Changeset - 9f255f7e4422
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Jason Maltzen - 3 years ago 2021-07-23 01:34:22
Fix a crash when importing a Practical Paint reactions.txt file with empty (not-recorded) entries.
1 file changed with 44 insertions and 11 deletions:
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@@ -36,222 +36,255 @@ namespace DesertPaintCodex.Models
        public Dictionary<string, PaintRecipe> Recipes { get; } = new();

        public Dictionary<string, PaintRecipe> RibbonRecipes { get; } = new();

        public int RecipeCount
                int count = 0;
                foreach (PaintRecipe recipe in Recipes.Values)
                    if (recipe.IsValidForConcentration(PaintRecipe.PaintRecipeMinConcentration))
                return count;

        public int RibbonCount
                int count = 0;
                foreach (PaintRecipe recipe in RibbonRecipes.Values)
                    if (recipe.IsValidForConcentration(PaintRecipe.RibbonRecipeMinConcentration))
                return count;
        public PlayerProfile(string name, string directory)
            Name          = name;
            Directory     = directory;
            _reactFile    = Path.Combine(directory, "dp_reactions.txt");
            ReagentFile   = Path.Combine(directory, "ingredients.txt");
            _settingsFile = Path.Combine(directory, "settings");
            _clipFile     = Path.Combine(directory, "clips.txt");
            foreach (PaintColor color in PaletteService.Colors)
                Recipes.Add(color.Name, new PaintRecipe());
            foreach (PaintColor color in PaletteService.Colors)
                RibbonRecipes.Add(color.Name, new PaintRecipe());

        public bool Initialize()
            // Copy template files into new directory.
            string? templatePath = FileUtils.FindApplicationResourceDirectory("template");

            if (templatePath == null)
                return false;

            // Create new directory.

            DirectoryInfo di = new(templatePath);
            FileInfo[] templateFiles = di.GetFiles();

            foreach (FileInfo file in templateFiles)
                string destFile = Path.Combine(Directory, file.Name);
                File.Copy(file.FullName, destFile, true);
                if (!File.Exists(destFile)) return false;
            return true;

        private static void WriteReaction(TextWriter writer, string reagent1, string reagent2, string r, string g, string b)
            writer.Write(" ");
            writer.Write(" ");
            writer.Write(" ");
            writer.Write(" ");

        public static void ConvertFromPP(string ppFile, string dpFile)
            using StreamReader reader = new(ppFile);
            using StreamWriter writer = new(dpFile, false);
            string?            line;
            string? line;
            while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                string[] tokens = line.Split('|');
                //if ((tokens.Length > 0) && (tokens [0] != "//"))
                if ((tokens.Length == 5) && (tokens[0].Trim() != "//"))
                    string reagent1  = tokens[0].Trim();
                    string reagent2  = tokens[1].Trim();
                    string reagent1Name  = tokens[0].Trim();
                    string reagent2Name  = tokens[1].Trim();
                    string colorCode = tokens[2].Trim();
                    string change1   = tokens[3].Trim();
                    string change2   = tokens[4].Trim();

                    Reagent reagent1 = ReagentService.GetReagent(reagent1Name);
                    Reagent reagent2 = ReagentService.GetReagent(reagent2Name);

                    if (reagent1 == null || reagent2 == null) continue;

                    bool hasChange1 = int.TryParse(change1, out _);
                    bool hasChange2 = int.TryParse(change2, out _);

                    // Write reaction.
                    switch (colorCode)
                        case "W":
                            WriteReaction(writer, reagent1, reagent2, change1, change1, change1);
                            WriteReaction(writer, reagent2, reagent1, change2, change2, change2);
                            if (hasChange1)
                                WriteReaction(writer, reagent1Name, reagent2Name, change1, change1, change1);
                            if (hasChange2)
                                WriteReaction(writer, reagent2Name, reagent1Name, change2, change2, change2);
                        case "R":
                            WriteReaction(writer, reagent1, reagent2, change1, "0", "0");
                            WriteReaction(writer, reagent2, reagent1, change2, "0", "0");
                            if (hasChange1)
                                WriteReaction(writer, reagent1Name, reagent2Name, change1, "0", "0");
                            if (hasChange2)
                                WriteReaction(writer, reagent2Name, reagent1Name, change2, "0", "0");
                        case "G":
                            WriteReaction(writer, reagent1, reagent2, "0", change1, "0");
                            WriteReaction(writer, reagent2, reagent1, "0", change2, "0");
                            if (hasChange1)
                                WriteReaction(writer, reagent1Name, reagent2Name, "0", change1, "0");
                            if (hasChange2)
                                WriteReaction(writer, reagent2Name, reagent1Name, "0", change2, "0");
                        case "B":
                            WriteReaction(writer, reagent1, reagent2, "0", "0", change1);
                            WriteReaction(writer, reagent2, reagent1, "0", "0", change2);
                            if (hasChange1)
                                WriteReaction(writer, reagent1Name, reagent2Name, "0", "0", change1);
                            if (hasChange2)
                                WriteReaction(writer, reagent2Name, reagent1Name, "0", "0", change2);

        public bool SaveToPP(string ppFile)
            Reaction? reaction1, reaction2;
            using (StreamWriter writer = new(ppFile))
                foreach (string reagentName1 in ReagentService.Names)
                    // TODO: could be more efficient by only iterating over the names after reagent1
                    foreach (string reagentName2 in ReagentService.Names)
                        if (reagentName1.Equals(reagentName2)) continue;

                        Reagent reagent1 = ReagentService.GetReagent(reagentName1);
                        Reagent reagent2 = ReagentService.GetReagent(reagentName2);
                        reaction1 = Reactions.Find(reagent1, reagent2);
                        if (reaction1 is not {Exported: false}) continue;
                        reaction2 = Reactions.Find(reagent2, reagent1);
                        if (reaction2 == null) continue;
                        writer.Write(reagent1.PracticalPaintName + " | " + reagent2.PracticalPaintName + " | ");
                        if ((Math.Abs(reaction1.Red) > Math.Abs(reaction1.Green)) ||
                            (Math.Abs(reaction2.Red) > Math.Abs(reaction2.Green)))
                            writer.WriteLine("R | " + reaction1.Red + " | " + reaction2.Red);
                        else if ((Math.Abs(reaction1.Green) > Math.Abs(reaction1.Red)) ||
                            (Math.Abs(reaction2.Green) > Math.Abs(reaction2.Red)))
                            writer.WriteLine("G | " + reaction1.Green + " | " + reaction2.Green);
                        else if ((Math.Abs(reaction1.Blue) > Math.Abs(reaction1.Red)) ||
                            (Math.Abs(reaction2.Blue) > Math.Abs(reaction2.Red)))
                            writer.WriteLine("B | " + reaction1.Blue + " | " + reaction2.Blue);
                            writer.WriteLine("W | " + reaction1.Red + " | " + reaction2.Red);
                        reaction1.Exported = true;
                        reaction2.Exported = true;

            // Clear Exported flags.
            foreach (string reagentName1 in ReagentService.Names)
                // TODO: could be more efficient by only iterating over the names after reagent1
                foreach (string reagentName2 in ReagentService.Names)
                    if (reagentName1.Equals(reagentName2))
                    Reagent reagent1 = ReagentService.GetReagent(reagentName1);
                    Reagent reagent2 = ReagentService.GetReagent(reagentName2);
                    reaction1 = Reactions.Find(reagent1, reagent2);
                    if (reaction1 != null)
                        reaction1.Exported = false;
                    reaction2 = Reactions.Find(reagent2, reagent1);
                    if (reaction2 != null)
                        reaction2.Exported = false;
            return true;

        public void ImportFromPP(string reactionsFile)
            // Convert old file.
            ConvertFromPP(reactionsFile, _reactFile);
                // If there is an ingredients file, move it in.
                string importDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(reactionsFile) ?? "";
                    Path.Combine(importDir, "ingredients.txt"),
                    Path.Combine(Directory, "ingredients.txt"),
            catch (Exception)
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