Changeset - 95e1ae426eb3
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Jason Maltzen - 12 months ago 2023-12-07 05:55:08
Add an info box when a detected clipped reaction could be extrapolated from a white shift.
4 files changed with 21 insertions and 3 deletions:
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using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using DesertPaintCodex.Services;
using JetBrains.Annotations;

namespace DesertPaintCodex.Models
    public class ReactionTest : INotifyPropertyChanged, IProgress<float>, IComparable<ReactionTest>
        public enum TestState
            Unset = -1,

        public Reagent Reagent1 { get; }
        public Reagent Reagent2 { get; }

        private Reagent? _bufferReagentFirst;
        public Reagent? BufferReagentFirst
            get => _bufferReagentFirst;
                if (_bufferReagentFirst == value) return;
                _bufferReagentFirst = value;
        private Reagent? _bufferReagentLast;
        public Reagent? BufferReagentLast
            get => _bufferReagentLast;
                if (_bufferReagentLast == value) return;
                _bufferReagentLast = value;



        private bool _useFirstBuffer;

        public bool UseFirstBuffer
            get => _useFirstBuffer;
                _useFirstBuffer = value;

        private ClipType _clipType;
        public ClipType Clipped {
            get => _clipType;
                _clipType = value;

        private bool _whiteShift;
        public bool WhiteShift
            get => _whiteShift;
                _whiteShift = value;

        public bool IsAllCatalysts { get; }

        private Reaction? _reaction;
        public Reaction? Reaction { get => _reaction; set { _reaction = value; NotifyPropertyChanged(nameof(Reaction)); } }

        private Reaction? _badReaction;
        public Reaction? BadReaction { get => _badReaction; set { _badReaction = value; NotifyPropertyChanged(nameof(BadReaction)); } }

        private int _scanProgress;
        public int ScanProgress { get => _scanProgress; set { _scanProgress = value; NotifyPropertyChanged(nameof(ScanProgress)); } }
        private TestState _state;

        public TestState State
            get => _state;
                _state = value;

        public bool Requires3Way =>
            (State == TestState.ClippedResult) || IsAllCatalysts;

        public bool CanScan => (State is TestState.Untested or TestState.LabNotFound) || ((State == TestState.ClippedResult) && BufferIsSelected);
        public bool IsScanning => State == TestState.Scanning;

        public bool HasResults => (ObservedColor != null) && (State is TestState.ClippedResult or TestState.GoodResult or TestState.LabNotFound);

        public bool HasReaction => State is TestState.ClippedResult or TestState.GoodResult or TestState.Saved;
        public bool CanClear => State is TestState.ClippedResult or TestState.GoodResult or TestState.Saved;
        public bool CanSave => State == TestState.GoodResult;

        public bool NoLab => State == TestState.LabNotFound;

        public bool CanPickBuffer => (State == TestState.ClippedResult) || IsAllCatalysts;

        public bool ShowFirstBuffer => Requires3Way && UseFirstBuffer;

        public bool ShowLastBuffer => Requires3Way && !UseFirstBuffer;


        private PaintColor? _hypotheticalColor;
        public PaintColor? HypotheticalColor { get => _hypotheticalColor; set { _hypotheticalColor = value; NotifyPropertyChanged(nameof(HypotheticalColor)); } }

        private PaintColor? _observedColor;
        public PaintColor? ObservedColor { get => _observedColor; set { _observedColor = value; NotifyPropertyChanged(nameof(ObservedColor)); } }

        private readonly PaintRecipe _recipe = new();

        public bool IsStub { get; }


        public ReactionTest(Reagent reagent1, Reagent reagent2, Reaction? reaction, ClipType clipType, bool isStub = false)
        public ReactionTest(Reagent reagent1, Reagent reagent2, Reaction? reaction, ClipType clipType, bool whiteShift, bool isStub = false)
            Reagent1 = reagent1;
            Reagent2 = reagent2;
            UseFirstBuffer = true;
            IsAllCatalysts = reagent1.IsCatalyst && reagent2.IsCatalyst;
            Clipped = clipType;
            WhiteShift = whiteShift;
            Reaction = reaction;
            State = (reaction != null) ? TestState.Saved :
                (clipType == ClipType.None) ? TestState.Untested : TestState.ClippedResult;
            IsStub = isStub;

        #region Actions
        public async Task StartScan()
            Clipped = ClipType.None;
            ScanProgress = 0;
            Reaction = null;
            BadReaction = null;
            State = TestState.Scanning;
            bool testing3Way = Requires3Way && BufferIsSelected;
            bool foundLab = await ReactionScannerService.Instance.CaptureReactionAsync(this);
            if (foundLab)
                ObservedColor = ReactionScannerService.Instance.RecordedColor;
                if (_observedColor != null)
                    Clipped = _observedColor.Red switch
                            0   => ClipType.RedLow,
                            255 => ClipType.RedHigh,
                            _   => ClipType.None
                        | _observedColor.Green switch
                            0   => ClipType.GreenLow,
                            255 => ClipType.GreenHigh,
                            _   => ClipType.None
                        | _observedColor.Blue switch
                            0   => ClipType.BlueLow,
                            255 => ClipType.BlueHigh,
                            _   => ClipType.None

                    if (Clipped == ClipType.None)
                        State = TestState.GoodResult;
                        Reaction = CalculateReaction();
                        Reaction? reaction = CalculateReaction();
                        bool extrapolated = false;

                        // SPECIAL CASE:
                        // Check to see if we've got a white-shift reaction that's partially clipped, where we can
                        // still extrapolate the reaction, based on the available information.
                        bool isWhiteShift = (reaction != null) && Clipped switch
                            ClipType.RedLow => (reaction.Blue == reaction.Green) && (reaction.Blue != 0),
                            ClipType.RedHigh => (reaction.Blue == reaction.Green) && (reaction.Blue != 0),
                            ClipType.BlueLow => (reaction.Red == reaction.Green) && (reaction.Red != 0),
                            ClipType.BlueHigh => (reaction.Red == reaction.Green) && (reaction.Red != 0),
                            ClipType.GreenLow => (reaction.Red == reaction.Blue) && (reaction.Red != 0),
                            ClipType.GreenHigh => (reaction.Red == reaction.Blue) && (reaction.Red != 0),
                            ClipType.RedLow|ClipType.BlueLow => (reaction.Green < 0),
                            ClipType.RedLow|ClipType.GreenLow => (reaction.Blue < 0),
                            ClipType.BlueLow|ClipType.GreenLow => (reaction.Red < 0),
                            ClipType.RedHigh | ClipType.BlueHigh => (reaction.Green > 0),
                            ClipType.RedHigh | ClipType.GreenHigh => (reaction.Blue > 0),
                            ClipType.BlueHigh | ClipType.GreenHigh => (reaction.Red > 0),
                            _ => false
                        if (!testing3Way && (reaction != null) && isWhiteShift)
                            PaintColor baseColor = _recipe.BaseColor;
                            if ((reaction.Red < 0) &&
                                (reaction.Green < 0) &&
                                (reaction.Blue < 0))
                                // White-shift down clip.
                                extrapolated                    = ExtrapolateWhiteFromOneChannel(_observedColor.Red,   0, reaction.Red);
                                if (!extrapolated) extrapolated = ExtrapolateWhiteFromOneChannel(_observedColor.Green, 0, reaction.Green);
                                if (!extrapolated) extrapolated = ExtrapolateWhiteFromOneChannel(_observedColor.Blue,  0, reaction.Blue);
                            else if ((reaction.Red > 0) &&
                                (reaction.Green > 0) &&
                                (reaction.Blue > 0))
                                // White-shift up clip.
                                extrapolated                    = ExtrapolateWhiteFromOneChannel(_observedColor.Red,   255, reaction.Red);
                                if (!extrapolated) extrapolated = ExtrapolateWhiteFromOneChannel(_observedColor.Green, 255, reaction.Green);
                                if (!extrapolated) extrapolated = ExtrapolateWhiteFromOneChannel(_observedColor.Blue,  255, reaction.Blue);
                            WhiteShift = extrapolated;

                        if (!extrapolated)
                            State       = TestState.ClippedResult;
                            BadReaction = CalculateReaction();
                    PlayerProfile? profile = ProfileManager.CurrentProfile;
                    profile?.SetPairClipStatus(Reagent1, Reagent2, Clipped);
                Debug.WriteLine("ERROR: Lab UI not found.");
                State = TestState.LabNotFound;

        private bool ExtrapolateWhiteFromOneChannel(int result, int clipBound, int reaction)
            if (result == clipBound) return false;
            Clipped = ClipType.None;
            State = TestState.GoodResult;
            Reaction = new Reaction(reaction, reaction, reaction);

            return true;


        public void CancelScan()
            State = TestState.Untested;

        public void MarkInert()
            Reaction = new Reaction(0, 0, 0);
            State = TestState.GoodResult;

        public void ClearReaction()
            PlayerProfile? profile = ProfileManager.CurrentProfile;
            if (profile == null) return;
            profile.Reactions.Remove(Reagent1, Reagent2);
            profile.SetPairClipStatus(Reagent1, Reagent2, ClipType.None);
            if (State == TestState.Saved)

            BufferReagentFirst = null;
            BufferReagentLast = null;
            Reaction = null;
            BadReaction = null;
            Clipped = ClipType.None;
            State = TestState.Untested;
            ObservedColor = null; // Clear it out


        public void SaveReaction()
            PlayerProfile? profile = ProfileManager.CurrentProfile;
            if (profile == null) return;
            profile.Reactions.Set(Reagent1, Reagent2, Reaction);
            State = TestState.Saved;

        #region Internals

        private Reaction? CalculateReaction()
            if (ProfileManager.CurrentProfile == null) return null;
            if (HypotheticalColor == null) return null;
            if (ObservedColor == null) return null;

            if (_useFirstBuffer)
                if (BufferReagentFirst != null)
                    return ReactionScannerService.Calculate3WayReaction(ProfileManager.CurrentProfile, HypotheticalColor,
                        ObservedColor, BufferReagentFirst, Reagent1, Reagent2, true);
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using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using DesertPaintCodex.Services;
using DynamicData;

namespace DesertPaintCodex.Models
    public static class ReactionTestService
        private static readonly List<ReactionTest> _allTests = new();
        static ReactionTestService()

        public static void Initialize()
            PlayerProfile? profile = ProfileManager.CurrentProfile;
            Debug.Assert(profile != null);
            List<string> reagentNames = ReagentService.Names;

            foreach (Reagent reagent1 in reagentNames.Select(ReagentService.GetReagent))
                foreach (Reagent reagent2 in reagentNames.Select(ReagentService.GetReagent))
                    if (reagent1 == reagent2) continue;

                    Reaction? reaction = profile.FindReaction(reagent1, reagent2);
                    ClipType clipType = profile.PairClipStatus(reagent1, reagent2);
                    ReactionTest test = new(reagent1, reagent2, reaction, clipType)
                    ReactionTest test = new(reagent1, reagent2, reaction, clipType, false)
                        Clipped  = clipType,
                        Reaction = reaction,


        public static void PopulateRemainingTests(ObservableCollection<ReactionTest> collection)
            collection.AddRange(_allTests.Where(test => test.State != ReactionTest.TestState.Saved).OrderBy(test => test));
        public static void PopulateCompletedTests(ObservableCollection<ReactionTest> collection)
            collection.AddRange(_allTests.Where(test => test.State == ReactionTest.TestState.Saved).OrderBy(test => test));
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using DesertPaintCodex.Models;

namespace DesertPaintCodex.Util
    public static class Constants
        public static int DefaultPixelMultiplier = 1;
        public static int DefaultScreenWidth = 1920;
        public static int DefaultScreenHeight = 1080;
        public static int DefaultScreenX = 0;
        public static int DefaultScreenY = 0;

        private static ReactionTest? _stubReactionTest = null;

        public static ReactionTest StubReactionTest
                if (_stubReactionTest == null)
                    _stubReactionTest = new ReactionTest(
                        new Reagent("Toad Skin", "ToadSkin", 48, 96, 48, 0), 
                        new Reagent("Falcons Bait", "FalconBait", 128, 240, 224, 1), 
                        null, ClipType.None, true);
                        null, ClipType.None, false, true);

                return _stubReactionTest;
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@@ -41,111 +41,116 @@
            <TextBlock Classes="BlockHeader">REAGENTS</TextBlock>
            <Border Classes="ThinFrame">
                <StackPanel Orientation="Vertical" Spacing="10">
                    <StackPanel Classes="ReagentRow" IsVisible="{Binding ReactionTest.ShowFirstBuffer}">
                        <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Classes="ReagentLabel" Spacing="10">
                            <Button Height="24" Width="24" Margin="8 0 0 0" Command="{Binding UseLastBuffer}">
                                <TextBlock VerticalAlignment="Center">▼</TextBlock>
                            <TextBlock Classes="ReagentName">Buffer:</TextBlock>
                        <TextBlock Classes="ReagentName" Text="{Binding ReactionTest.BufferReagentFirst.Name, FallbackValue=[Unknown]}" IsVisible="{Binding !ReactionTest.CanPickBuffer}"/>
                        <ComboBox Items="{Binding FirstBufferList}"
                                  IsVisible="{Binding ReactionTest.CanPickBuffer}"
                                  SelectedItem="{Binding ReactionTest.BufferReagentFirst}"
                                  PlaceholderText="Choose" Width="120" Height="30">
                                    <TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}" />
                        <Border Classes="ReagentSwatch"
                            Background="{Binding ReactionTest.BufferReagentFirst.Color, Converter={StaticResource paintToBrush}, FallbackValue=#00000000}" />
                    <StackPanel Classes="ReagentRow">
                        <TextBlock Classes="ReagentLabel">Reagent #1:</TextBlock>
                        <TextBlock Classes="ReagentName" Text="{Binding ReactionTest.Reagent1.Name}" />
                        <Border Classes="ReagentSwatch"
                            Background="{Binding ReactionTest.Reagent1.Color, Converter={StaticResource paintToBrush}, FallbackValue=#00000000}" />
                    <StackPanel Classes="ReagentRow">
                        <TextBlock Classes="ReagentLabel">Reagent #2:</TextBlock>
                        <TextBlock Classes="ReagentName" Text="{Binding ReactionTest.Reagent2.Name}" />
                        <Border Classes="ReagentSwatch"
                            Background="{Binding ReactionTest.Reagent2.Color, Converter={StaticResource paintToBrush}, FallbackValue=#00000000}" />
                    <StackPanel Classes="ReagentRow" IsVisible="{Binding ReactionTest.ShowLastBuffer}">
                        <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Classes="ReagentLabel" Spacing="10">
                            <Button Height="24" Width="24" Margin="8 0 0 0" Command="{Binding UseFirstBuffer}">
                                <TextBlock VerticalAlignment="Center">▲</TextBlock>
                            <TextBlock Classes="ReagentName">Buffer:</TextBlock>
                        <TextBlock Classes="ReagentName" Text="{Binding ReactionTest.BufferReagentLast.Name, FallbackValue=[Unknown]}" IsVisible="{Binding !ReactionTest.CanPickBuffer}"/>
                        <ComboBox Items="{Binding LastBufferList}"
                                  IsVisible="{Binding ReactionTest.CanPickBuffer}"
                                  SelectedItem="{Binding ReactionTest.BufferReagentLast}"
                                  PlaceholderText="Choose" Width="120" Height="30">
                                    <TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}" />
                        <Border Classes="ReagentSwatch"
                                Background="{Binding ReactionTest.BufferReagentLast.Color, Converter={StaticResource paintToBrush}, FallbackValue=#00000000}" />

        <StackPanel DockPanel.Dock="Top" Orientation="Vertical" Spacing="5">
            <TextBlock Classes="BlockHeader">HYPOTHETICAL COLOR</TextBlock>
            <views:PaintSwatchView ShowName="False" Color="{Binding ReactionTest.HypotheticalColor}"/>

         <Grid ColumnDefinitions="*,15,*" IsVisible="{Binding ReactionTest.CanScan}">
            <Button Grid.Column="0" Padding="11 5 11 5" Command="{Binding Analyze}">Analyze Mixture</Button>
            <Button Grid.Column="2" Padding="11 5 11 5" Command="{Binding MarkInert}">Mark Inert</Button>

        <StackPanel Orientation="Vertical" Spacing="10" IsVisible="{Binding ReactionTest.IsScanning}">
            <ProgressBar DockPanel.Dock="Top" Value="{Binding ReactionTest.ScanProgress}" Height="20" />
            <Button Command="{Binding CancelScan}">Cancel Scan</Button>

        <StackPanel DockPanel.Dock="Top" Orientation="Vertical" Spacing="5"
                    IsVisible="{Binding ReactionTest.HasResults}">
            <TextBlock Classes="BlockHeader">TEST RESULT</TextBlock>
            <views:PaintSwatchView ShowName="False" IsVisible="{Binding !ReactionTest.NoLab}" Color="{Binding ReactionTest.ObservedColor}"/>
            <views:EmbeddedWarningBox IsVisible="{Binding ReactionTest.NoLab}"
                Title="🛇 PIGMENT LAB NOT FOUND"
                Message="You may want to make sure your view of the Pigment Lab is clear, and that your screen settings are correct.">
                <Button Command="{Binding OpenScreenSettings}">
                    <TextBlock FontWeight="Bold" FontSize="15">SCREEN SETTINGS</TextBlock>

        <StackPanel DockPanel.Dock="Top" Orientation="Vertical" Spacing="5"
                    IsVisible="{Binding ReactionTest.HasReaction}">
            <TextBlock Classes="BlockHeader">REACTION OBSERVED</TextBlock>
            <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Spacing="21" Margin="0 5">
                <views:ReactionUnitView Reaction="{Binding ReactionTest.Reaction}"/>

          <views:EmbeddedWarningBox Title="🛈 EXTRAPOLATED REACTION"
                                    IsVisible="{Binding ReactionTest.WhiteShift}"
                                    Message="One component of the reaction clipped, but a value could be extrapolated from the shift in the color components.">

            <views:EmbeddedWarningBox Title="🛇 REACTION CLIPPED"
                                      IsVisible="{Binding !!ReactionTest.Clipped}"
                                      Message="Your reaction fell outside of measurable values. We will need to use a buffer pigment to test it.">
                <StackPanel Orientation="Vertical" Spacing="10">
                    <Button Command="{Binding ShowClipInfo}">LEARN MORE</Button>
        <Button IsVisible="{Binding ReactionTest.CanClear}"
                Command="{Binding ClearReaction}">Clear Reaction</Button>
        <Button IsVisible="{Binding ReactionTest.CanSave}"
                Command="{Binding SaveReaction}">Save Reaction</Button>
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