Changeset - 2c3944282ed8
[Not reviewed]
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Jason Maltzen (jmaltzen) - 9 years ago 2016-01-23 20:18:05
Fixes for starting with a min reagent count > 1
2 files changed with 84 insertions and 28 deletions:
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@@ -206,156 +206,176 @@ namespace DesertPaintLab

            // Pre-populate recipes list with:
            // 1) 1-ingredient recipes @ 10db for all enabled ingredients with a count >= 10
            // 2) any previously-generated recipes
            int enabledReagentCount = 0;
            PaintRecipe recipe = new PaintRecipe();
            recipe.Reactions = reactions;
            foreach (Reagent reagent in costSortedReagents)
                if (reagent.Enabled)
                    if (!reagent.IsCatalyst && ((reagent.RecipeMax >= 10) || ((FullQuantityDepth > 0) && (FullQuantity >= 10))))
                        recipe.AddReagent(reagent.Name, 10);
            this.MaxReagents = (uint)Math.Min(enabledReagentCount, this.MaxReagents);
            this.MinReagents = (uint)Math.Min(this.MinReagents, this.MaxReagents);

            while (!searchQueue.IsEmpty)
                RecipeSearchNode node;
                searchQueue.TryDequeue(out node);
            for (uint reagentIdx = 0; reagentIdx < costSortedReagents.Count; ++reagentIdx)
                if (costSortedReagents[(int)reagentIdx].Enabled)
                    // queue up all combinations of MinReagents
                    RecipeSearchNode initialNode = new RecipeSearchNode(costSortedReagents, reagentIdx);
                    initialNode.FullQuantity = FullQuantity;
                    initialNode.FullQuantityDepth = FullQuantityDepth;
                    initialNode.MaxQuantity = maxQuantity;
                    initialNode.MinReagents = minReagents;
                    initialNode.MaxReagents = maxReagents;

                    if (MinReagents > 1)
                        while (NextReagentSetBreadthFirst(initialNode, 1, minReagents) == true)
                            if (initialNode.ReagentCount == minReagents)
                                //Console.WriteLine("Initial node at size {0}/{1} with recipe: {2}", initialNode.ReagentCount, minReagents, initialNode.TestRecipe.ToString());
                                RecipeSearchNode searchNode = new RecipeSearchNode(initialNode);

            recipeCount = 0;

            if (log != null)
                log.WriteLine("Begin recipe generation: MaxQuantity={0} MinReagents={1} MaxReagents={2} FullQuantity={3} FullQuantityDepth={4}", MaxQuantity, MinReagents, MaxReagents, FullQuantity, FullQuantityDepth);
            // start worker threads to do the actual work

        public void ResumeRecipeGeneration()
            if (running)
                // Already running - don't start again
            running = true;
            requestCancel = false;

            if (log != null)
                log.WriteLine("Resuming recipe generation: pre-threads={0} reagent count={1} search queue={2}", runningThreads, costSortedReagents.Count, searchQueue.Count);
            runningThreads = 0; // presumably!

            int threadCount = Math.Min(Math.Min(costSortedReagents.Count, searchQueue.Count), (int)MaxThreads);
            if (threadCount == 0)
                if (Finished != null)
                    Finished(this, null);
            System.Console.WriteLine("Starting {0} generator threads.", threadCount);
            for (int i = 0; i < threadCount; ++i)
                Thread thr = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.Generate));
                thr.Priority = ThreadPriority.BelowNormal;
            foreach (Thread thr in generatorThreads)

        public bool SaveState(string file)
            if (running)
                // can't save state while running
                return false;

            using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(file, false))
                writer.WriteLine("MinReagents: {0}", MinReagents);
                writer.WriteLine("MaxReagents: {0}", MaxReagents);
                writer.WriteLine("FullQuantityDepth: {0}", FullQuantityDepth);
                writer.WriteLine("FullQuantity: {0}", FullQuantity);
                writer.WriteLine("TotalReagents: {0}", totalReagents);
                writer.WriteLine("RecipeCount: {0}", recipeCount);
                writer.WriteLine("SearchType: {0}", Mode.ToString());
                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, PaintRecipe> pair in recipes)
                using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(file, false))
                    PaintRecipe recipe = pair.Value;
                    string colorName = Palette.FindNearest(recipe.ReactedColor);
                    writer.WriteLine("BeginRecipe: {0}", colorName);
                    foreach (PaintRecipe.RecipeIngredient ingredient in recipe.Ingredients)
                    writer.WriteLine("MinReagents: {0}", MinReagents);
                    writer.WriteLine("MaxReagents: {0}", MaxReagents);
                    writer.WriteLine("FullQuantityDepth: {0}", FullQuantityDepth);
                    writer.WriteLine("FullQuantity: {0}", FullQuantity);
                    writer.WriteLine("TotalReagents: {0}", totalReagents);
                    writer.WriteLine("RecipeCount: {0}", recipeCount);
                    writer.WriteLine("SearchType: {0}", Mode.ToString());
                    foreach (KeyValuePair<string, PaintRecipe> pair in recipes)
                        writer.WriteLine("Ingredient: {0}={1}",, ingredient.quantity);
                        PaintRecipe recipe = pair.Value;
                        string colorName = Palette.FindNearest(recipe.ReactedColor);
                        writer.WriteLine("BeginRecipe: {0}", colorName);
                        foreach (PaintRecipe.RecipeIngredient ingredient in recipe.Ingredients)
                            writer.WriteLine("Ingredient: {0}={1}",, ingredient.quantity);
                        writer.WriteLine("EndRecipe: {0}", colorName);
                    writer.WriteLine("EndRecipe: {0}", colorName);
                    writer.WriteLine("SearchNodes: {0}", searchQueue.Count);
                    foreach (RecipeSearchNode node in searchQueue)
                writer.WriteLine("SearchNodes: {0}", searchQueue.Count);
                foreach (RecipeSearchNode node in searchQueue)
            return true;

        static Regex keyValueRegex = new Regex(@"(?<key>\w+)\:\s*(?<value>.+)\s*");
        static Regex ingredientRegex = new Regex(@"(?<ingredient>(\w+\s)*\w+)\s*=\s*(?<quantity>\d)\s*");
        public bool LoadState(string file)
            // cannot be running, and reactions must be set
            if (running)
                return false;

            bool success = true;

            PaintRecipe currentRecipe = null;
            Match match;
            string line;
            using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(file, false))
                while (success && ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null))
                    match = keyValueRegex.Match(line);
                    if (match.Success)
                        string value = match.Groups["value"].Value;
                            case "MinReagents":
                                MinReagents = uint.Parse(value);
@@ -655,143 +675,149 @@ namespace DesertPaintLab
            // pick recipe quantities at current recipe ingredients/size

            // search all quantities of current recipe
            if (NextRecipe(node))
                //System.Console.WriteLine("Found next recipe at size {0} qty {1}", node.ReagentCount, node.CurrentTargetQuantity);
                return true;

            // Try next quantity
            uint newQuantity;
            uint quantityLimit = ((uint)node.ReagentCount <= FullQuantityDepth) ? ((uint)node.ReagentCount * FullQuantity) : node.MaxQuantity;
            do {
                newQuantity = node.CurrentTargetQuantity + 1;
                //Console.WriteLine("Try quantity {0}", newQuantity);
                if (newQuantity <= quantityLimit)
                    if (node.CurrentTargetQuantity <= node.UsedQuantity)
                        if (log != null) { lock(log) { log.WriteLine("Update quantity to {0}", node.CurrentTargetQuantity); } }
                        return true;
            } while (newQuantity < quantityLimit);

            bool ok = NextReagentSetBreadthFirst(node, node.MinReagents, node.MaxReagents);
            return ok;

        private bool NextReagentSetBreadthFirst(RecipeSearchNode node, uint minReagents, uint maxReagents)
            // search all variants at this depth of recipe
            // increase recipe depth

            // next reagent in last position
            // if at end, pop reagent
            //Console.WriteLine("Finding new recipe after quantity {0}/{1} used {2}", newQuantity, node.MaxQuantity, node.UsedQuantity);
            node.InitForQuantity(10+node.CatalystCount); // reset quantity
            int currentDepth = node.ReagentCount;
            bool recipeFound = false;
            uint nextReagent;
            do {
                //Console.WriteLine("Current depth: {0}/{1}", currentDepth, node.MaxReagents);
                do {
                    recipeFound = false;
                    // back out until we find a node that can be incremented
                    if (currentDepth > node.MinReagents)
                    if (currentDepth > minReagents)
                        while (node.ReagentCount > node.MinReagents)
                        while (node.ReagentCount > minReagents)
                            if (node.LastReagent < (totalReagents - 1))
                                nextReagent = node.NextFreeReagent(node.LastReagent);
                                if (nextReagent < totalReagents)
                                    //Console.WriteLine("Replace last reagent with {0}", nextReagent);
                                    // shouldn't happen
                                    //Console.WriteLine("No available reagents at depth {0}!", node.ReagentCount);
                                    if (node.ReagentCount == node.MinReagents)
                                    if (node.ReagentCount == minReagents)
                                        // just popped the last reagent at the top level
                                        if (log != null) { lock(log) { log.WriteLine("Increased depth to {0}/{1}", currentDepth, node.MaxReagents); } }
                                //Console.WriteLine("Pop last reagent");
                                if (node.ReagentCount == node.MinReagents)
                                if (node.ReagentCount == minReagents)
                                    // just popped the last reagent at the top level
                                    if (log != null) { lock(log) { log.WriteLine("Increased depth to {0}/{1} [pop last reagent at top level]", currentDepth, node.MaxReagents); } }
                        // fill in the nodes up to the current depth
                        if (node.ReagentCount >= node.MinReagents)
                        if (node.ReagentCount >= minReagents && currentDepth <= maxReagents)
                            recipeFound = true;
                            while (node.ReagentCount < currentDepth)
                                if (! node.AddNextReagent())
                                    if (log != null) { lock(log) { log.WriteLine("Failed to reagent {0}/{1}", node.ReagentCount+1, currentDepth); } }
                                    recipeFound = false;
                    //Console.WriteLine("Catalysts: {0} Reagents: {1} Min: {2}", node.CatalystCount, node.ReagentCount, node.MinReagents);
                } while ((node.CatalystCount >= node.ReagentCount) && (node.ReagentCount >= node.MinReagents)); // make sure to skip all-catalyst combinations
                } while ((node.CatalystCount >= node.ReagentCount) && (node.ReagentCount >= minReagents)); // make sure to skip all-catalyst combinations
                if (recipeFound)
                    if (log != null) { lock(log) { log.WriteLine("Increased depth to {0}/{1} [no recipe]", currentDepth, node.MaxReagents); } }
            } while (currentDepth <= node.MaxReagents);
            } while (currentDepth <= maxReagents);
            if (recipeFound)
                node.InitForQuantity(10+node.CatalystCount); // minimum quantity for this recipe
                if (node.TestRecipe == null)
                    node.TestRecipe = new PaintRecipe();
                    node.TestRecipe.Reactions = reactions;
                for (int i = 0; i < node.ReagentCount; ++i)
                    node.TestRecipe.AddReagent(node.Reagent(i).Name, node.CurrentWeights[i]);
                if (log != null) { 
                    string combo = "";
                    foreach (PaintRecipe.RecipeIngredient ingr in node.TestRecipe.Ingredients)
                        combo += " " +;
                    lock(log) { log.WriteLine("New ingredients: " + combo); }

            return recipeFound;

        private void TestCurrentRecipe(RecipeSearchNode node)
            if (node.TestRecipe == null)
                node.TestRecipe = new PaintRecipe();
                node.TestRecipe.Reactions = reactions;
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@@ -65,64 +65,94 @@ namespace DesertPaintLab

        public uint CurrentTargetQuantity { get; set; }
        public uint MaxQuantity { get; set; }
        public uint UsedQuantity { get; private set; }
        public uint CatalystCount { get; set; }
        public uint FullQuantityDepth { get; set; }
        public uint FullQuantity { get; set; }
        public uint MinReagents { get; set; }

        uint maxReagents;
        public uint MaxReagents
                return maxReagents;
                maxReagents = value;
                currentWeights = new uint[maxReagents];

        uint[] currentWeights;
        public uint[] CurrentWeights
                return currentWeights;

        public RecipeSearchNode(RecipeSearchNode other)
            this.costSortedReagents = new List<Reagent>(other.costSortedReagents);
            this.reagents = new uint[costSortedReagents.Count];
            INVALID_REAGENT = (uint)costSortedReagents.Count;
            for (int i = 0; i < costSortedReagents.Count; ++i)
                this.reagents[i] = other.reagents[i];
            reagentInUse = new bool[costSortedReagents.Count];
            for (uint i = 0; i < costSortedReagents.Count; ++i)
                reagentInUse[i] = other.reagentInUse[i];
            nextReagentPos = other.nextReagentPos;

            CurrentTargetQuantity = other.CurrentTargetQuantity;
            MaxQuantity = other.MaxQuantity;
            UsedQuantity = other.UsedQuantity;
            CatalystCount = other.CatalystCount;
            FullQuantityDepth = other.FullQuantityDepth;
            FullQuantity = other.FullQuantity;
            MinReagents = other.MinReagents;
            MaxReagents = other.MaxReagents;
            for (int i = 0; i < MaxReagents; ++i)
                currentWeights[i] = other.currentWeights[i];

        public RecipeSearchNode(List<Reagent> costSortedReagents, uint[] reagents)
            this.costSortedReagents = new List<Reagent>(costSortedReagents);
            this.reagents = new uint[costSortedReagents.Count];
            INVALID_REAGENT = (uint)costSortedReagents.Count;
            nextReagentPos = reagents.Length;
            for (int i = this.reagents.Length-1; i >= this.reagents.Length; --i)
                reagents[i] = INVALID_REAGENT;
            for (int i = reagents.Length-1; i >= 0; --i)
                this.reagents[i] = reagents[i];
                if (reagents[i] == INVALID_REAGENT)
                    nextReagentPos = i;
            reagentInUse = new bool[costSortedReagents.Count];
            for (uint reagentIdx = 0; reagentIdx < costSortedReagents.Count; ++reagentIdx)
                reagentInUse[reagentIdx] = false;
            foreach (uint reagentIdx in this.reagents)
                if (reagentIdx != INVALID_REAGENT)
                    reagentInUse[reagentIdx] = true;
            MinReagents = (uint)nextReagentPos;
            MaxReagents = (uint)nextReagentPos; // better set this later!
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