Changeset - 8815bc2e6f91
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Jason Maltzen - 14 months ago 2023-12-07 04:50:00
Update README for Tale 11.
1 file changed with 5 insertions and 1 deletions:
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@@ -5,37 +5,41 @@
This is a tool for players to record their [Pigment Laboratory](
ingredient reactions in [A Tale in the Desert](

### Latest Releases

You can find the latest releases at

### Features

* Scans your screen for the Pigment Lab reaction values, without any math, measuring, or manual number entry.
* Warns you when a reaction clipped outside of readable range.
* Supports multiple character profiles.
* Can export to [PracticalPaint]( data format.
* Includes simulator for experimenting with recipes without spending ingredients.
* Includes a recipe generator

## Tale 11

* Updated for UI changes that were preventing detection of colors clipping above the maximum red/green/blue.

## Tale 10

* Desert Paint Lab is now Desert Paint Codex, and has a whole new UI, for Tale 10.
* Untested reactions are now kept in a list to the left, so you can immediately see what still needs testing.
* The application has not yet been updated for ATITD's new UI.  This will be coming soon.
* The application is updated for ATITD's new UI.


## Tale 9

* New papyrus texture in interfaces
* Earth Light was replaced by Falcon's Bait mushrooms. Practical Paint still uses the name EarthLight internally, so the data files still use that name here as well.
* macOS is now a 64-bit app. Windows remains 32-bit due to incompatibilities with the UI library.
* macOS build does not support Catalina (is not notarized)

### Known issues

* A batcher installed on a Pigment Lab will prevent finding the right part of the screen with the resulting color.


## Directions

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