Changeset - de6e00728a10
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Jason Maltzen - 15 months ago 2023-12-07 04:39:45
Fixed scanning of RGB bars to correctly account for the right edge highlight. Fixes problems detecting high-value clipping.
3 files changed with 13 insertions and 10 deletions:
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@@ -367,13 +367,13 @@ namespace DesertPaintCodex.Services
            // WE FOUND THE SWATCH!
            // Now we know where the color bars are.
            _lockedSwatchWidth = true;
            int redPixelCount = pixels.LengthOfColorAt(x, y + _redBarSpacing, PixelColor.IsRed);
            int redPixelCount = pixels.LengthOfColorAt(x, y + _redBarSpacing, _swatchWidth, PixelColor.IsRed);
            reactedColor.Red = (byte)Math.Round(redPixelCount * 255f / _swatchWidth);

            int greenPixelCount = pixels.LengthOfColorAt(x, y + _greenBarSpacing, PixelColor.IsGreen);
            int greenPixelCount = pixels.LengthOfColorAt(x, y + _greenBarSpacing, _swatchWidth, PixelColor.IsGreen);
            reactedColor.Green = (byte)Math.Round(greenPixelCount * 255f / _swatchWidth);

            int bluePixelCount = pixels.LengthOfColorAt(x, y + _blueBarSpacing, PixelColor.IsBlue);
            int bluePixelCount = pixels.LengthOfColorAt(x, y + _blueBarSpacing, _swatchWidth, PixelColor.IsBlue);
            reactedColor.Blue = (byte)Math.Round(bluePixelCount * 255f / _swatchWidth);
            WriteLog(LogVerbosity.Low, "Found the color swatch at {0}, {1}. Color={2} Red={3}px Green={4}px Blue={5}px", x, y, reactedColor, redPixelCount, greenPixelCount, bluePixelCount);
            return true;
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using System;
using System.Drawing;
using DesertPaintCodex.Services;

namespace DesertPaintCodex.Util
@@ -27,15 +26,15 @@ namespace DesertPaintCodex.Util

        public static bool IsRed(Color color)
            return (color.R > 0x9D) && (color.G < 0x60) && (color.B < 0x60);
            return (color.R > 0x9D) && (color.G < 0x64) && (color.B < 0x64);
        public static bool IsGreen(Color color)
            return (color.R < 0x60) && (color.G > 0x9D) && (color.B < 0x60);
            return (color.R < 0x64) && (color.G > 0x9D) && (color.B < 0x64);
        public static bool IsBlue(Color color)
            return (color.R < 0x60) && (color.G < 0x60) && (color.B > 0x9D);
            return (color.R < 0x64) && (color.G < 0x64) && (color.B > 0x9D);

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@@ -37,12 +37,16 @@ namespace DesertPaintCodex.Util

        // Compute length of horizontal bar starting at x,y using matching function
        public int LengthOfColorAt(int x, int y, Func<Color, bool> matchFunc)
        public int LengthOfColorAt(int x, int y, int scanWidth, Func<Color, bool> matchFunc)
            int count = 0;
            for (int xVal = x; xVal < Width; ++xVal)
            for (int xVal = x; xVal < scanWidth + x; ++xVal)
                if (!matchFunc(_bitmap.GetPixel(xVal * _pixelMultiplier, y * _pixelMultiplier))) break;
                Color c = _bitmap.GetPixel(xVal * _pixelMultiplier, y * _pixelMultiplier);
                if (!matchFunc(c))
            return count;
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