@ 4778889395e8
Branch filter:
Location: ATITD-Tools/Desert-Paint-Codex/ViewModels/MessageBoxViewModel.cs - annotation
1.5 KiB
Change the displayed permeutation count to display using locale-specific number formatting (with comma / dot separators). Fix a crash when starting a new round of recipe generation after recipe generation completed during a previous run.
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using ReactiveUI;
namespace DesertPaintCodex.ViewModels
public class MessageBoxViewModel : ViewModelBase
private string? _title;
public string? Title { get => _title; private set => this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged(ref _title, value); }
private string? _message;
public string? Message { get => _message; private set => this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged(ref _message, value); }
private string? _optionAText;
public string? OptionAText { get => _optionAText; private set => this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged(ref _optionAText, value); }
private string? _optionBText;
public string? OptionBText { get => _optionBText; private set => this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged(ref _optionBText, value); }
private string? _optionCText;
public string? OptionCText { get => _optionCText; private set => this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged(ref _optionCText, value); }
public MessageBoxViewModel() : this("A Message For You", "This is a test message for use in developer mode", "Ok") {}
public MessageBoxViewModel(string title, string message, string optionA, string? optionB = null, string? optionC = null)
Title = title;
Message = message;
PickOption = ReactiveCommand.Create((string value) => int.Parse(value));
OptionAText = optionA;
OptionBText = optionB;
OptionCText = optionC;
public ReactiveCommand<string, int> PickOption { get; }