Changeset - f419334a476f
[Not reviewed]
Tess Snider (Malkyne) - 3 years ago 2021-07-19 15:16:24
Improved up behavior for clipped reactions and 3-way reactions, and fixed
related bugs.
6 files changed with 77 insertions and 27 deletions:
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@@ -7,49 +7,49 @@ using DesertPaintCodex.Util;
using DesertPaintCodex.Services;

namespace DesertPaintCodex.Models
    public class PlayerProfile
        private const string PaintRecipeFile = "dp_recipes.txt";
        private const string RibbonRecipeFile = "dp_ribbons.txt";
        private readonly string _reactFile;
        private readonly string _settingsFile;
        private readonly string _clipFile;

        private static readonly Regex _recipeHeaderRegex     = new(@"^--- Recipe: (?<colorname>(\w*\s)*\w+)\s*");
        private static readonly Regex _recipeIngredientRegex = new(@"(?<ingredient>(\w+\s)?\w+)\s*\|\s*(?<quantity>\d+)\s*");
        private Settings ProfileSettings { get; } = new();

        public string Directory { get; }

        public string Name { get; private set; }
        public ReactionSet Reactions { get; } = new();

        private Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, ClipType>> Clippers { get; } = new();
        public Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, ClipType>> Clippers { get; } = new();

        public string ReagentFile { get; }

        public Dictionary<string, PaintRecipe> Recipes { get; } = new();

        public Dictionary<string, PaintRecipe> RibbonRecipes { get; } = new();

        public int RecipeCount
                int count = 0;
                foreach (PaintRecipe recipe in Recipes.Values)
                    if (recipe.IsValidForConcentration(PaintRecipe.PaintRecipeMinConcentration))
                return count;

        public int RibbonCount
@@ -288,117 +288,137 @@ namespace DesertPaintCodex.Models
                return false;
            using (StreamReader reader = new(_reactFile))
                while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                    string[] tokens = line.Split(' ');
                    if (tokens.Length == 5)
                        Reagent reagent1 = ReagentService.GetReagent(tokens[0].Trim());
                        Reagent reagent2 = ReagentService.GetReagent(tokens[1].Trim());
                        Reaction reaction = new(
                        Reactions.Set(reagent1, reagent2, reaction);

            if (!File.Exists(_clipFile)) return true;
                using StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(_clipFile);
                using StreamReader reader = new(_clipFile);
                while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                    string[] tokens = line.Split(' ');
                    if (tokens.Length != 3) continue;
                    string reagent1 = tokens[0].Trim();
                    if (!Clippers.ContainsKey(reagent1))
                        Clippers.Add(reagent1, new Dictionary<string, ClipType>());
                    Clippers[reagent1][tokens[1].Trim()] = (ClipType)int.Parse(tokens[2].Trim());

            return true;

        public void Save()
            Reaction? reaction;
            using (StreamWriter writer = new(_reactFile, false))
                foreach (string reagentName1 in ReagentService.Names)
                    // TODO: could be more efficient by only iterating over the names after reagent1
                    foreach (string reagentName2 in ReagentService.Names)
                        if (reagentName1.Equals(reagentName2))
                        Reagent reagent1 = ReagentService.GetReagent(reagentName1);
                        Reagent reagent2 = ReagentService.GetReagent(reagentName2);
                        reaction = Reactions.Find(reagent1, reagent2);
                        if (reaction != null)
                            writer.WriteLine(reagent1.PracticalPaintName + " " + reagent2.PracticalPaintName + " " +
                            reaction.Red + " " + reaction.Green + " " + reaction.Blue);
            using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(_clipFile, false))
            using (StreamWriter writer = new(_clipFile, false))
                foreach (var item1 in Clippers)
                    foreach (var item2 in item1.Value)
                        if (item2.Value == ClipType.None) continue;
                        writer.WriteLine(item1.Key + " " + item2.Key + " " + (int)item2.Value);

        public ClipType PairClipStatus(string reagent1, string reagent2)
        public ClipType PairClipStatus(Reagent reagent1, Reagent reagent2)
            if (Clippers.TryGetValue(reagent1, out var item1))
            if (Clippers.TryGetValue(reagent1.PracticalPaintName, out var item1))
                if (item1.TryGetValue(reagent2, out var clipType))
                if (item1.TryGetValue(reagent2.PracticalPaintName, out var clipType))
                    return clipType;
            return ClipType.None;

        public void SetPairClipStatus(Reagent reagent1, Reagent reagent2, ClipType clip)
            if (Clippers.TryGetValue(reagent1.PracticalPaintName, out var item1))
                if (item1.TryGetValue(reagent2.PracticalPaintName, out var clipType))
                    if (clipType == clip) return;
                item1 = new Dictionary<string, ClipType>();
                Clippers.Add(reagent1.PracticalPaintName, item1);

            item1[reagent2.PracticalPaintName] = clip;

        private void LoadRecipes(Dictionary<string, PaintRecipe> recipeDict, string filename, uint concentration)
            foreach (PaintRecipe recipe in recipeDict.Values)
            string      recipeFile         = Path.Combine(Directory, filename);
            bool        inRecipe           = false;
            PaintRecipe testRecipe         = new();
            string?     currentRecipeColor = null;
            if (!File.Exists(recipeFile)) return;
            using StreamReader reader = new(recipeFile);
            string? line;
            while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                Match match = _recipeHeaderRegex.Match(line);
                if (match.Success)
                    // Store previous recipe.
                    if ((currentRecipeColor != null) && testRecipe.IsValidForConcentration(concentration))
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@@ -24,247 +24,259 @@ namespace DesertPaintCodex.Models
        public Reagent Reagent1 { get; }
        public Reagent Reagent2 { get; }

        private Reagent? _bufferReagent;
        public Reagent? BufferReagent
            get => _bufferReagent;
                if (_bufferReagent == value) return;
                _bufferReagent = value;
                if (_bufferReagent == null)

        private ClipType _clipType;
        public ClipType Clipped {
            get => _clipType;
                _clipType = value;

        public bool IsAllCatalysts { get; }

        private Reaction? _reaction;
        public Reaction? Reaction { get => _reaction; set { _reaction = value; NotifyPropertyChanged(nameof(Reaction)); } }

        private Reaction? _badReaction;
        public Reaction? BadReaction { get => _badReaction; set { _badReaction = value; NotifyPropertyChanged(nameof(BadReaction)); } }

        private int _scanProgress;
        public int ScanProgress { get => _scanProgress; set { _scanProgress = value; NotifyPropertyChanged(nameof(ScanProgress)); } }
        private TestState _state;

        public TestState State
            get => _state;
                _state = value;

        public bool Requires3Way =>
            (State == TestState.ClippedResult) || IsAllCatalysts;

        public bool CanScan => (State == TestState.Untested) || (State == TestState.LabNotFound) ||
            ((State == TestState.ClippedResult) && (BufferReagent != null));
        public bool CanScan => (State is TestState.Untested or TestState.LabNotFound) || ((State == TestState.ClippedResult) && (BufferReagent != null));
        public bool IsScanning => State == TestState.Scanning;

        public bool HasResults => State is TestState.ClippedResult or TestState.GoodResult or TestState.LabNotFound;
        public bool HasResults => (ObservedColor != null) && (State is TestState.ClippedResult or TestState.GoodResult or TestState.LabNotFound);

        public bool HasReaction => State is TestState.ClippedResult or TestState.GoodResult or TestState.Saved;
        public bool CanClear => State is TestState.ClippedResult or TestState.GoodResult or TestState.Saved;
        public bool CanSave => State == TestState.GoodResult;

        public bool NoLab => State == TestState.LabNotFound;

        public bool CanPickBuffer => (State == TestState.ClippedResult) || IsAllCatalysts;

        public PaintColor? HypotheticalColor => (IsAllCatalysts && (BufferReagent == null)) ? null : _recipe.BaseColor;

        private PaintColor? _hypotheticalColor;
        public PaintColor? HypotheticalColor { get => _hypotheticalColor; set { _hypotheticalColor = value; NotifyPropertyChanged(nameof(HypotheticalColor)); } }

        private PaintColor? _observedColor;
        public PaintColor? ObservedColor { get => _observedColor; set { _observedColor = value; NotifyPropertyChanged(nameof(ObservedColor)); } }

        private readonly PaintRecipe _recipe = new();

        public bool IsStub { get; }


        public ReactionTest(Reagent reagent1, Reagent reagent2, Reaction? reaction, ClipType clipType, bool isStub = false)
            Reagent1 = reagent1;
            Reagent2 = reagent2;
            IsAllCatalysts = reagent1.IsCatalyst && reagent2.IsCatalyst;
            Clipped = clipType;
            Reaction = reaction;
            State = (reaction != null) ? TestState.Saved :
                (clipType == ClipType.None) ? TestState.Untested : TestState.ClippedResult;
            IsStub = isStub;

        #region Actions
        public async Task StartScan()
            Clipped = ClipType.None;
            ScanProgress = 0;
            Reaction = null;
            BadReaction = null;
            State = TestState.Scanning;
            bool foundLab = await ReactionScannerService.Instance.CaptureReactionAsync(this);
            if (foundLab)
                ObservedColor = ReactionScannerService.Instance.RecordedColor;
                if (_observedColor != null)
                    Clipped = _observedColor.Red switch
                            0   => ClipType.RedLow,
                            255 => ClipType.RedHigh,
                            _   => ClipType.None
                        | _observedColor.Green switch
                            0   => ClipType.GreenLow,
                            255 => ClipType.GreenHigh,
                            _   => ClipType.None
                        | _observedColor.Blue switch
                            0   => ClipType.BlueLow,
                            255 => ClipType.BlueHigh,
                            _   => ClipType.None

                    if (Clipped == ClipType.None)
                        State = TestState.GoodResult;
                        Reaction = CalculateReaction();

                        State = TestState.ClippedResult;
                        BadReaction = CalculateReaction();
                    PlayerProfile? profile = ProfileManager.CurrentProfile;
                    profile?.SetPairClipStatus(Reagent1, Reagent2, Clipped);
                Debug.WriteLine("ERROR: Lab UI not found.");
                State = TestState.LabNotFound;

        public void CancelScan()
            State = TestState.Untested;

        public void MarkInert()
            Reaction = new Reaction(0, 0, 0);
            State = TestState.GoodResult;

        public void ClearReaction()
            PlayerProfile? profile = ProfileManager.CurrentProfile;
            if (profile == null) return;
            profile.Reactions.Remove(Reagent1, Reagent2);
            profile.SetPairClipStatus(Reagent1, Reagent2, ClipType.None);
            if (State == TestState.Saved)
            Reaction = null;
            BadReaction = null;
            State = TestState.Untested;

        public void SaveReaction()
            PlayerProfile? profile = ProfileManager.CurrentProfile;
            if (profile == null) return;
            profile.Reactions.Set(Reagent1, Reagent2, Reaction);
            State = TestState.Saved;
        #region Internals

        private Reaction? CalculateReaction()
            if (ProfileManager.CurrentProfile == null) return null;
            if (HypotheticalColor == null) return null;
            if (ObservedColor == null) return null;

            if (Requires3Way)
            if (BufferReagent != null)
                if (BufferReagent == null) return null;
                return ReactionScannerService.Calculate3WayReaction(ProfileManager.CurrentProfile, HypotheticalColor,
                    ObservedColor, BufferReagent, Reagent1, Reagent2);
            return ReactionScannerService.CalculateReaction(HypotheticalColor, ObservedColor);


        private void UpdateHypotheticalColor()
            HypotheticalColor = null;
            HypotheticalColor = (IsAllCatalysts && (BufferReagent == null)) ? null : _recipe.BaseColor;

        #region Interface Implementations
        public event PropertyChangedEventHandler? PropertyChanged;

        private void NotifyPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string? propertyName = null)
            PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

        public void Report(float value)
            ScanProgress = (int)Math.Round(value * 100);

        public int CompareTo(ReactionTest? other)
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@@ -11,49 +11,49 @@ namespace DesertPaintCodex.Models
        private static readonly List<ReactionTest> _allTests = new();
        static ReactionTestService()

        public static void Initialize()
            PlayerProfile? profile = ProfileManager.CurrentProfile;
            Debug.Assert(profile != null);
            List<string> reagentNames = ReagentService.Names;

            foreach (Reagent reagent1 in reagentNames.Select(ReagentService.GetReagent))
                foreach (Reagent reagent2 in reagentNames.Select(ReagentService.GetReagent))
                    if (reagent1 == reagent2) continue;

                    Reaction? reaction = profile.FindReaction(reagent1, reagent2);
                    ClipType clipType = profile.PairClipStatus(reagent1.Name, reagent2.Name);
                    ClipType clipType = profile.PairClipStatus(reagent1, reagent2);
                    ReactionTest test = new(reagent1, reagent2, reaction, clipType)
                        Clipped  = clipType,
                        Reaction = reaction,


        public static void PopulateRemainingTests(ObservableCollection<ReactionTest> collection)
            collection.AddRange(_allTests.Where(test => test.State != ReactionTest.TestState.Saved).OrderBy(test => test));
        public static void PopulateCompletedTests(ObservableCollection<ReactionTest> collection)
            collection.AddRange(_allTests.Where(test => test.State == ReactionTest.TestState.Saved).OrderBy(test => test));
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reactive;
using System.Reactive.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using DesertPaintCodex.Models;
using DesertPaintCodex.Services;
using DesertPaintCodex.Util;
using ReactiveUI;
using DynamicData;

namespace DesertPaintCodex.ViewModels
    public class ReactionTestViewModel : ViewModelBase
        private ReactionTest _reactionTest = Constants.StubReactionTest;
        public ReactionTest ReactionTest
            get => _reactionTest;
            set => this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged(ref _reactionTest, value);

        private readonly List<Reagent> _allPigmentList = new();
        public ObservableCollection<Reagent> BufferPigmentList { get; } = new();
        private readonly List<Reagent> _allReagentList = new();
        public ObservableCollection<Reagent> BufferList { get; } = new();


        public ReactionTestViewModel()
            List<string> reagentNames = ReagentService.Names;
            foreach (var reagent in reagentNames.Select(ReagentService.GetReagent).Where(x => !x.IsCatalyst))
            foreach (var reagent in reagentNames.Select(ReagentService.GetReagent))
                if (!reagent.IsCatalyst)

            this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.ReactionTest)
                .Subscribe(_ => UpdateDerivedState());
            ShowScreenSettingsDialog = new Interaction<ScreenSettingsViewModel, Unit>();
            SaveReaction = ReactiveCommand.Create(() => ReactionTest.SaveReaction());
            ClearReaction = ReactiveCommand.Create(() => ReactionTest.ClearReaction());
            FinalizeTestResults = ReactiveCommand.Create(Test);

        private void UpdateDerivedState()
            // There are more "reactive" ways to pull this off, but I don't have time to figure out all those recipes
            // right now.
        private void SetupTest()
            if (ReactionTest.Requires3Way)

        private void FilterBufferPigments()
            // Avalonia doesn't really have proper filtering for listy controls yet.
            PlayerProfile? profile = ProfileManager.CurrentProfile;
            if (profile == null) return;
            ReactionSet reactions = profile.Reactions;
            List<Reagent> bufferList = ReactionTest.IsAllCatalysts ? _allPigmentList : _allReagentList;
            foreach (Reagent pigment in bufferList)
                if (pigment == ReactionTest.Reagent1) continue;
                if (pigment == ReactionTest.Reagent2) continue;
                if (reactions.Find(pigment, ReactionTest.Reagent1) == null) continue;
                if (reactions.Find(pigment, ReactionTest.Reagent2) == null) continue;

            BufferPigmentList.AddRange(_allPigmentList.Where(pigment =>
                    pigment != ReactionTest.Reagent1 && pigment != ReactionTest.Reagent2));
            // BufferPigmentList.AddRange(_allPigmentList.Where(pigment =>
            //         pigment != ReactionTest.Reagent1 && pigment != ReactionTest.Reagent2));

        public async void Analyze()
                await ReactionTest.StartScan();
                await FinalizeTestResults.Execute();
            catch (OperationCanceledException)
                Debug.WriteLine("Scan canceled.");

        public void MarkInert()

        public void CancelScan()
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        Title="Desert Paint Codex">

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@@ -18,51 +18,51 @@
            <Setter Property="Orientation" Value="Horizontal"/>
            <Setter Property="Spacing" Value="10"/>
            <Setter Property="Height" Value="30"/>
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            <Setter Property="VerticalAlignment" Value="Center"/>
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    <StackPanel Spacing="20" Margin="20 0 0 0">
        <StackPanel DockPanel.Dock="Top" Orientation="Vertical" Spacing="5">
            <TextBlock Classes="BlockHeader">REAGENTS</TextBlock>
            <Border Classes="ThinFrame">
                <StackPanel Orientation="Vertical" Spacing="10">
                    <StackPanel Classes="ReagentRow" IsVisible="{Binding ReactionTest.Requires3Way}">
                        <TextBlock Classes="ReagentLabel">Buffer:</TextBlock>
                        <TextBlock Classes="ReagentName" Text="{Binding ReactionTest.BufferReagent.Name, FallbackValue=[Unknown]}" IsVisible="{Binding !ReactionTest.CanScan}"/>
                        <ComboBox Items="{Binding BufferPigmentList}"
                                  IsVisible="{Binding ReactionTest.CanScan}"
                        <TextBlock Classes="ReagentName" Text="{Binding ReactionTest.BufferReagent.Name, FallbackValue=[Unknown]}" IsVisible="{Binding !ReactionTest.CanPickBuffer}"/>
                        <ComboBox Items="{Binding BufferList}"
                                  IsVisible="{Binding ReactionTest.CanPickBuffer}"
                                  SelectedItem="{Binding ReactionTest.BufferReagent}"
                                  PlaceholderText="Choose" Width="120" Height="30">
                                    <TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}" />
                        <Border Classes="ReagentSwatch"
                            Background="{Binding ReactionTest.BufferReagent.Color, Converter={StaticResource paintToBrush}, FallbackValue=#00000000}" />
                    <StackPanel Classes="ReagentRow">
                        <TextBlock Classes="ReagentLabel">Reagent #1:</TextBlock>
                        <TextBlock Classes="ReagentName" Text="{Binding ReactionTest.Reagent1.Name}" />
                        <Border Classes="ReagentSwatch"
                            Background="{Binding ReactionTest.Reagent1.Color, Converter={StaticResource paintToBrush}, FallbackValue=#00000000}" />
                    <StackPanel Classes="ReagentRow">
                        <TextBlock Classes="ReagentLabel">Reagent #2:</TextBlock>
                        <TextBlock Classes="ReagentName" Text="{Binding ReactionTest.Reagent2.Name}" />
                        <Border Classes="ReagentSwatch"
                            Background="{Binding ReactionTest.Reagent2.Color, Converter={StaticResource paintToBrush}, FallbackValue=#00000000}" />
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