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Location: ATITD-Tools/Desert-Paint-Codex/Views/PaintSwatchView.axaml.cs - annotation

Jason Maltzen
Fixed scanning of RGB bars to correctly account for the right edge highlight. Fixes problems detecting high-value clipping.
using Avalonia;
using Avalonia.Controls;
using Avalonia.Markup.Xaml;
using Avalonia.Media;
using DesertPaintCodex.Models;
using DesertPaintCodex.Services;

namespace DesertPaintCodex.Views
    public class PaintSwatchView : UserControl
        private static readonly SolidColorBrush NoColor = new();
        public static readonly DirectProperty<PaintSwatchView, PaintColor?> ColorProperty = AvaloniaProperty.RegisterDirect<PaintSwatchView, PaintColor?>( nameof(Color),
                o => o.Color,
                (o, v) => o.Color = v);

        private PaintColor? _color;
        public PaintColor? Color { get => _color; set => SetAndRaise(ColorProperty, ref _color, value); }

        public static readonly StyledProperty<bool> ShowNameProperty = AvaloniaProperty.Register<PaintSwatchView, bool>(nameof(ShowName));
        public bool ShowName { get => GetValue(ShowNameProperty); set => SetValue(ShowNameProperty, value); }

        private readonly Border    _colorSwatch;
        private readonly TextBlock _hexCode;
        private readonly TextBlock _colorName;

        public PaintSwatchView()
            _colorSwatch = this.FindControl<Border>("ColorSwatch");
            _hexCode = this.FindControl<TextBlock>("HexCode");
            _colorName = this.FindControl<TextBlock>("ColorName");
            ColorProperty.Changed.AddClassHandler<PaintSwatchView>((x, _) => x.UpdateColor());
            ShowNameProperty.Changed.AddClassHandler<PaintSwatchView>((x, _) => x.UpdateColorName());

        private void InitializeComponent()

        private void UpdateColor()

        private void UpdateColorSwatch()
            _colorSwatch.Background = Color == null ? NoColor : new SolidColorBrush(new Color(0xFF, Color.Red, Color.Green, Color.Blue));
        private void UpdateHexCode()
            _hexCode.Text = Color?.ToHexString() ?? string.Empty;
        private void UpdateColorName()
            if (!ShowName)
                _colorName.IsVisible = false;
                _colorName.IsVisible = true;
                _colorName.Text = Color == null ? "[Unknown]" : PaletteService.FindNearest(Color);