@ de6e00728a10
Branch filter:
Location: ATITD-Tools/Desert-Paint-Codex/Views/RecipeView.axaml.cs - annotation
3.9 KiB
Fixed scanning of RGB bars to correctly account for the right edge highlight. Fixes problems detecting high-value clipping.
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using Avalonia.Controls;
using Avalonia.Markup.Xaml;
using Avalonia.Media;
using DesertPaintCodex.Models;
using DesertPaintCodex.Services;
using System.Text;
namespace DesertPaintCodex.Views
public class RecipeView : UserControl
private static readonly SolidColorBrush NoColor = new();
public static readonly DirectProperty<RecipeView, PaintColor?> ColorProperty = AvaloniaProperty.RegisterDirect<RecipeView, PaintColor?>(nameof(Color),
o => o.Color,
(o, v) => o.Color = v);
private PaintColor? _color;
public PaintColor? Color { get => _color; set => SetAndRaise(ColorProperty, ref _color, value); }
public static readonly StyledProperty<string> IngredientsProperty =
AvaloniaProperty.Register<RecipeView, string>(nameof(Ingredients));
private string _ingredients = string.Empty;
public string Ingredients { get => _ingredients; set => this.SetAndRaise(IngredientsProperty, ref _ingredients, value); }
public static readonly DirectProperty<RecipeView, PaintRecipe?> RecipeProperty =
AvaloniaProperty.RegisterDirect<RecipeView, PaintRecipe?>(nameof(Recipe),
o => o.Recipe,
(o,v) => o.Recipe = v);
private PaintRecipe? _recipe;
public PaintRecipe? Recipe
get => _recipe;
set => this.SetAndRaise(RecipeProperty, ref _recipe, value);
private readonly Border _colorSwatch;
private readonly TextBlock _colorName;
private readonly TextBlock _ingredientList;
private readonly TextBlock _cost;
public RecipeView()
_colorSwatch = this.FindControl<Border>("ColorSwatch");
_ingredientList = this.FindControl<TextBlock>("Ingredients");
_colorName = this.FindControl<TextBlock>("ColorName");
_cost = this.FindControl<TextBlock>("Cost");
ColorProperty.Changed.AddClassHandler<RecipeView>((x, _) => x.UpdateColor());
RecipeProperty.Changed.AddClassHandler<RecipeView>((x, _) => x.UpdateRecipe());
private void InitializeComponent()
private void UpdateColor()
private void UpdateColorSwatch()
_colorSwatch.Background = Color == null ? NoColor : new SolidColorBrush(new Color(0xFF, Color.Red, Color.Green, Color.Blue));
private void UpdateColorName()
_colorName.Text = Color == null ? "[Unknown]" : PaletteService.FindNearest(Color);
private void UpdateIngredients()
string ingredients = string.Empty;
if (Recipe != null)
StringBuilder sb = new();
for (int i = 0; i < Recipe.Reagents.Count; i++)
sb.Append(' ');
if (i != Recipe.Reagents.Count - 1)
sb.Append(", ");
ingredients = sb.ToString();
_ingredientList.Text = ingredients;
private void UpdateCost()
_cost.Text = Recipe == null ? "Cost: 0" : $"Cost: {Recipe.Cost}";
private void UpdateRecipe()
if (Recipe != null)
// Update components from recipe
Color = Recipe.ReactedColor;
Color = null;