Changeset - d16a2d816aa5
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Jason Maltzen - 3 years ago 2021-08-27 21:57:42
Don't open the recipe generator log file on view creation - only open it if configured when starting recipe generation. Fixes a crash when importing reaction data / profile data.
1 file changed with 0 insertions and 7 deletions:
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@@ -62,135 +62,128 @@ namespace DesertPaintCodex.ViewModels
        private bool _isPaused = false;
        public bool IsPaused  { get => _isPaused; private set => this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged(ref _isPaused, value); }

        private bool _isInProgress = false;
        public bool IsInProgress { get => _isInProgress; private set => this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged(ref _isInProgress, value); }

        private bool _isRunning = false;
        public bool IsRunning {  get => _isRunning; private set => this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged(ref _isRunning, value); }

        private bool _canStart = false;
        public bool CanStart {  get => _canStart; private set => this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged(ref _canStart, value); }
        private bool _canClear = false;
        public bool CanClear {  get => _canClear; private set => this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged(ref _canClear, value); }

        #endregion // Flags
        #region Collections
        public ObservableCollection<Reagent> Reagents { get; } = new();
        public ObservableCollection<GeneratorRecipe> AllRecipes { get; } = new();
        #endregion // Collections
        private readonly RecipeGenerator _generator;

        private DateTime _lastSave = DateTime.Now;
        private readonly PlayerProfile _profile;
        private uint _minConcentration;

        private readonly ConcurrentQueue<PaintRecipe> _pendingNewRecipes = new();
        private volatile int _newRecipeCount;
        private volatile bool _updatesAvailable;
        private readonly DispatcherTimer _updateTimer;
        private bool _ribbonMode;
        private bool _unsavedRecipes;
        private bool _saving;

        public RecipeGeneratorViewModel()
            List<string> reagentNames = ReagentService.Names;
            foreach (string name in reagentNames)
            SettingsService.Get("Generator.RibbonMode", out bool ribbonMode, false);
            ProductIndex = ribbonMode ? 1 : 0;
            _ribbonMode = ribbonMode;

            PlayerProfile? profile = ProfileManager.CurrentProfile;
            Debug.Assert(profile != null);
            _profile = profile;

            _generator = new RecipeGenerator();

            _generator.Progress  += OnProgress;
            _generator.NewRecipe += OnNewRecipe;
            _generator.Finished  += OnGeneratorStopped;

            SettingsService.Get("Generator.Logging", out bool logGenerator, false);
            if (logGenerator)
                string logDir = DesertPaintCodex.Util.FileUtils.AppDataPath;
                _generator.Log = System.IO.Path.Combine(logDir, "recipe_generator_log.txt");
            if (ribbonMode)

            _updateTimer = new DispatcherTimer {Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(UpdateInterval)};
            _updateTimer.Tick += Update;

            this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.ProductIndex).Subscribe(_ => ChangeMode());

        public void Start()
            IsInProgress = true;
            IsRunning = true;
            SaveSettings(_ribbonMode ? "Ribbon" : "Paint");
            SelectedView = 1;

            SettingsService.Get("Generator.Logging", out bool logGenerator, false);
            if (logGenerator)
                string logDir = DesertPaintCodex.Util.FileUtils.AppDataPath;
                _generator.Log = System.IO.Path.Combine(logDir, "recipe_generator_log.txt");


        public void End()
            IsPaused     = false;
            IsRunning    = false;
            IsInProgress = false;

            CanClear = true;

        public void Pause()
            IsPaused  = true;
            IsRunning = false;

        public void Resume()
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