@ a5faa82faf6a
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Location: ATITD-Tools/Desert-Paint-Codex/Models/PaintColor.cs - annotation
2.4 KiB
Import and Export should be working correctly. Can now import Practical Paint
reactions.txt files. Fixed a crash taht occurred when switching profiles.
reactions.txt files. Fixed a crash taht occurred when switching profiles.
40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 40eaee10ae56 | using System;
namespace DesertPaintCodex.Models
public class PaintColor
private const byte LightTextValueCutoff = 150;
private const float RedIntensity = 0.299f;
private const float GreenIntensity = 0.587f;
private const float BlueIntensity = 0.114f;
public byte Red { get; set; }
public byte Blue { get; set; }
public byte Green { get; set; }
public string Name { get; private set; }
public bool UseWhiteText => Red * RedIntensity + Green * GreenIntensity + Blue * BlueIntensity < LightTextValueCutoff;
public PaintColor()
Name = "Undefined";
Red = 0;
Green = 0;
Blue = 0;
public PaintColor(string name, string hexRed, string hexGreen, string hexBlue)
Name = name;
Red = byte.Parse(hexRed, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
Green = byte.Parse(hexGreen, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
Blue = byte.Parse(hexBlue, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
public PaintColor(byte red, byte green, byte blue)
Name = "Undefined";
Red = red;
Green = green;
Blue = blue;
public PaintColor(PaintColor other)
Name = other.Name;
Red = other.Red;
Green = other.Green;
Blue = other.Blue;
public int GetDistanceSquared(PaintColor otherColor)
return (int)(Math.Pow(Red - otherColor.Red, 2) +
Math.Pow(Green - otherColor.Green, 2) +
Math.Pow(Blue - otherColor.Blue, 2));
public void Clear()
Red = 0;
Green = 0;
Blue = 0;
public void Set(PaintColor other)
Red = other.Red;
Green = other.Green;
Blue = other.Blue;
Name = other.Name;
public string ToHexString()
return "#" + Red.ToString("X2") + Green.ToString("X2") + Blue.ToString("X2");
public override string ToString()
return "[" + Name + ", " + Red + ", " + Green + ", " + Blue + "]";