Changeset - ce4fe2190a12
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Jason Maltzen - 5 years ago 2019-11-02 13:14:29
Fix another bug in computing the swatch area
1 file changed with 3 insertions and 3 deletions:
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@@ -268,99 +268,99 @@ namespace DesertPaintLab

            // 1.) Check if the top pixel is a dark pixel.
            isDarkPixel = IsDarkPixel(r, g, b); // ((r < 0x46) && (g < 0x46) && (b < 0x46));
            //// 2.) Check the pixel above it to see if it's from the papy texture.
            //int otherPixelStart = testPixelStart - stride;
            //isPapyAbove = ((otherPixelStart >= 0) &&
            //    IsPapyTexture(pixBytes[otherPixelStart++], pixBytes[otherPixelStart++], pixBytes[otherPixelStart]));

            //// 3.) Check the pixel below where the swatch should be to see if it's also from the papy texture.
            //otherPixelStart = testPixelStart + (stride * swatchHeight);
            //isPapyBelow = (IsPapyTexture(pixBytes[otherPixelStart++], pixBytes[otherPixelStart++], pixBytes[otherPixelStart]));

            //bool result = isDarkPixel && isPapyAbove && isPapyBelow;
            bool result = isDarkPixel;

            // grab the swatch color
            int swatchColorStart = testPixelStart + (2 * pixelMultiplier * stride); // 2 rows below the test pixel, skipping the faded color
            r = pixBytes[swatchColorStart];
            g = pixBytes[swatchColorStart+1];
            b = pixBytes[swatchColorStart+2];

            // scan the column from 2 below the top to 2 above the bottom to ensure the color matches
            for (int i = (2*pixelMultiplier); result && (i < swatchHeight-(2*pixelMultiplier)); ++i)
                int otherPixelStart = testPixelStart + (stride * i);
                result &= IsColorMatch(pixBytes[otherPixelStart], pixBytes[otherPixelStart+1], pixBytes[otherPixelStart+2], r, g, b);

            if (!result)
                WriteLog("Swatch slice at {0}, {1} failed to match", x, y);

            return result;

        unsafe private bool IsPossibleSwatchUpperLeft(byte* pixBytes, int x, int y, int stride)
            int testPixelStart = (y * stride) + (x * 3);

            if (testPixelStart < stride)
                return false;

            bool result = true;

            int solidUpperLeft = testPixelStart + ((y+2) * stride) + ((x+2) * 3);
            int solidLowerLeft = testPixelStart + ((swatchHeight - 4) * stride);
            int solidUpperRight = testPixelStart + ((swatchWidth - 4) * 3);
            int solidUpperLeft = testPixelStart + (2 * stride) + (2 * 3);
            int solidLowerLeft = solidUpperLeft + ((swatchHeight - 4) * stride);
            int solidUpperRight = solidUpperLeft + ((swatchWidth - 4) * 3);
            int solidLowerRight = solidLowerLeft + ((swatchWidth - 4) * 3);
            byte swatch_r = pixBytes[solidUpperLeft];
            byte swatch_g = pixBytes[solidUpperLeft + 1];
            byte swatch_b = pixBytes[solidUpperLeft + 2];

            // Check the other 3 corners of the swatch size for color match
            result &= IsColorMatch(swatch_r, swatch_r, swatch_r, pixBytes[solidUpperRight], pixBytes[solidUpperRight + 1], pixBytes[solidUpperRight + 2]);
            result &= IsColorMatch(swatch_r, swatch_r, swatch_r, pixBytes[solidLowerLeft], pixBytes[solidLowerLeft + 1], pixBytes[solidLowerLeft + 2]);
            result &= IsColorMatch(swatch_r, swatch_r, swatch_r, pixBytes[solidLowerRight], pixBytes[solidLowerRight + 1], pixBytes[solidLowerRight + 2]);

            if (!result)
                return false;

            // scan down the right and left sides
            for (int yOff = 1; yOff < (swatchHeight - 5); ++yOff)
                int testPixel = solidUpperLeft + (yOff * stride);
                result &= IsColorMatch(swatch_r, swatch_r, swatch_r, pixBytes[testPixel], pixBytes[testPixel + 1], pixBytes[testPixel + 2]);
                testPixel += ((swatchWidth - 1) * (x + 3));
                result &= IsColorMatch(swatch_r, swatch_r, swatch_r, pixBytes[testPixel], pixBytes[testPixel + 1], pixBytes[testPixel + 2]);

            if (!result)
                WriteLog("Failed to find left edge for potential swatch of color {2}, {3}, {4} at {0}, {1}", x, y, swatch_r, swatch_g, swatch_b);
                return false;

            // test the left edge for dark pixels
            int i = 0;
            for (i = 0; result && (i < swatchHeight-pixelMultiplier); ++i)
                int otherPixelStart = testPixelStart + (stride * i);
                result &= IsDarkPixel(pixBytes[otherPixelStart], pixBytes[otherPixelStart+1], pixBytes[otherPixelStart+2]);
            if (!result)
                // No dark border on the left side
                WriteLog("Failed to find left border for potential swatch of color {2}, {3}, {4} at {0}, {1}", x, y, swatch_r, swatch_g, swatch_b);
                return false;

            // test the dark top border and for papyrus above and below the swatch
            bool borderError = false;
            int papyErrorCount = 0;
            for (i = 0; result && (i < swatchWidth); ++i)
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