/* * Copyright (c) 2015, Jason Maltzen Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.Concurrent; namespace DesertPaintLab { [System.ComponentModel.ToolboxItem(true)] public partial class RecipeGeneratorView : Gtk.Bin { RecipeGenerator generator; PlayerProfile profile; bool canceling = false; bool running = false; bool pauseForCheckpoint = false; const long RECIPE_SAVE_INTERVAL = 30000; // msec between saving recipes const long CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL = 17000; // msec between saving out generator state const string PAINT_STATE_FILE = "dp_generator_state"; const string RIBBON_STATE_FILE = "dp_generator_ribbon_state"; static Gtk.ListStore colorStore = new Gtk.ListStore(typeof(string)); List> missingReactions = new List>(); long lastProgressUpdate; long lastStatusUpdate; long lastProfileSave; long lastCheckpoint; public EventHandler SetStatus; public EventHandler Started; public EventHandler Stopped; static public Gtk.ListStore RecipeModel { get { return colorStore; } } Gtk.ThreadNotify notifyFinished; Gtk.ThreadNotify notifyProgress; Gtk.ThreadNotify notifyNewRecipe; ConcurrentQueue pendingNewRecipes = new ConcurrentQueue(); Gtk.ListStore reagentListStore; // end reagent view public RecipeGeneratorView(PlayerProfile profile) : base() { this.profile = profile; this.Build(); minIngredientsSpinButton.Value = 1; // TODO: read/save profile info maxIngredientsSpinButton.Value = 5; // TODO: read/save profile info maxRecipeSpinButton.Value = 20; // TODO: read/save profile info fullQuantitySpinButton.Value = 20; // TODO: read/save profile info fullQuantityDepthSpinButton.Value = 4; // TODO: read/save profile info fullQuantityDepthSpinButton.SetRange(0, ReagentManager.Names.Count); maxIngredientsSpinButton.SetRange(1, ReagentManager.Names.Count); minIngredientsSpinButton.SetRange(1, ReagentManager.Names.Count); Gtk.TreeViewColumn recipeColorColumn = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn(); Gtk.CellRendererText recipeColumnCell = new Gtk.CellRendererText(); recipeColorColumn.PackStart(recipeColumnCell, true); recipeColorColumn.Title = "Color"; recipeList.AppendColumn(recipeColorColumn); recipeColorColumn.AddAttribute(recipeColumnCell, "text", 0); colorStore.Clear(); colorStore.SetSortColumnId(0, Gtk.SortType.Ascending); recipeList.Model = RecipeModel; recipeList.Selection.Changed += OnColorSelected; recipeIngredientsView.AppendColumn("Quantity", new Gtk.CellRendererText(), "text", 0); recipeIngredientsView.AppendColumn("Ingredient", new Gtk.CellRendererText(), "text", 1); recipeIngredientsView.Model = new Gtk.ListStore(typeof(string), typeof(string)); profile.LoadRecipes(); canceling = false; running = false; pauseForCheckpoint = false; generator = new RecipeGenerator(profile.Reactions); int threads; DesertPaintLab.AppSettings.Get("GeneratorThreads", out threads); if (threads <= 0) { threads = 15; } generator.MaxThreads = (uint)threads; generator.InitRecipes(profile.Recipes); generator.Progress += OnProgress; generator.Finished += OnFinished; generator.NewRecipe += OnNewRecipe; string stateFile = System.IO.Path.Combine(profile.Directory, PAINT_STATE_FILE); if (System.IO.File.Exists(stateFile)) { generator.LoadState(stateFile); if (generator.CanResume) { beginButton.Label = "Restart"; stopResumeButton.Label = "Resume"; stopResumeButton.Sensitive = true; maxRecipeSpinButton.Value = Math.Max(generator.MaxConcentration, 14); // fullQuantitySpinButton.Value = generator.FullQuantity; // TODO: read/save profile info fullQuantityDepthSpinButton.Value = generator.FullQuantityDepth; // TODO: read/save profile info maxIngredientsSpinButton.Value = generator.MaxReagents; checkButtonRibbon.Active = false; } } //generator.Log = System.IO.Path.Combine(profile.Directory, "dp_log.txt"); countLabel.Text = String.Format("{0} / {1}", profile.RecipeCount, Palette.Count); Destroyed += OnDestroyed; notifyFinished = new Gtk.ThreadNotify(new Gtk.ReadyEvent(HandleFinished)); notifyProgress = new Gtk.ThreadNotify(new Gtk.ReadyEvent(HandleProgress)); notifyNewRecipe = new Gtk.ThreadNotify(new Gtk.ReadyEvent(HandleNewRecipe)); // initialize reagent list // Add the columns to the TreeView Gtk.TreeViewColumn reagentEnabledColumn = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn (); reagentEnabledColumn.Title = "Enabled"; Gtk.CellRendererToggle reagentEnabledCell = new Gtk.CellRendererToggle (); reagentEnabledCell.Activatable = true; reagentEnabledCell.Sensitive = true; reagentEnabledCell.Mode = Gtk.CellRendererMode.Activatable; reagentEnabledCell.Visible = true; reagentEnabledCell.Toggled += new Gtk.ToggledHandler(OnReagentEnableToggled); reagentEnabledColumn.PackStart (reagentEnabledCell, true); //reagentEnabledColumn.AddAttribute(reagentEnabledCell, "active", 0); Gtk.TreeViewColumn reagentNameColumn = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn (); reagentNameColumn.Title = "Ingredient"; Gtk.CellRendererText reagentNameCell = new Gtk.CellRendererText (); reagentNameCell.Mode = Gtk.CellRendererMode.Inert; reagentNameColumn.PackStart (reagentNameCell, true); reagentNameColumn.AddAttribute(reagentNameCell, "text", 1); reagentNameColumn.Expand = true; Gtk.TreeViewColumn reagentCostColumn = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn (); reagentCostColumn.Title = "Cost"; Gtk.CellRendererText reagentCostCell = new Gtk.CellRendererText (); reagentCostCell.Edited += OnReagentCostChanged; reagentCostCell.Editable = true; reagentCostCell.Sensitive = true; reagentCostCell.Mode = Gtk.CellRendererMode.Editable; reagentCostColumn.PackStart (reagentCostCell, true); //reagentCostColumn.AddAttribute(reagentCostCell, "text", 0); Gtk.TreeViewColumn reagentMaxColumn = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn (); reagentMaxColumn.Title = "Max"; Gtk.CellRendererText reagentMaxCell = new Gtk.CellRendererText (); reagentMaxCell.Edited += OnReagentQuantityChanged; reagentMaxCell.Editable = true; reagentMaxCell.Sensitive = true; reagentCostCell.Mode = Gtk.CellRendererMode.Editable; reagentMaxColumn.PackStart (reagentMaxCell, true); //reagentMaxColumn.AddAttribute(reagentMaxCell, "text", 0); reagentListStore = new Gtk.ListStore(typeof(Reagent), typeof(string), typeof(Reagent), typeof(Reagent)); foreach (string reagentName in ReagentManager.Names) { Reagent reagent = ReagentManager.GetReagent(reagentName); reagentListStore.AppendValues(reagent, reagentName); // , reagent, reagent); } reagentEnabledColumn.SetCellDataFunc (reagentEnabledCell, new Gtk.TreeCellDataFunc (RenderReagentToggle)); reagentCostColumn.SetCellDataFunc (reagentCostCell, new Gtk.TreeCellDataFunc (RenderReagentCost)); reagentMaxColumn.SetCellDataFunc (reagentMaxCell, new Gtk.TreeCellDataFunc (RenderReagentQuantity)); // Assign the model to the TreeView reagentListView.Model = reagentListStore; reagentListView.Sensitive = true; reagentListView.AppendColumn(reagentEnabledColumn); reagentListView.AppendColumn(reagentNameColumn); reagentListView.AppendColumn(reagentCostColumn); reagentListView.AppendColumn(reagentMaxColumn); bool ribbons = false; profile.ProfileSettings.Get("Generator.Ribbons", out ribbons); if (ribbons) { checkButtonRibbon.Active = true; InitStateForRibbons(); } else { checkButtonRibbon.Active = false; InitStateForPaint(); } ShowAll(); } private void InitStateForPaint() { maxRecipeSpinButton.Adjustment.Lower = PaintRecipe.PAINT_RECIPE_MIN_CONCENTRATION; fullQuantitySpinButton.Adjustment.Upper = 30; if (generator == null) { generator = new RecipeGenerator(profile.Reactions); int threads; DesertPaintLab.AppSettings.Get("GeneratorThreads", out threads); if (threads <= 0) { threads = 15; } generator.MaxThreads = (uint)threads; generator.Progress += OnProgress; generator.Finished += OnFinished; generator.NewRecipe += OnNewRecipe; } generator.InitRecipes(profile.Recipes); string stateFile = System.IO.Path.Combine(profile.Directory, PAINT_STATE_FILE); if (System.IO.File.Exists(stateFile)) { generator.LoadState(stateFile); if (generator.CanResume) { beginButton.Label = "Restart"; stopResumeButton.Label = "Resume"; stopResumeButton.Sensitive = true; maxRecipeSpinButton.Value = Math.Max(generator.MaxConcentration, 14); // fullQuantitySpinButton.Value = generator.FullQuantity; // TODO: read/save profile info fullQuantityDepthSpinButton.Value = generator.FullQuantityDepth; // TODO: read/save profile info maxIngredientsSpinButton.Value = generator.MaxReagents; } } else { beginButton.Label = "Start"; stopResumeButton.Label = "Stop"; stopResumeButton.Sensitive = false; maxRecipeSpinButton.Value = 14; //fullQuantitySpinButton.Value = generator.FullQuantity; // TODO: read/save profile info //fullQuantityDepthSpinButton.Value = generator.FullQuantityDepth; // TODO: read/save profile info //maxIngredientsSpinButton.Value = generator.MaxReagents; } //generator.Log = System.IO.Path.Combine(profile.Directory, "dp_log.txt"); countLabel.Text = String.Format("{0} / {1}", profile.RecipeCount, Palette.Count); colorStore.Clear(); foreach (KeyValuePair pair in profile.Recipes) { if (pair.Value.IsValidForConcentration(PaintRecipe.PAINT_RECIPE_MIN_CONCENTRATION)) { string colorName = pair.Key; colorStore.AppendValues(colorName); } } recipeList.Show(); } private void InitStateForRibbons() { maxRecipeSpinButton.Adjustment.Lower = PaintRecipe.RIBBON_RECIPE_MIN_CONCENTRATION; fullQuantitySpinButton.Adjustment.Upper = 100; if (generator == null) { generator = new RecipeGenerator(profile.Reactions); int threads; DesertPaintLab.AppSettings.Get("GeneratorThreads", out threads); if (threads <= 0) { threads = 15; } generator.MaxThreads = (uint)threads; generator.Progress += OnProgress; generator.Finished += OnFinished; generator.NewRecipe += OnNewRecipe; } generator.InitRecipes(profile.RibbonRecipes); string stateFile = System.IO.Path.Combine(profile.Directory, RIBBON_STATE_FILE); if (System.IO.File.Exists(stateFile)) { generator.LoadState(stateFile); if (generator.CanResume) { beginButton.Label = "Restart"; stopResumeButton.Label = "Resume"; stopResumeButton.Sensitive = true; maxRecipeSpinButton.Value = Math.Max(generator.MaxConcentration, PaintRecipe.RIBBON_RECIPE_MIN_CONCENTRATION); // fullQuantitySpinButton.Value = generator.FullQuantity; // TODO: read/save profile info fullQuantityDepthSpinButton.Value = generator.FullQuantityDepth; // TODO: read/save profile info maxIngredientsSpinButton.Value = generator.MaxReagents; } } else { beginButton.Label = "Start"; stopResumeButton.Label = "Stop"; stopResumeButton.Sensitive = false; maxRecipeSpinButton.Value = PaintRecipe.RIBBON_RECIPE_MIN_CONCENTRATION ; //fullQuantitySpinButton.Value = generator.FullQuantity; // TODO: read/save profile info //fullQuantityDepthSpinButton.Value = generator.FullQuantityDepth; // TODO: read/save profile info //maxIngredientsSpinButton.Value = generator.MaxReagents; } countLabel.Text = String.Format("{0} / {1}", profile.RibbonCount, Palette.Count); colorStore.Clear(); foreach (KeyValuePair pair in profile.RibbonRecipes) { if (pair.Value.IsValidForConcentration(PaintRecipe.RIBBON_RECIPE_MIN_CONCENTRATION)) { string colorName = pair.Key; colorStore.AppendValues(colorName); } } recipeList.Show(); } public PlayerProfile Profile { set { if (profile != value) { // TODO: ensure not running profile = value; profile.LoadRecipes(); generator = new RecipeGenerator(profile.Reactions); int threads; DesertPaintLab.AppSettings.Get("GeneratorThreads", out threads); if (threads <= 0) { threads = 15; } generator.MaxThreads = (uint)threads; generator.Progress += OnProgress; generator.Finished += OnFinished; generator.NewRecipe += OnNewRecipe; if (checkButtonRibbon.Active) { InitStateForRibbons(); } else { InitStateForPaint(); } } } } protected void OnMinIngredientsChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { Gtk.SpinButton button = (Gtk.SpinButton) sender; if (button.ValueAsInt > maxIngredientsSpinButton.ValueAsInt) { maxIngredientsSpinButton.Value = button.ValueAsInt; } maxIngredientsSpinButton.SetRange(button.ValueAsInt, maxIngredientsSpinButton.Adjustment.Upper); } protected void OnMaxIngredientsChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { Gtk.SpinButton button = (Gtk.SpinButton) sender; if (button.ValueAsInt < minIngredientsSpinButton.ValueAsInt) { minIngredientsSpinButton.Value = button.ValueAsInt; } minIngredientsSpinButton.SetRange(1, button.ValueAsInt); // TODO: save profile setting // TODO: no longer permit resume } protected void OnMaxRecipeChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { // TODO: save profile setting // TODO: no longer permit resume } protected void OnFullQuantityDepthChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { // TODO: save profile setting // TODO: no longer permit resume } protected void OnFullQuantityChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { // TODO: save profile setting // TODO: no longer permit resume } protected void OnBegin(object sender, EventArgs e) { minIngredientsSpinButton.Sensitive = false; maxIngredientsSpinButton.Sensitive = false; //TODO ExportToWikiAction.Sensitive = false; maxRecipeSpinButton.Sensitive = false; beginButton.Sensitive = false; // TODO: change to "pause"? stopResumeButton.Sensitive = true; fullQuantitySpinButton.Sensitive = false; fullQuantityDepthSpinButton.Sensitive = false; reagentListView.Sensitive = false; checkButtonRibbon.Sensitive = false; countLabel.Text = String.Format("{0} / {1}", checkButtonRibbon.Active ? profile.RibbonCount : profile.RecipeCount, Palette.Count); // TODO: hook up event notifications // - progress // - complete // - new recipe / recipe update // Total recipe search count //int current = ReagentManager.Names.Count; //long recipePermutations = 1; //for (int i = 0; i < maxIngredientsSpinButton.ValueAsInt; ++i) //{ // recipePermutations *= current; // --current; //} //System.Console.WriteLine("Will search {0} reagent permutations.", recipePermutations); lastProgressUpdate = DateTime.Now.Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond; lastStatusUpdate = lastProgressUpdate; lastProfileSave = lastProgressUpdate; lastCheckpoint = lastProgressUpdate; running = true; canceling = false; pauseForCheckpoint = false; stopResumeButton.Label = "Pause"; if (Started != null) { Started(this, null); } generator.BeginRecipeGeneration((uint)(checkButtonRibbon.Active ? PaintRecipe.RIBBON_RECIPE_MIN_CONCENTRATION : PaintRecipe.PAINT_RECIPE_MIN_CONCENTRATION), (uint)maxRecipeSpinButton.ValueAsInt, (uint)minIngredientsSpinButton.Value, (uint)maxIngredientsSpinButton.ValueAsInt, (uint)fullQuantityDepthSpinButton.ValueAsInt, (uint)fullQuantitySpinButton.ValueAsInt); } protected void OnStopResume(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (generator != null) { if (running) { canceling = true; pauseForCheckpoint = false; generator.Stop(); } else { // Resume previous run //TODO ExportToWikiAction.Sensitive = false; reagentListView.Sensitive = false; minIngredientsSpinButton.Sensitive = false; maxIngredientsSpinButton.Sensitive = false; maxRecipeSpinButton.Sensitive = false; beginButton.Sensitive = false; stopResumeButton.Sensitive = true; fullQuantitySpinButton.Sensitive = false; fullQuantityDepthSpinButton.Sensitive = false; reagentListView.Sensitive = false; checkButtonRibbon.Sensitive = false; lastProgressUpdate = DateTime.Now.Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond; lastStatusUpdate = lastProgressUpdate; lastProfileSave = lastProgressUpdate; lastCheckpoint = lastProgressUpdate; canceling = false; pauseForCheckpoint = false; running = true; stopResumeButton.Label = "Pause"; if (Started != null) { Started(this, null); } generator.ResumeRecipeGeneration(); } } } private void HandleFinished() { generator.Wait(); if (pauseForCheckpoint) { pauseForCheckpoint = false; generator.SaveState(System.IO.Path.Combine(profile.Directory, checkButtonRibbon.Active ? RIBBON_STATE_FILE : PAINT_STATE_FILE)); generator.ResumeRecipeGeneration(); } else { running = false; beginButton.Sensitive = true; //TODO ExportToWikiAction.Sensitive = true; stopResumeButton.Sensitive = false; minIngredientsSpinButton.Sensitive = true; maxIngredientsSpinButton.Sensitive = true; maxRecipeSpinButton.Sensitive = true; fullQuantitySpinButton.Sensitive = true; fullQuantityDepthSpinButton.Sensitive = true; reagentListView.Sensitive = true; checkButtonRibbon.Sensitive = true; //generator = null; // don't. Hang on to generator for resume. profile.SaveRecipes(); if (canceling) { generator.SaveState(System.IO.Path.Combine(profile.Directory, checkButtonRibbon.Active ? RIBBON_STATE_FILE : PAINT_STATE_FILE)); stopResumeButton.Label = "Resume"; stopResumeButton.Sensitive = true; beginButton.Label = "Restart"; } else { System.IO.File.Delete(System.IO.Path.Combine(profile.Directory, checkButtonRibbon.Active ? RIBBON_STATE_FILE : PAINT_STATE_FILE)); } if (Stopped != null) { Stopped(this, null); } } } protected void OnFinished(object sender, EventArgs args) { notifyFinished.WakeupMain(); //Gtk.Application.Invoke(delegate { // HandleFinished(); //}); } private void HandleNewRecipe() { progressBar.Pulse(); PaintRecipe recipe = null; if (pendingNewRecipes.TryDequeue(out recipe)) { string recipeColor = Palette.FindNearest(recipe.ReactedColor); // TODO: Add item to recipe list only if not already listed bool exists = false; Gtk.TreeIter iter; if (colorStore.GetIterFirst(out iter)) { do { string color = (string)colorStore.GetValue(iter, 0); if (color.Equals(recipeColor)) { exists = true; break; } } while (colorStore.IterNext(ref iter)); } if (!exists) { //Console.WriteLine("Add new recipe for {0}", recipeColor); // bool isMissingReactions = args.Recipe.CheckMissingReactions(ref missingReactions); // string missingReactionLabel = isMissingReactions ? "X" : ""; colorStore.AppendValues(recipeColor); // , missingReactionLabel); countLabel.Text = String.Format("{0} / {1}", (checkButtonRibbon.Active ? profile.RibbonCount : profile.RecipeCount)+1, Palette.Count); } //else //{ // Console.WriteLine("Updated recipe for {0}", recipeColor); //} if (checkButtonRibbon.Active) { profile.SetRibbonRecipe(recipe); } else { profile.SetRecipe(recipe); } long progressTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond; long delta = progressTime - lastProfileSave; if (delta >= RECIPE_SAVE_INTERVAL) { profile.SaveRecipes(); lastProfileSave = progressTime; } Gtk.TreeModel model; Gtk.TreeSelection selection = recipeList.Selection; if ((selection != null) && selection.GetSelected(out model, out iter)) { string colorName = (string)colorStore.GetValue(iter, 0); if (colorName.Equals(recipeColor)) { ShowColor(recipe); } } } } protected void OnNewRecipe(object sender, NewRecipeEventArgs args) { PaintRecipe recipe = new PaintRecipe(args.Recipe); // copy it, so the worker thread can release lock(this) { pendingNewRecipes.Enqueue(recipe); } notifyNewRecipe.WakeupMain(); //Gtk.Application.Invoke(delegate { // HandleNewRecipe(); //}); } private void HandleProgress() { long progressTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond; long delta = progressTime - lastProgressUpdate; if (delta > 30) { lastProgressUpdate = progressTime; progressBar.Pulse(); } delta = progressTime - lastStatusUpdate; if (delta > 500) { lastStatusUpdate = progressTime; if (SetStatus != null) { SetStatus(this, new StatusUpdateEventArgs(String.Format("Recipes searched: {0:N00}", generator.RecipeCount))); } //TODO statusLabel.Text = String.Format("Recipes searched: {0:N00}", generator.RecipeCount); } delta = progressTime - lastCheckpoint; if (delta > CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL) { lastCheckpoint = progressTime; pauseForCheckpoint = true; generator.Stop(); } } protected void OnProgress(object sender, EventArgs args) { notifyProgress.WakeupMain(); } private void ShowColor(PaintRecipe recipe) { Gtk.ListStore store = (Gtk.ListStore)recipeIngredientsView.Model; store.Clear(); if (recipe.CheckMissingReactions(ref missingReactions)) { if (SetStatus != null) { SetStatus(this, new StatusUpdateEventArgs("WARNING: This recipe includes reactions that have not yet been recorded.")); } //TODO statusLabel.Text = "WARNING: This recipe includes reactions that have not yet been recorded."; } foreach (PaintRecipe.RecipeIngredient ingredient in recipe.Ingredients) { store.AppendValues(ingredient.quantity.ToString(), ingredient.name); } paintSwatch.Color = recipe.ReactedColor; } protected void OnColorSelected(object o, EventArgs args) { Gtk.TreeModel model; Gtk.TreeIter iter; Gtk.TreeSelection selection = recipeList.Selection; if ((selection != null) && selection.GetSelected(out model, out iter)) { string colorName = (string)colorStore.GetValue(iter, 0); PaintRecipe recipe; if (checkButtonRibbon.Active) { if (profile.RibbonRecipes.TryGetValue(colorName, out recipe)) { ShowColor(recipe); } } else { if (profile.Recipes.TryGetValue(colorName, out recipe)) { ShowColor(recipe); } } } } protected void OnShowIngredients(object sender, EventArgs e) { ReagentWindow win = new ReagentWindow(profile); win.Show(); } protected void OnDestroyed(object o, EventArgs args) { if (running) { // window closed while generator running: stop and save generator.Finished -= OnFinished; generator.Progress -= OnProgress; generator.NewRecipe -= OnNewRecipe; generator.Stop(); generator.Wait(); generator.SaveState(System.IO.Path.Combine(profile.Directory, checkButtonRibbon.Active ? RIBBON_STATE_FILE : PAINT_STATE_FILE)); } } // Reagent view handling private void RenderReagentToggle (Gtk.TreeViewColumn column, Gtk.CellRenderer cell, Gtk.TreeModel model, Gtk.TreeIter iter) { Reagent reagent = (Reagent) model.GetValue (iter, 0); Gtk.CellRendererToggle toggle = (cell as Gtk.CellRendererToggle); toggle.Active = reagent.Enabled; toggle.Activatable = !reagent.IsCatalyst; toggle.Mode = reagent.IsCatalyst ? Gtk.CellRendererMode.Inert : Gtk.CellRendererMode.Activatable; } private void RenderReagentCost (Gtk.TreeViewColumn column, Gtk.CellRenderer cell, Gtk.TreeModel model, Gtk.TreeIter iter) { Reagent reagent = (Reagent) model.GetValue (iter, 0); (cell as Gtk.CellRendererText).Text = reagent.Cost.ToString(); } private void RenderReagentQuantity (Gtk.TreeViewColumn column, Gtk.CellRenderer cell, Gtk.TreeModel model, Gtk.TreeIter iter) { Reagent reagent = (Reagent) model.GetValue (iter, 0); (cell as Gtk.CellRendererText).Text = reagent.RecipeMax.ToString(); } private void OnReagentCostChanged(object o, Gtk.EditedArgs args) { uint newCost; if (uint.TryParse(args.NewText, out newCost)) { Gtk.TreeIter iter; reagentListStore.GetIter (out iter, new Gtk.TreePath (args.Path)); Reagent reagent = (Reagent) reagentListStore.GetValue (iter, 0); if (reagent.Cost != newCost) { reagent.Cost = newCost; SaveReagentSettings(); } } } private void OnReagentQuantityChanged(object o, Gtk.EditedArgs args) { uint newMax; if (uint.TryParse(args.NewText, out newMax)) { Gtk.TreeIter iter; reagentListStore.GetIter (out iter, new Gtk.TreePath (args.Path)); Reagent reagent = (Reagent) reagentListStore.GetValue (iter, 0); if (reagent.RecipeMax != newMax) { reagent.RecipeMax = newMax; SaveReagentSettings(); } } } private void OnReagentEnableToggled(object o, Gtk.ToggledArgs args) { Gtk.TreeIter iter; reagentListStore.GetIter (out iter, new Gtk.TreePath (args.Path)); Reagent reagent = (Reagent) reagentListStore.GetValue (iter, 0); reagent.Enabled = !reagent.Enabled; SaveReagentSettings(); } private void SaveReagentSettings() { // save out state ReagentManager.SaveProfileReagents(profile.ReagentFile); } protected void OnCopyRecipeToClipboard(object sender, EventArgs e) { Gtk.TreeModel model; Gtk.TreeIter iter; Gtk.Clipboard clipboard = recipeIngredientsView.GetClipboard(Gdk.Selection.Clipboard); Gtk.TreeSelection selection = recipeList.Selection; if ((selection != null) && selection.GetSelected(out model, out iter)) { string colorName = (string)colorStore.GetValue(iter, 0); PaintRecipe recipe; if (checkButtonRibbon.Active) { if (profile.RibbonRecipes.TryGetValue(colorName, out recipe)) { clipboard.Text = recipe.ToString(); } } else { if (profile.Recipes.TryGetValue(colorName, out recipe)) { clipboard.Text = recipe.ToString(); } } } } protected void OnRecipesToggled(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (checkButtonRibbon.Active) { // changed to ribbons InitStateForRibbons(); } else { // changed to paints InitStateForPaint(); } profile.ProfileSettings.Set("Generator.Ribbons", checkButtonRibbon.Active); profile.Save(); } } }