@ d6859ea7177f
Branch filter:
Location: ATITD-Tools/Desert-Paint-Codex/Views/CreateProfileView.axaml.cs - annotation
655 B
Add some sanity checks on min/max concentration and min/max reagents in recipe generation. Also, clear out the search queue when generation has finished so the queue isn't loaded next time. This fixes the start/resume button state when entering the recipe generator after a prior run had finished.
40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 | using Avalonia.Controls;
using Avalonia.Markup.Xaml;
using Avalonia.ReactiveUI;
using DesertPaintCodex.ViewModels;
namespace DesertPaintCodex.Views
public class CreateProfileView : ReactiveUserControl<CreateProfileViewModel>
public CreateProfileView()
var nameInput = this.FindControl<TextBox>("NameInput");
if (nameInput != null)
nameInput.AttachedToVisualTree += (s,e) => nameInput.Focus();
private void InitializeComponent()