@ 787f2aabbded
Branch filter:
Location: ATITD-Tools/Desert-Paint-Lab/gtk-gui/DesertPaintLab.PaintSwatch.cs - annotation
1.8 KiB
Update search for paint lab interface: check for 4 corners and left/right line of solid portion of the color area, fix papyrus texture check for new brighter papyrus texture.
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// This file has been generated by the GUI designer. Do not modify.
namespace DesertPaintLab
public partial class PaintSwatch
private global::Gtk.VBox vbox1;
private global::Gtk.Label colorNameLabel;
private global::Gtk.DrawingArea colorBox;
private global::Gtk.Label rgbLabel;
protected virtual void Build ()
global::Stetic.Gui.Initialize (this);
// Widget DesertPaintLab.PaintSwatch
global::Stetic.BinContainer.Attach (this);
this.Name = "DesertPaintLab.PaintSwatch";
// Container child DesertPaintLab.PaintSwatch.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild
this.vbox1 = new global::Gtk.VBox ();
this.vbox1.Name = "vbox1";
this.vbox1.Spacing = 6;
// Container child vbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
this.colorNameLabel = new global::Gtk.Label ();
this.colorNameLabel.Name = "colorNameLabel";
this.colorNameLabel.LabelProp = "Unknown";
this.vbox1.Add (this.colorNameLabel);
global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild w1 = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.vbox1 [this.colorNameLabel]));
w1.Position = 0;
w1.Expand = false;
w1.Fill = false;
// Container child vbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
this.colorBox = new global::Gtk.DrawingArea ();
this.colorBox.Name = "colorBox";
this.vbox1.Add (this.colorBox);
global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild w2 = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.vbox1 [this.colorBox]));
w2.Position = 1;
// Container child vbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
this.rgbLabel = new global::Gtk.Label ();
this.rgbLabel.Name = "rgbLabel";
this.rgbLabel.LabelProp = "???, ???, ???";
this.vbox1.Add (this.rgbLabel);
global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild w3 = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.vbox1 [this.rgbLabel]));
w3.Position = 2;
w3.Expand = false;
w3.Fill = false;
this.Add (this.vbox1);
if ((this.Child != null)) {
this.Child.ShowAll ();
this.Hide ();