Changeset - a321f999a1ea
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Jason Maltzen - 3 years ago 2021-07-23 07:56:44
Fix a crash when trying to reorder the reaction list after recording the first reaction in the list.
1 file changed with 4 insertions and 1 deletions:
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@@ -106,51 +106,54 @@ namespace DesertPaintCodex.ViewModels
            oldPos = CompletedTests.IndexOf(test);
            // Move test to Remaining Tests.
            InsertTestIntoList(test, RemainingTests);
            // Select next Completed Test.
            if (CompletedTests.Count == 0) return;
            SelectedCompletedTest = (oldPos == CompletedTests.Count) ? CompletedTests.Count - 1 : oldPos;

            // If we have just inserted our first remaining test, select it.
            if (RemainingTests.Count == 1)
                SelectedRemainingTest = 0;

        private void OnReactionResults()
            int newPos = ResortTestInList(TestView.ReactionTest, RemainingTests);
            if (newPos != SelectedRemainingTest)
                SelectedRemainingTest = newPos;

        private static int ResortTestInList(ReactionTest test, IList<ReactionTest> list)
            int oldPos = list.IndexOf(test);

            if (((oldPos > 0) || (test.CompareTo(list[oldPos - 1]) > 0))
            // If the item is first in the list or the previous item is valued < the test
            // And either the item is last in the list or the next item in the list is valued > than the item
            // Don't move it
            if (((oldPos == 0) || (test.CompareTo(list[oldPos - 1]) > 0))
                && ((oldPos == list.Count - 1) || (test.CompareTo(list[oldPos + 1]) < 0))) return oldPos; // No need to move.

            return InsertTestIntoList(test, list);
        private static int InsertTestIntoList(ReactionTest test, IList<ReactionTest> list)
            int i;
            for (i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                if (test.CompareTo(list[i]) < 0) break;
            list.Insert(i, test);
            return i;
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