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Tess Snider (Malkyne) - 9 years ago 2015-11-20 08:52:23 edited online with Bitbucket
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@@ -47,17 +47,28 @@ 1. In your clipped reaction, let's call 
1. Select a **non-catalyst** ingredient **C** for which you have already tested **C + A** and **C + B**.  It is OK if there was a reaction in those earlier tests.  Desert Paint Lab can work out the math.
1. In Desert Paint Lab, select ingredients as follows:
    1. **C**
    2. **A**
    3. **B**
1. Capture.
1. Record.

For clipped reactions, your **C** ingredient should be one that corrects for the clipped color.  For example, if your reaction clipped low on blue, consider using Copper or Earth Light for your **C** ingredient, because those are very blue.  On the other hand, if your reaction clipped high on red, consider using Toad Skin as your **C** ingredient, because it is very low on red.
For clipped reactions, your **C** ingredient should be one that corrects for the clipped color.  Here are some suggested **C** ingredients for clipping correction:


Clip Color  | Clip Direction | Correction | Suggested "C" Ingredient
Red         | Low            | +Red       | Carrot (224) or Red Sand (144)
Red         | High           | -Red       | Silver Powder (16) or Toad Skin (48)
Green       | Low            | +Green     | Earth Light (240) or Copper (192)
Green       | High           | -Green     | Red Sand (16) or Silver Powder (16)
Blue        | Low            | +Blue      | Earth Light (224) or Copper (192)
Blue        | High           | -Blue      | Red Sand (24) or Clay (32) or Carrot (32) or Silver Powder (32)


In many cases, it may be easiest to go back and do these three-way tests after you have finished all of your other testing.

### Catalysts

For catalyst to catalyst reaction tests, follow the three-way instructions, as above.

### Finishing Up
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