@ de6e00728a10
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Location: ATITD-Tools/Desert-Paint-Codex/Models/PaintColor.cs - annotation
2.8 KiB
Fixed scanning of RGB bars to correctly account for the right edge highlight. Fixes problems detecting high-value clipping.
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namespace DesertPaintCodex.Models
public class PaintColor
private const byte LightTextValueCutoff = 150;
private const float RedIntensity = 0.299f;
private const float GreenIntensity = 0.587f;
private const float BlueIntensity = 0.114f;
public byte Red { get; set; }
public byte Blue { get; set; }
public byte Green { get; set; }
public string Name { get; private set; }
public bool UseWhiteText => Red * RedIntensity + Green * GreenIntensity + Blue * BlueIntensity < LightTextValueCutoff;
public PaintColor()
Name = "Undefined";
Red = 0;
Green = 0;
Blue = 0;
public PaintColor(string name, string hexRed, string hexGreen, string hexBlue)
Name = name;
Red = byte.Parse(hexRed, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
Green = byte.Parse(hexGreen, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
Blue = byte.Parse(hexBlue, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
public PaintColor(byte red, byte green, byte blue)
Name = "Undefined";
Red = red;
Green = green;
Blue = blue;
public PaintColor(PaintColor other)
Name = other.Name;
Red = other.Red;
Green = other.Green;
Blue = other.Blue;
public PaintColor(string name, PaintColor other)
Name = name;
Red = other.Red;
Green = other.Green;
Blue = other.Blue;
public void Set(string name, PaintColor other)
Name = name;
Red = other.Red;
Green = other.Green;
Blue = other.Blue;
public int GetDistanceSquared(PaintColor otherColor)
return (int)(Math.Pow(Red - otherColor.Red, 2) +
Math.Pow(Green - otherColor.Green, 2) +
Math.Pow(Blue - otherColor.Blue, 2));
public void Clear()
Red = 0;
Green = 0;
Blue = 0;
public void Set(PaintColor other)
Red = other.Red;
Green = other.Green;
Blue = other.Blue;
Name = other.Name;
public string ToHexString()
return "#" + Red.ToString("X2") + Green.ToString("X2") + Blue.ToString("X2");
public override string ToString()
return "[" + Name + ", " + Red + ", " + Green + ", " + Blue + "]";