Changeset - d6859ea7177f
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Jason Maltzen - 3 years ago 2021-09-10 00:02:16
Add some sanity checks on min/max concentration and min/max reagents in recipe generation. Also, clear out the search queue when generation has finished so the queue isn't loaded next time. This fixes the start/resume button state when entering the recipe generator after a prior run had finished.
1 file changed with 12 insertions and 0 deletions:
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@@ -165,48 +165,54 @@ namespace DesertPaintCodex.Services

        // Generate paint recipes.
        // minConcentration - the minimum permitted concentration in a recipe (10 for paint, 50 for ribbons)
        // maxConcentration - the maximum concentration for a recipe
        // minReagents - the minimum number of ingredients in a recipe
        // maxReagents - the maximum number of ingredients allowed in a recipe
        // fullQuantityDepth - at this depth of ingredient or below, allow up to fullQuantity of any reagent
        // fullQuantity - the maximum amount of any reagent to permit up to the full quantity depth. After that, reagents are limited by the
        //                per-reagent value
        public void BeginRecipeGeneration(uint minConcentration, uint maxConcentration, uint minReagents, uint maxReagents, uint fullQuantityDepth, uint fullQuantity)
            if (_running)
                // Already running - don't start again

            MinConcentration = minConcentration;
            MaxConcentration = maxConcentration;
            MinReagents = minReagents;
            MaxReagents = maxReagents;
            FullQuantity = fullQuantity;
            FullQuantityDepth = fullQuantityDepth;

            // Sanity check
            if (MinConcentration < 10) MinConcentration = 10;
            if (MaxConcentration < MinConcentration) MaxConcentration = MinConcentration;
            if (MinReagents < 1) MinReagents = 1;
            if (MaxReagents < MinReagents) MaxReagents = MinReagents;

            // first, sort reagents by cost.

            _totalReagents = (uint)_costSortedReagents.Count;

            // Pre-populate recipes list with:
            // 1) 1-ingredient recipes @ min concentration for all enabled ingredients with a count >= min concentration
            // 2) any previously-generated recipes
            WriteLog($"===================== BEGIN RECIPE GENERATION ========================== {DateTime.Now}");
            WriteLog("Pre-populating basic recipes.");
            int enabledReagentCount = 0;
            PaintRecipe recipe = new();
            foreach (var reagent in _costSortedReagents.Where(reagent => reagent.Enabled))
                if (!reagent.IsCatalyst && ((reagent.RecipeMax >= minConcentration) || ((FullQuantityDepth > 0) && (FullQuantity >= minConcentration))))
                    recipe.AddReagent(reagent.Name, minConcentration);
            MaxReagents = (uint)Math.Min(enabledReagentCount, MaxReagents);
            MinReagents = Math.Min(MinReagents, MaxReagents);
@@ -500,48 +506,54 @@ namespace DesertPaintCodex.Services
                    while ((ok = IterateBreadthFirst(node)) && !_requestCancel)
                        Progress?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
                if (ok)
                    // stopped because cancel was requested - requeue the node in its current state for resume
            } while (!_requestCancel);

            bool done;

                done = (_runningThreads == 0);

            if (!done) return;
            _running       = false;
            if (!_requestCancel && !_searchQueue.IsEmpty)
                Debug.WriteLine($"Recipe generation complete, but search queue isn't empty {_searchQueue.Count}.");
                WriteLog($"Recipe generation complete, but search queue isn't empty {_searchQueue.Count}.");
            _requestCancel = false;
            Finished?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);

        // Add the cheapest recipe to the recipe list
        // returns the discarded recipe from the pair (or null if no original recipe to replace)
        private void AddCheapestRecipe(PaintRecipe recipe)
            if (!recipe.IsValidForConcentration(MinConcentration)) return;
            string colorName = PaletteService.FindNearest(recipe.ReactedColor);
            lock (_workerLock)
                uint newCost = recipe.Cost;
                if (_recipeCosts.TryGetValue(colorName, out var cost))
                    if (cost < newCost)
                        // WriteLog($"Skipping recipe (cost {newCost} > {cost}): {recipe}");
                    PaintRecipe origRecipe = _recipes[colorName];
                    if (cost == newCost && recipe.Concentration >= origRecipe.Concentration)
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