@ a321f999a1ea
Branch filter:
Location: ATITD-Tools/Desert-Paint-Codex/ViewLocator.cs - annotation
773 B
Fix a crash when trying to reorder the reaction list after recording the first reaction in the list.
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using Avalonia.Controls;
using Avalonia.Controls.Templates;
using DesertPaintCodex.ViewModels;
namespace DesertPaintCodex
internal class ViewLocator : IDataTemplate
public bool SupportsRecycling => false;
public IControl Build(object data)
var name = data.GetType().FullName!.Replace("ViewModel", "View");
var type = Type.GetType(name);
if (type != null)
return (Control)Activator.CreateInstance(type)!;
return new TextBlock { Text = "Not Found: " + name };
public bool Match(object data)
return data is ViewModelBase;