.label3.LabelProp = "(Advanced, should be 1 for most displays and 2 for Macs with retina displays)";
            global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild w8a = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.vbox3[this.label3]));
            w8a.Position = 1;
            w8a.Expand = false;
            w8a.Fill = false;

            global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild w8b = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.vbox2[this.vbox3]));
            w8b.Position = 2;
            w8b.Expand = false;
            w8b.Fill = false;

            // Container child vbox2.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
            this.hbox3 = new global::Gtk.HBox();
            this.hbox3.Name = "hbox3";
            this.hbox3.Spacing = 20;
            this.hbox3.BorderWidth = ((uint)(10));
            // Container child hbox3.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
            this.interfaceSizeLlabel = new global::Gtk.Label();
            this.interfaceSizeLlabel.Name = "interfaceSizeLabel";
            this.interfaceSizeLlabel.LabelProp = "Interface Size";
            global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild interfaceSizeContainer = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox3[this.interfaceSizeLlabel]));
            interfaceSizeContainer.Position = 0;
            interfaceSizeContainer.Expand = false;
            interfaceSizeContainer.Fill = false;
            // Container child hbox2.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
            this.interfaceSizeComboBox = global::Gtk.ComboBox.NewText();
            this.interfaceSizeComboBox.Name = "interfaceSizeComboBox";
            global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild wInterfaceSize = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox2[this.interfaceSizeComboBox]));
            wInterfaceSize.Position = 1;
            global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild wInterfaceSizeBox = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.vbox2[this.hbox3]));
            wInterfaceSizeBox.Position = 0;
            wInterfaceSizeBox.Expand = false;
            wInterfaceSizeBox.Fill = false;

            // Fill interface size box

            Gtk.CellRendererText cell = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
            interfaceSizeComboBox.PackStart(cell, false);
            interfaceSizeComboBox.AddAttribute(cell, "text", 0);
            Gtk.ListStore store = new Gtk.ListStore(typeof(string));
            interfaceSizeComboBox.Model = store;
            Gtk.TreeIter iter;
            interfaceSizeComboBox.Model.IterNthChild(out iter, 1);

            w1.Add (this.vbox2);
			global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild w9 = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w1 [this.vbox2]));
			w9.Position = 3;
			// Internal child DesertPaintLab.ScreenCheckDialog.ActionArea
			global::Gtk.HButtonBox w10 = this.ActionArea;
			w10.Name = "dialog1_ActionArea";
			w10.Spacing = 10;
			w10.BorderWidth = ((uint)(5));
			w10.LayoutStyle = ((global::Gtk.ButtonBoxStyle)(4));
			// Container child dialog1_ActionArea.Gtk.ButtonBox+ButtonBoxChild
			this.buttonOk = new global::Gtk.Button ();
			this.buttonOk.CanDefault = true;
			this.buttonOk.CanFocus = true;
			this.buttonOk.Name = "buttonOk";
			this.buttonOk.UseStock = true;
			this.buttonOk.UseUnderline = true;
			this.buttonOk.Label = "gtk-ok";
			this.AddActionWidget (this.buttonOk, -5);
			global::Gtk.ButtonBox.ButtonBoxChild w11 = ((global::Gtk.ButtonBox.ButtonBoxChild)(w10 [this.buttonOk]));
			w11.Expand = false;
			w11.Fill = false;

            if ((this.Child != null)) {
				this.Child.ShowAll ();
			this.DefaultWidth = 378;
			this.DefaultHeight = 245;
			this.Show ();
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