Changeset - 64ef4331f012
[Not reviewed]
Jason Maltzen (jmaltzen) - 9 years ago 2016-03-11 09:18:35
Update version to 1.7.15
2 files changed with 2 insertions and 2 deletions:
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@@ -20,25 +20,25 @@

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using Gtk;
using DesertPaintLab;

public partial class MainWindow : Gtk.Window
    const string APP_VERSION = "1.7.14";
    const string APP_VERSION = "1.7.15";

	bool unsavedData = false;
	bool shouldShutDown = false;
	List<string> profileList = new List<string>();
	PlayerProfile profile = null;
	Gdk.Window rootWindow = null;
	Gdk.Pixbuf screenBuffer = null;

    // views
    RecipeGeneratorView generatorView;
    SimulatorView simulatorView;
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@@ -15,25 +15,25 @@ ingredient reactions in [A Tale in the D
## Tale 7

This application has been updated for Tale 7.  The current version is a **RELEASE CANDIDATE**.  It may be buggy.
If you find any problems with it, please [open an issue]( or /chat Afrah or Snoerr
in the game.

## Directions

### Download Desert Paint Lab

You can always find the available downloads, on [the download page](

The most recent version is [T7 Release Candidate 14]( For Mac, you can download a [dmg containing a Mac app bundle](
The most recent version is [T7 Release Candidate 15]( For Mac, you can download a [dmg containing a Mac app bundle](

This application should run under Mono on Mac, Linux, and Windows.  If you are on Windows,
and do not have Mono installed, you can install [GTK# for .NET](,
without the need for installing Mono. On Mac or Linux, download and install the [Mono runtime](

### Set Up a Profile

The first time you run Desert Paint Lab, it will prompt you to make a profile.  You may either create a new profile, or import an existing PracticalPaint reactions.txt file.

### Start Testing!

Add two ingredients to your paint bench.  Select those same ingredients in Desert Paint Lab.  Then, with the Pigment Lab dialog unobstructred, select the **Capture** button.  Once you are satisfied with the result, click the **Record** button.  The data will automatically be added to your profile.
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